The ISO flow approach is used when an ISO application, along with other documents such as bank statements, is submitted for the business application process, with a preference to prioritize processing the ISO application first. This ensures a thorough evaluation of the ISO application's compliance with requirements before proceeding with the analysis of bank statements for cash flow.

In this workflow, the initial step involves setting up an ISO flow Book, followed by uploading and classifying all documents. The ISO Application is specifically subjected to Instant capture. Here's how you can manage your documents within this framework:

  • Upgrade individual documents to be Instant Capture one by one and then move them to Complete when needed.
  • Upgrade groups of documents collectively to Instant Capture and then move them to Complete Capture as required.
  • Upgrade the entire Book to Instant Capture and then move it to Complete Capture as needed.

Recomended flow

We recommend using the following ISO workflow to process documents:

  1. Create a Book.

  2. Upload all documents to the Book. Include ISO Application as one document. Bank statements can either be submitted as individual documents or combined into one file. Pre-classification of documents is not required for this process.

  3. All the uploaded documents are classified, and any ISO applications are captured.

  4. Review ISO Application capture data and decide based on the below scenarios:

    • Upgrade documents individually to Instant and/or Complete to get the Captured data from the documents.

    • Upgrade the entire Book to Instant and/or Complete to get the Captured data from all of the documents.

You can process ISO App using one of the following methods:

Ocrolus API



This tutorial assumes a working knowledge of curl.

Setting up authentication

Before you use the Ocrolus API, you'll need to create a set of authentication credentials with the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Ocrolus Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the API Credentials tab.
  3. Add a new pair of credentials using the Add OAuth 2.0 API Credentials button.
  4. Follow the instructions given in the window that pops up. To learn more about this process, see the Creating and managing credentials page.

Create Book

Before uploading documents with Ocrolus, you must create a Book. A Book stores multiple documents as a unit.

To create a Book, perform the following steps:

  1. Send a POST request using the Create a Book endpoint. Include your authentication header and the name of your Book in the request body. Further, check the value of the book_class parameter in the response code. The available options are INSTANT, COMPLETE, INSTANT_CLASSIFY_ONLY, and INSTANT_CLASSIFY_ISO_CAPTURE.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
    --data '{
       "name":"{{book name}}",
       "is_public": true,
       "book_class": "INSTANT_CLASSIFY_ISO_CAPTURE"
  2. Review the details of the response example provided below to verify that the Book name and book_class match your intended specifications. Ensure that the book_class is INSTANT_CLASSIFY_ISO_CAPTURE

       "status": 200,
       "response": {
           "name": "{{book_name}}",
           "created": "2023-11-17T20:11:41Z",
           "created_ts": "2023-11-17T20:11:41Z",
           "pk": {{book_pk}},
           "owner_email": "[email protected]",
           "is_public": true,
           "uuid": "{{book_uuid}}",
           "book_type": "DEFAULT",
           "xid": null,
           "id": {{book_id}},
           "book_class": "INSTANT_CLASSIFY_ISO_CAPTURE"
       "message": "OK"
  3. A successful response will include the Book's UUID (response.uuid). Make a note of the Book's UUID value. It will be used in the subsequent steps while accessing the Book in the later API calls.

Upload documents to Book

Now that the Book has been created, the documents can be added to the Book for processing. To upload a document to a Book, you can select either of the following options based on your use case:

Use this endpoint when you have a PDF file and you are uncertain of the content, such as containing various types of forms like bank statements, pay stubs, tax forms, etc., or when you're unaware of the forms it contains. Using this endpoint will ensure that the entire PDF and all forms within it are classified into their specific types and then have their data captured.

To use this endpoint, perform the following steps:

  1. Upload the bank statement using the PDF Mixed Documents endpoint.

    curl --location '' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
     --form 'upload=@"/Path/To/MixedDoc.pdf"' \
     --form 'book_uuid="{{book_uuid}}"'
  2. Ensure that the PDF has been uploaded successfully and be sure to note the UUID value as it will be used to retrieve the Classify and Capture data from the document later.

        "status": 200,
        "response": {
            "mixed_uploaded_docs": [
                    "pk": {{mixed_uploaded_doc_pk}},
                    "uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "name": "MixedDoc.pdf",
                    "page_count": 5,
                    "checksum": "23296283534fbcf4bdae4902d2453373",
                    "created_ts": "2023-11-21T21:48:12Z",
                    "id": {{mixed_uploaded_doc_id}}
        "message": "OK"
  3. Each uploaded PDF is returned with a unique UUID.

Use this endpoint if you're certain that the PDF contains only one form type, and you already know the specific type of that form. For instance, if you require applicants to upload pay stubs and all uploaded PDFs will be pay stubs, specifying the form type ensures that the PDF undergoes the most effective capture methods tailored for that form type.

If you don't specify a form type in the request, the default form type will be set to bank statement, and the PDF will be parsed accordingly. This default is beneficial in scenarios where you anticipate the PDF to be a bank statement. Additionally, bank statement analytics will be computed and provided in the results. A bank statement is used in the below examples.

To use this endpoint, perform the following steps:

  1. Upload the bank statement using the Upload PDF to Book endpoint.

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
    --form 'upload=@"/Path/To/BankStatement.pdf"' \
    --form 'book_uuid="{{book_uuid}}"'
  2. Ensure that the PDF has been uploaded successfully and be sure to note the UUID as it will be used to retrieve the Classify and Capture data later. Each API call will provide a unique UUID for the uploaded PDF.

        "status": 200,
        "response": {
            "uploaded_docs": [
                    "pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                    "uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "name": "Dec.pdf",
                    "page_count": 4,
                    "checksum": "dcacaaa7070c490570584b77cf6bb081",
                    "created_ts": "2023-11-21T21:53:12Z",
                    "id": {{uploaded_doc_id}}
        "message": "OK"
  3. For uploading other document formats, like Images, Plaid Asset Reports, Plaid JSON data, tax forms, pay stubs, ISO applications, voided checks, and IDs, click here.

Retrieve Classify outcomes

If you've used Mixed document Upload, PDF Upload, or Image Group endpoint and Ocrolus has classified the forms within the provided document(s), you can retrieve the types of classifications Ocrolus assigned to the uploaded document. This helps you understand the types of forms provided and how they were processed. It's useful to validate if an applicant has submitted all required documentation or if you need to request additional or different documents. The endpoint can address specific queries using the Uniqueness Values (UVs) returned. For example, it can verify if the uploads include a bank statement from the last two months.

You can check the following Classify outcomes:

Book level Classify outcomes

If you want to get the classification outcome for all PDFs or Images that have been uploaded to the Book, use the Book classification summary endpoint. This endpoint will return the classification for directly uploaded PDFs or Images and Mixed Document Uploads. It also includes relevant UUIDs for forms, uploaded documents, and mixed documents.

To utilize this endpoint, you need to have the book_uuid of the Book for which you want classification information. The book_uuid is generated during the Book creation process. Alternatively, you can obtain the book_uuid by using the Get All Books endpoint.

The following are the request and response code examples. In this instance, the uploaded image group was Rejected by Instant, as indicated in the response code snippet below.

curl --location --request GET '{{book_uuid}}/classification-summary' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' 
    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "book_uuid": "{{book_uuid}}",
        "forms": [
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "1"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
                    "account_type": "CHECKING",
                    "display_name": "BANK STATEMENT"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": [
                        "display_name": "Account Holder",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountHolder",
                        "value": "HARRY'S HOTDOG HOUSE",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Bank Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:bankName",
                        "value": "CHASE",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Account Number",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountNumber",
                        "value": "423569851129",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Account Type",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountType",
                        "value": "CHECKING",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Period Start Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:periodStartDate",
                        "value": "09/10/2020",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Period End Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:periodEndDate",
                        "value": "10/09/2020",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "1"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "PAYSTUB",
                    "account_type": "UNKNOWN",
                    "display_name": "Paystub"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": [
                        "display_name": "Employee Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part2-EmployeeDetails:employeeName",
                        "value": "DAVID BECON",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Employer Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part1-EmployerDetails:nameOfEmployer/Company",
                        "value": "NY WORK CO",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payDate",
                        "value": "2022-11-15",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Period Start Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payPeriodStartDate",
                        "value": "2022-11-15",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Period End Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payPeriodEndDate",
                        "value": "2022-11-15",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "1"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "ISO_APP",
                    "account_type": null,
                    "display_name": "ISO Small Business Loan Application"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": []
                "form_uuid": null,
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "0.0"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "UNKNOWN",
                    "account_type": "UNKNOWN",
                    "display_name": "UNKNOWN"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": []
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "PRE_IDENTIFIED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "doc_uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": null
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "W2",
                    "account_type": null,
                    "display_name": "W2"
                "is_original": false,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": "56b0596d-b30f-4b1a-b080-8bc9116934f2",
                "uniqueness_values": []
                "form_uuid": null,
                "upload_origin": "PRE_IDENTIFIED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "doc_uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": null
                "status": "REJECTED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "UNKNOWN",
                    "account_type": "UNKNOWN",
                    "display_name": "UNKNOWN"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": []
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "PRE_IDENTIFIED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "doc_uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": null
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "PAYSTUB",
                    "account_type": "UNKNOWN",
                    "display_name": "Paystub"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": [
                        "display_name": "Employee Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part2-EmployeeDetails:employeeName",
                        "value": "TAMIKA S. NOTE",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Employer Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part1-EmployerDetails:nameOfEmployer/Company",
                        "value": "INSTANT CARD NATIONAL",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payDate",
                        "value": "2022-03-18",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Period Start Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payPeriodStartDate",
                        "value": "2022-03-04",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                        "display_name": "Pay Period End Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "paystub-Part4-PaystubDetails:payPeriodEndDate",
                        "value": "2022-03-17",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "PRE_IDENTIFIED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "doc_uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": null
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
                    "account_type": "CHECKING",
                    "display_name": "BANK STATEMENT"
                "is_original": true,
                "form_uuid_duplicate_of": null,
                "uniqueness_values": [
                        "display_name": "Account Holder",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountHolder",
                        "value": "JILL S COFFEE",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Bank Name",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:bankName",
                        "value": "CHASE",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Account Number",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountNumber",
                        "value": "488083738759",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Account Type",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:accountType",
                        "value": "CHECKING",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Period Start Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:periodStartDate",
                        "value": "12/10/2020",
                        "confidence": 0.0
                        "display_name": "Period End Date",
                        "raw_field_key": "bank_account:periodEndDate",
                        "value": "01/09/2021",
                        "confidence": 0.0
    "message": "OK"

Mixed document level Classify outcomes

If you want to obtain the classification outcomes for forms within a mixed document, utilize the Mixed Doc classification summary endpoint. It will provide the form UUIDs for the mixed document and any forms within it. Subsequently, use these UUIDs to gather Capture data using the methods outlined below.

curl --location --request GET '{{mixed_doc_uuid}}/classification-summary' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' 

    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
        "forms": [
                "form_uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "1"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "ISO_APP",
                    "account_type": null,
                    "display_name": "ISO Small Business Loan Application"
                "uniqueness_values": []
                "form_uuid": null,
                "upload_origin": "MIXED",
                "upload_details": {
                    "mixed_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
                    "mixed_doc_page_indexes": [
                    "confidence": "0.0"
                "status": "COMPLETED",
                "form_type": {
                    "name": "UNKNOWN",
                    "account_type": "UNKNOWN",
                    "display_name": "UNKNOWN"
                "uniqueness_values": []
    "message": "OK"

Once you have the Classify outcomes, you can then decide which documents to proceed next to Capture and extract the information.

Retrieve Capture data for ISO applications

The ISO App will be automatically parsed via Instant, and the data will be available via the Book Form Data endpoint. For the bank statements, use the Transactions endpoint. Use the Book Form Data endpoint to get ISO application data captured along with its UUID.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{

    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "pk": {{book_pk}},
        "uuid": "{{book_uuid}}",
        "name": "iso test 12345",
        "created": "2024-02-15T15:17:55Z",
        "created_ts": "2024-02-15T15:17:55Z",
        "verified_pages_count": 19,
        "book_status": "ACTIVE",
        "id": 46308018,
        "forms": [
                "pk": {{form_pl}},
                "uuid": "{{form_uuid}}",
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "form_type": "ISO_APP",
                "raw_fields": {
                    "iso_app-Part4-Owner1Info:lastName": {
                        "value": "SAMPLE",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part5-Owner2Info:lastName": {
                        "value": "SAMPLE",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part4-Owner1Info:firstName": {
                        "value": "DAVID",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part5-Owner2Info:firstName": {
                        "value": "JOHN",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part4-Owner1Info:mobilePhone": {
                        "value": "411-555-5555",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part3-FundingInfo:amountRequested": {
                        "value": "70000.00",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part2-BusinessInfo:businessStartDate": {
                        "value": "01/01/2019",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part2-BusinessInfo:companyFederalTaxId": {
                        "value": "12-3456789",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": null,
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                    "iso_app-Part3-FundingInfo:annualRevenue(GrossSales)": {
                        "value": "100000.00",
                        "is_empty": false,
                        "alias_used": "Annual Business Revenue",
                        "source_filename": "ISOAPP.pdf",
                        "confidence": 1.0
                "form_config_pk": {{form_config_pk}},
                "tables": [],
                "attribute_data": null
        "book_is_complete": true
    "message": "OK"



If the Instant parsing of the ISO application fails to provide the confidence level needed for all the fields required for decision-making, you have the option to upgrade the processing of the ISO application to Complete using the Upgrade document endpoint by using the ISO application document UUID.

Run Capture for the bank statements

Once the documents have been Classified, you can then choose the document that has to be processed through Capture. You can do this for an individual document or a mixed document. You can upgrade the document to Instant or Complete as well.

Upgrade document

To upgrade a classified document, use the Upgrade document endpoint.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
    "doc_uuid" : "{{uuid}}",
    "upgrade_type" : "COMPLETE"

    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "pk": {{doc_pk}},
        "uuid": "{{doc_uuid}}",
        "name": "Nov.pdf",
        "document_status": "PROCESSING",
        "book_pk": {{book_pk}},
        "processing_type": "STANDARD"
    "message": "OK"

Upgrade mixed document

To upgrade a classified mixed document, you can use the Mixed document upgrade endpoint to run Capture on them.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{
    "mixed_doc_uuid" : "{{uuid}}",
    "upgrade_type" : "INSTANT"

    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "pk": {{mixed_doc_pk}},
        "uuid": "{{mixed_doc_uuid}}",
        "name": "MixedDoc2.pdf",
        "document_status": "PROCESSING",
        "book_pk": {{book_pk}},
        "processing_type": "CAPTURE_MACHINE_ONLY"
    "message": "OK"

Retrieve Analyze data for the bank statements

To retrieve the basic information on the bank statements like account number, account name, statement period, and all transactions, use the Transactions endpoint. This endpoint can be used at the Book level to retrieve information about all bank statements available in the Book or at the document level to gather details about a specific bank statement within the Book.

All bank statements in a Book

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--data '{

    "status": 200,
    "response": {
        "txns": [
                "page_idx": 0,
                "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
                "amount": "300.00",
                "bbox": [
                "txn_date": "12/11/2020",
                "page_doc_pk": {{page_doc_pk}},
                "pk": {{transaction_pk}},
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "description": "BKOFAMERICA ATM 12/11 # 000003710 DEPOSIT 1608 AVE M BROOKLYN NY",
                "txn_pk_duplicate_of": null,
                "comment": "",
                "explanation": "",
                "has_probable_transfers": false,
                "tags": {},
                "period_pk": {{period_pk}}
                "page_idx": 0,
                "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
                "amount": "-1074.69",
                "bbox": [
                "txn_date": "12/11/2020",
                "page_doc_pk": {{page_doc_pk}},
                "pk": {{transaction_pk}},
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "description": "CHECKCARD 1211 TUNA MED FOOD BROOKLYN NY [...",
                "txn_pk_duplicate_of": null,
                "comment": "",
                "explanation": "",
                "has_probable_transfers": false,
                "tags": {},
                "period_pk": {{period_pk}}
                "page_idx": 0,
                "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
                "amount": "-336.00",
                "bbox": [
                "txn_date": "12/11/2020",
                "page_doc_pk": {{page_doc_pk}},
                "pk": {{transaction_pk}},
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "description": "PAYROLL DES: PAYROLL ID: 18171908 INDN: JILL S COFFEE CO [... ]",
                "txn_pk_duplicate_of": null,
                "comment": "",
                "explanation": "",
                "has_probable_transfers": false,
                "tags": {},
                "period_pk": {{period_pk}}
                "page_idx": 0,
                "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
                "amount": "500.00",
                "bbox": [
                "txn_date": "12/13/2020",
                "page_doc_pk": {{page_doc_pk}},
                "pk": {{transaction_pk}},
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "description": "BKOFAMERICA ATM 12/13 # 000003746 DEPOSIT 1608 AVE M BROOKLYN NY",
                "txn_pk_duplicate_of": null,
                "comment": "",
                "explanation": "",
                "has_probable_transfers": false,
                "tags": {},
                "period_pk": {{period_pk}}
                "page_idx": 0,
                "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
                "amount": "-1076.88",
                "bbox": [
                "txn_date": "12/13/2020",
                "page_doc_pk": {{page_doc_pk}},
                "pk": {{transaction_pk}},
                "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                "description": "PAYROLL DES: PAYROLL ID: 13694786 INDN: JILL S COFFEE CO [... ]",
                "txn_pk_duplicate_of": null,
                "comment": "",
                "explanation": "",
                "has_probable_transfers": false,
                "tags": {},
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                "description": "AMERICAN EXPRES DES: PAYMENT ID: V7685 INDN: VERIZON [...",
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                "name": "123456789 CHASE CHECKING",
                "bank_name": "CHASE",
                "activity_info": {
                    "active": [
                            "start": {
                                "year": 2020,
                                "month": 12,
                                "day": 10
                            "end": {
                                "year": 2021,
                                "month": 1,
                                "day": 9
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                "account_holders": [
                    "JILL S COFFEE"
        "tags": {}
    "message": "OK"

Retrieve Analyze data

Ocrolus calculates various analytics for bank statements, which are accessible through three different endpoints. The data from these endpoints can be utilized to make cash flow-based underwriting decisions.

Book summary

The Book Summary endpoint provides daily balances, bank account PII, and time series for all transaction categories at the Book and bank account level. It will also show you which bank statements were included in the calculations and which were excluded based on whether they were successfully processed or not.

curl --location ‘{{book_uuid}}/summary' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' 
    "book_pk": {{book_pk}},
    "book_name": "{{book_name}}",
    "txn_count": 105,
    "daily_balances": {
        "2020-07-10": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-11": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-12": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-13": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-14": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-15": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-16": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-17": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-18": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-19": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-20": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-21": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-22": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-23": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-24": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-25": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-26": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-27": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-28": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-29": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-30": 17340.41,
        "2020-07-31": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-01": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-02": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-03": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-04": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-05": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-06": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-07": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-08": 17340.41,
        "2020-08-09": 17340.41,
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        "2020-09-11": 2808.97,
        "2020-09-12": 3608.97,
        "2020-09-13": 5462.11,
        "2020-09-14": 4385.23,
        "2020-09-15": 4100.69,
        "2020-09-16": 4100.69,
        "2020-09-17": 4721.83,
        "2020-09-18": 4721.83,
        "2020-09-19": 4721.83,
        "2020-09-20": 5672.2,
        "2020-09-21": 5363.43,
        "2020-09-22": 6113.43,
        "2020-09-23": 6113.43,
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        "2020-09-25": 7097.67,
        "2020-09-26": 7753.9,
        "2020-09-27": 8311.59,
        "2020-09-28": 7234.71,
        "2020-09-29": 7634.71,
        "2020-09-30": 7212.57,
        "2020-10-01": 7392.82,
        "2020-10-02": 7225.98,
        "2020-10-03": 7389.98,
        "2020-10-04": 8364.35,
        "2020-10-05": 4407.47,
        "2020-10-06": 4407.47,
        "2020-10-07": 4493.89,
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        "2020-10-09": 15254.4,
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        "2020-12-17": 14030.18,
        "2020-12-18": 10679.2,
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        "2020-12-28": 11563.67,
        "2020-12-29": 11009.53,
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        "2020-12-31": 13834.3,
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        "2021-01-02": 14114.55,
        "2021-01-03": 11686.79,
        "2021-01-04": 11053.83,
        "2021-01-05": 4990.35,
        "2021-01-06": 5481.02,
        "2021-01-07": 5481.02,
        "2021-01-08": 6631.02,
        "2021-01-09": 6503.03
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        "2020-07-14": 0.0,
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        "2020-07-30": 0.0,
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        "2020-08-08": 0.0,
        "2020-08-09": 0.0,
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        "2020-09-13": 1853.14,
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        "2020-09-16": 0.0,
        "2020-09-17": 621.14,
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        "2020-09-25": 284.24,
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        "2020-09-29": 400.0,
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        "2020-10-06": 0.0,
        "2020-10-07": 86.42,
        "2020-10-08": 0.0,
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        "2020-12-11": -1110.69,
        "2020-12-12": 0.0,
        "2020-12-13": 474.28,
        "2020-12-14": -636.47,
        "2020-12-15": -1557.45,
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        "2020-12-17": -1866.14,
        "2020-12-18": -3350.98,
        "2020-12-19": 350.0,
        "2020-12-20": -1852.78,
        "2020-12-21": 350.0,
        "2020-12-22": 0.0,
        "2020-12-23": 303.0,
        "2020-12-24": 0.0,
        "2020-12-25": 1150.0,
        "2020-12-26": 0.0,
        "2020-12-27": 1600.0,
        "2020-12-28": -1015.75,
        "2020-12-29": -554.14,
        "2020-12-30": 2824.77,
        "2020-12-31": 0.0,
        "2021-01-01": -119.75,
        "2021-01-02": 400.0,
        "2021-01-03": -2427.76,
        "2021-01-04": -632.96,
        "2021-01-05": -6063.48,
        "2021-01-06": 490.67,
        "2021-01-07": 0.0,
        "2021-01-08": 1150.0,
        "2021-01-09": -127.99
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
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        "2020-10": 8041.83,
        "2020-12": -5050.27,
        "2021-01": -7331.27
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        "2020-08": 17340.41,
        "2020-09": 2808.97,
        "2020-10": 4407.47,
        "2020-12": 9176.42,
        "2021-01": 4990.35
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        "2020-12": 13211.34,
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        "2020-09": [],
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        "2020-12": [],
        "2021-01": []
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        "2020-10-01": 1147.44,
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        "2021-01-01": 1157.79
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        "2020-10": 8211.83,
        "2020-12": 10605.52,
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        "2020-09": -6404.82,
        "2020-10": -5732.33,
        "2020-12": -20244.44,
        "2021-01": -14085.78
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -6404.82,
        "2020-10": -5732.33,
        "2020-12": -20244.44,
        "2021-01": -14085.78
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        "2020-10": 13774.16,
        "2020-12": 15194.17,
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
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        "2021-01": 6754.51
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 10681.58,
        "2020-10": 13774.16,
        "2020-12": 15194.17,
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
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        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
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        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -2153.76,
        "2020-10": -1076.88,
        "2020-12": -6231.76,
        "2021-01": -1454.88
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "insurance_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "venmo_zelle_cashapp_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 4531.58,
        "2020-10": 2224.16,
        "2020-12": 8744.17,
        "2021-01": 4004.51
    "venmo_zelle_cashapp_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "atm_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 6150.0,
        "2020-10": 11550.0,
        "2020-12": 6450.0,
        "2021-01": 2750.0
    "atm_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -100.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": -100.0,
        "2021-01": -150.0
    "tolls_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "tolls_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "paypal_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "paypal_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "equipment_lease_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "equipment_lease_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "checks_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 3800.0,
        "2020-10": 11100.0,
        "2020-12": 6600.0,
        "2021-01": 1600.0
    "txn_four_zeros_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -100.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": -2300.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 1000.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "txn_five_zeros_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "probable_recurring_txns_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 2700.0,
        "2020-10": 600.0,
        "2020-12": 2150.0,
        "2021-01": 1650.0
    "probable_recurring_txns_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -2153.76,
        "2020-10": -1076.88,
        "2020-12": -3581.76,
        "2021-01": -1454.88
    "fintech_loan_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "fintech_loan_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": -2733.48
    "bank_loan_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "bank_loan_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "other_loan_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "other_loan_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "bank_cash_advance_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": -3851.71,
        "2020-10": -4575.45,
        "2020-12": -13610.93,
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        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "credit_card_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "merchant_service_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 4531.58,
        "2020-10": 2224.16,
        "2020-12": 8744.17,
        "2021-01": 4004.51
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "sba_inflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "remote_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "remote_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "benefits_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "benefits_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "card_rewards_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "card_rewards_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "crypto_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "crypto_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "gambling_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "gambling_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "investment_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "investment_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "reversed_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "reversed_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "state_tax_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "state_tax_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "payroll_tax_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "payroll_tax_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "internal_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "internal_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "merchant_service_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "merchant_service_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "wire_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "wire_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "other_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "other_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "truck_stop_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "truck_stop_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "federal_tax_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "bank_branch_inflows_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "bank_branch_outflows_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "Deli_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "Deli and Groceries_by_month": {
        "2020-07": 0.0,
        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 10300.0,
        "2020-12": 2100.0,
        "2021-01": 2109.37
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
    "another_custom_tag_by_month": {
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
        "2020-12": 0.0,
        "2021-01": 0.0
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        "2020-08": 0.0,
        "2020-09": 0.0,
        "2020-10": 0.0,
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        "2020-08": 0,
        "2020-09": 0,
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        "2020-08": 0,
        "2020-09": 0,
        "2020-10": 0,
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        "2020-08": 0,
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        "2020-12": 0,
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        "2020-09": 0,
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        "2021-01": 0
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            "deposit_count": 0,
            "deposits": {},
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            "pmt_count": 1,
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            "pmts": {
                "2021-01-05": -2733.48
    "fintech_mca_sources": [],
    "num_fintech_loan_sources": 1,
    "num_fintech_mca_sources": 0,
    "cash_flow_at_a_glance": {
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        "debt_coverage_ratio": 0.98,
        "total_nsf_fee_count": 0
    "bank_accounts": [
            "bank_account_pk": {{bank_account_pk}},
            "bank_account_name": "123456789 CHASE CHECKING",
            "bank_name": "CHASE",
            "account_type": "CHECKING",
            "account_holder": "JILL S COFFEE",
            "account_number": "{{account_number}}",
            "holder_zip": "11215",
            "holder_country": "US",
            "holder_state": "NY",
            "holder_city": "New York",
            "holder_address_1": "74 Prospect Park West Park Slope",
            "holder_address_2": null,
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                "2020-12-11": 17773.88,
                "2020-12-12": 17773.88,
                "2020-12-13": 18248.16,
                "2020-12-14": 17611.69,
                "2020-12-15": 16054.24,
                "2020-12-16": 15896.32,
                "2020-12-17": 14030.18,
                "2020-12-18": 10679.2,
                "2020-12-19": 11029.2,
                "2020-12-20": 9176.42,
                "2020-12-21": 9526.42,
                "2020-12-22": 9526.42,
                "2020-12-23": 9829.42,
                "2020-12-24": 9829.42,
                "2020-12-25": 10979.42,
                "2020-12-26": 10979.42,
                "2020-12-27": 12579.42,
                "2020-12-28": 11563.67,
                "2020-12-29": 11009.53,
                "2020-12-30": 13834.3,
                "2020-12-31": 13834.3,
                "2021-01-01": 13714.55,
                "2021-01-02": 14114.55,
                "2021-01-03": 11686.79,
                "2021-01-04": 11053.83,
                "2021-01-05": 4990.35,
                "2021-01-06": 5481.02,
                "2021-01-07": 5481.02,
                "2021-01-08": 6631.02,
                "2021-01-09": 6503.03
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                "2020-12-10": 0.0,
                "2020-12-11": -1110.69,
                "2020-12-12": 0.0,
                "2020-12-13": 474.28,
                "2020-12-14": -636.47,
                "2020-12-15": -1557.45,
                "2020-12-16": -157.92,
                "2020-12-17": -1866.14,
                "2020-12-18": -3350.98,
                "2020-12-19": 350.0,
                "2020-12-20": -1852.78,
                "2020-12-21": 350.0,
                "2020-12-22": 0.0,
                "2020-12-23": 303.0,
                "2020-12-24": 0.0,
                "2020-12-25": 1150.0,
                "2020-12-26": 0.0,
                "2020-12-27": 1600.0,
                "2020-12-28": -1015.75,
                "2020-12-29": -554.14,
                "2020-12-30": 2824.77,
                "2020-12-31": 0.0,
                "2021-01-01": -119.75,
                "2021-01-02": 400.0,
                "2021-01-03": -2427.76,
                "2021-01-04": -632.96,
                "2021-01-05": -6063.48,
                "2021-01-06": 490.67,
                "2021-01-07": 0.0,
                "2021-01-08": 1150.0,
                "2021-01-09": -127.99
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                "2020-12": -5050.27,
                "2021-01": -7331.27
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                "2021-01": 4990.35
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                "2021-01": 6727.45
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                "2020-12": [],
                "2021-01": []
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                "2020-12": [],
                "2021-01": []
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            "cash_flow_trend_60d": -0.26,
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                "2021-01-01": 1157.79
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                "2021-01": 4152.26
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                "2021-01": -14085.78
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                "2021-01": 6754.51
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 6754.51
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": -1454.88
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                "2021-01": 0.0
            "insurance_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 4004.51
            "venmo_zelle_cashapp_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 6450.0,
                "2021-01": 2750.0
            "atm_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": -100.0,
                "2021-01": -150.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
            "equipment_lease_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
            "checks_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 1600.0
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                "2020-12": -2300.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 1000.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
            "txn_five_zeros_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 2150.0,
                "2021-01": 1650.0
            "probable_recurring_txns_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-12": -3581.76,
                "2021-01": -1454.88
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": -2733.48
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0.0,
                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2021-01": 0.0
            "Deli and Groceries_by_month": {
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                "2021-01": 0.0
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                "2020-12": 0,
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                    "end": "2021-01-09"
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                    "end_date": "2021-01-09",
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            "bank_name": "CHASE",
            "account_type": "CHECKING",
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            "account_number": "{{account_number}}",
            "holder_zip": "12345",
            "holder_country": "US",
            "holder_state": "",
            "holder_city": "OMAHA, NB",
            "holder_address_1": "123 Meat Street",
            "holder_address_2": null,
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                "2020-09-14": 4385.23,
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                "2020-09-16": 4100.69,
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                "2020-09-18": 4721.83,
                "2020-09-19": 4721.83,
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                "2020-09-22": 6113.43,
                "2020-09-23": 6113.43,
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                "2020-09-26": 7753.9,
                "2020-09-27": 8311.59,
                "2020-09-28": 7234.71,
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                "2020-09-30": 7212.57,
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                "2020-10-05": 4407.47,
                "2020-10-06": 4407.47,
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                "2020-10-08": 4493.89,
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                "2020-09-12": 800.0,
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                "2020-09-14": -1076.88,
                "2020-09-15": -284.54,
                "2020-09-16": 0.0,
                "2020-09-17": 621.14,
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                "2020-09-19": 0.0,
                "2020-09-20": 950.37,
                "2020-09-21": -308.77,
                "2020-09-22": 750.0,
                "2020-09-23": 0.0,
                "2020-09-24": 700.0,
                "2020-09-25": 284.24,
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                "2020-09-27": 557.69,
                "2020-09-28": -1076.88,
                "2020-09-29": 400.0,
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                "2020-10-02": -166.84,
                "2020-10-03": 164.0,
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                "2020-10-07": 86.42,
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            "factoring_outflows_by_month": {
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                "2020-10": 0.0
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            "insurance_outflows_by_month": {
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            "venmo_zelle_cashapp_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "atm_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 6150.0,
                "2020-10": 11550.0
            "atm_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": -100.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "tolls_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "tolls_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "paypal_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "paypal_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "equipment_lease_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "equipment_lease_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "checks_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "checks_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "txn_four_zeros_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 3800.0,
                "2020-10": 11100.0
            "txn_four_zeros_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": -100.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "txn_five_zeros_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "txn_five_zeros_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "probable_recurring_txns_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 2700.0,
                "2020-10": 600.0
            "probable_recurring_txns_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": -2153.76,
                "2020-10": -1076.88
            "fintech_loan_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "fintech_loan_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_loan_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_loan_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "other_loan_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "other_loan_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "fintech_mca_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "fintech_mca_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_cash_advance_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_cash_advance_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "debit_card_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "debit_card_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": -3851.71,
                "2020-10": -4575.45
            "credit_card_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "credit_card_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "merchant_service_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 4531.58,
                "2020-10": 2224.16
            "merchant_service_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "sba_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "sba_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "remote_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "remote_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "benefits_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "benefits_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "card_rewards_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "card_rewards_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "crypto_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "crypto_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "gambling_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "gambling_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "investment_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "investment_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "reversed_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "reversed_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "state_tax_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "state_tax_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "payroll_tax_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "payroll_tax_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "internal_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "internal_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "merchant_service_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "merchant_service_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "wire_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "wire_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "other_transfer_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "other_transfer_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "truck_stop_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "truck_stop_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "federal_tax_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "federal_tax_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_branch_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "bank_branch_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "credit_builder_inflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "credit_builder_outflows_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "custom_tag_test_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "Deli_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "Deli and Groceries_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "large_deposits_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 10300.0
            "custom_tag_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "another_custom_tag_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "yet_another_custom_tag_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "groceries_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0.0,
                "2020-10": 0.0
            "nsf_fee_count_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0,
                "2020-10": 0
            "nsf_divisor": null,
            "nsf_raw_fee_count_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0,
                "2020-10": 0
            "overdraft_fee_count_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0,
                "2020-10": 0
            "overdraft_divisor": null,
            "overdraft_raw_fee_count_by_month": {
                "2020-09": 0,
                "2020-10": 0
            "fintech_loan_sources": [],
            "fintech_mca_sources": [],
            "num_fintech_loan_sources": 0,
            "num_fintech_mca_sources": 0,
            "active_dates": [
                    "start": "2020-09-10",
                    "end": "2020-10-09"
            "missing_dates": [],
            "cash_flow_at_a_glance": {
                "total_revenue": 24455.74,
                "total_expense": 12137.15,
                "total_loan_proceeds": 0.0,
                "total_loan_payments": 0.0,
                "debt_coverage_ratio": null,
                "total_nsf_fee_count": 0
            "periods": [
                    "begin_date": "2020-09-10",
                    "end_date": "2020-10-09",
                    "begin_balance": 2935.81,
                    "end_balance": 13956.07,
                    "txn_count": 47,
                    "uploaded_doc_pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
                    "average_amount": 778.57,
                    "average_daily_balance": 6050.32,
                    "average_daily_cash_flow": 410.62,
                    "average_deposit": 1063.29,
                    "deposit_sum": 24455.74,
                    "deposit_count": 23,
                    "withdrawal_sum": -12137.15,
                    "withdrawal_count": 22,
                    "revenue": 24455.74,
                    "negative_balances_weekday": [],
                    "nsf_fee_sum": 0.0,
                    "nsf_fee_count": 0,
                    "nsf_raw_fee_count": 0,
                    "overdraft_fee_sum": 0.0,
                    "overdraft_fee_count": 0,
                    "overdraft_raw_fee_count": 0,
                    "returned_item_deposit_count": 0,
                    "returned_item_withdrawal_count": 0,
                    "has_weekend_txn": true,
                    "nsf_divisor": null,
                    "overdraft_divisor": null
    "number_of_docs_in_book": 4,
    "number_of_docs_processed": 2,
    "uploaded_docs": [
            "pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "status": "VERIFICATION_COMPLETE",
            "pages": 4,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_pk": null,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": null,
            "rejection_reason": null
            "pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "status": "VERIFICATION_COMPLETE",
            "pages": 4,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_pk": {{mixed_uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "rejection_reason": null
            "pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "status": "REJECTED",
            "pages": 4,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_pk": {{mixed_uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "{{mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "rejection_reason": "INSTANT NOT SUPPORTED"
            "pk": {{uploaded_doc_pk}},
            "uuid": "{{uploaded_doc_uuid}}",
            "status": "REJECTED",
            "pages": 4,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_pk": null,
            "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": null,
            "rejection_reason": "INSTANT NOT SUPPORTED"
    "book_uuid": "{{book_uuid}}"

Cash Flow Features

The Cash Flow Features endpoint returns pre-engineered analytics on a series of bank statements within a Book with an object structure that’s suitable for modeling applications.

curl --location ‘{{book_uuid}}/cash_flow_features' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' 
    "book_uuid": "{{book_uuid}",
    "book_start_month": "2020-07-01",
    "book_end_month": "2021-01-01",
    "num_of_months": 6,
    "cash_flow_features": {
        "credit_avg_1m": 6754.51,
        "credit_avg_3m": 11907.61,
        "credit_min_3m": 6754.51,
        "credit_max_3m": 15194.17,
        "credit_std_3m": 3689.62,
        "credit_cv_3m": 0.31,
        "debit_avg_1m": 14085.78,
        "debit_avg_3m": 13354.18,
        "debit_min_3m": 5732.33,
        "debit_max_3m": 20244.44,
        "debit_std_3m": 5947.09,
        "debit_cv_3m": 0.45,
        "payroll_pmts_avg_1m": 1454.88,
        "payroll_pmts_avg_3m": 2921.17,
        "payroll_pmts_min_3m": 1076.88,
        "payroll_pmts_max_3m": 6231.76,
        "payroll_pmts_std_3m": 2346.02,
        "payroll_pmts_cv_3m": 0.8,
        "insurance_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "insurance_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "insurance_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_avg_1m": 4004.51,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_avg_3m": 4990.95,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_min_3m": 2224.16,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_max_3m": 8744.17,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_std_3m": 2751.66,
        "venmo_zelle_cashapp_deposits_cv_3m": 0.55,
        "atm_withdrawals_avg_1m": 150.0,
        "atm_withdrawals_avg_3m": 83.33,
        "atm_withdrawals_min_3m": 0.0,
        "atm_withdrawals_max_3m": 150.0,
        "atm_withdrawals_std_3m": 62.36,
        "atm_withdrawals_cv_3m": 0.75,
        "atm_deposits_avg_1m": 2750.0,
        "atm_deposits_avg_3m": 6916.67,
        "atm_deposits_min_3m": 2750.0,
        "atm_deposits_max_3m": 11550.0,
        "atm_deposits_std_3m": 3607.71,
        "atm_deposits_cv_3m": 0.52,
        "toll_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "toll_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "toll_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "toll_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "toll_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "toll_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "paypal_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "checks_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "outside_source_deposits_avg_1m": 6754.51,
        "outside_source_deposits_avg_3m": 11907.61,
        "outside_source_deposits_min_3m": 6754.51,
        "outside_source_deposits_max_3m": 15194.17,
        "outside_source_deposits_std_3m": 3689.62,
        "outside_source_deposits_cv_3m": 0.31,
        "truck_stop_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "truck_stop_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "truck_stop_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "truck_stop_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "truck_stop_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "truck_stop_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_avg_1m": 2733.48,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_avg_3m": 911.16,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_max_3m": 2733.48,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_std_3m": 1288.57,
        "fintech_loan_pmts_cv_3m": 1.41,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_loan_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
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        "bank_loan_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_loan_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "other_loan_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_max_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "fintech_mca_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_min_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_pmts_cv_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_deposits_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_deposits_avg_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_deposits_min_3m": 0.0,
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        "bank_cash_advance_deposits_std_3m": 0.0,
        "bank_cash_advance_deposits_cv_3m": 0.0,
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        "debit_card_pmts_avg_3m": 9284.6,
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        "credit_card_pmts_avg_1m": 0.0,
        "credit_card_pmts_avg_3m": 0.0,
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        "credit_card_pmts_max_3m": 0.0,
        "credit_card_pmts_std_3m": 0.0,
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        "expense_avg_3m": 13354.18,
        "expense_min_3m": 5732.33,
        "expense_max_3m": 20244.44,
        "expense_std_3m": 5947.09,
        "expense_cv_3m": 0.45,
        "revenue_avg_1m": 6754.51,
        "revenue_avg_3m": 11907.61,
        "revenue_min_3m": 6754.51,
        "revenue_max_3m": 15194.17,
        "revenue_std_3m": 3689.62,
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            "insurance_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature insurance_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature venmo_zelle_cashapp_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "atm_withdrawals_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature atm_withdrawals_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "toll_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature toll_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "paypal_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature paypal_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "paypal_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature paypal_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "checks_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature checks_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "checks_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature checks_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "truck_stop_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature truck_stop_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "fintech_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature fintech_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "fintech_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature fintech_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "bank_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature bank_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "bank_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature bank_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "other_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature other_loan_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "other_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature other_loan_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "fintech_mca_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature fintech_mca_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "fintech_mca_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature fintech_mca_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "bank_cash_advance_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature bank_cash_advance_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "bank_cash_advance_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature bank_cash_advance_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "credit_card_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature credit_card_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "sba_pmts_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature sba_pmts_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
            "sba_deposits_1m_3m_trend": "Error 200: calculating feature sba_deposits_1m_3m_trend for book {{book_pk}}: Results in divide by zero",
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Enriched Transactions

The Enriched Transactions endpoint returns categorizations for each transaction in bank statements in the requested Book. It contains a comprehensive list of categories, accurate Transaction tagging, and improved revenue, expense, and transfer logic.

curl --location ‘{{book_uuid}}/enriched_txns' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' 

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Retrieve Detect data

Detect is Ocrolus’ fraud detection product designed to assist in verifying the authenticity of bank statements. For detailed information about Detect, including the types of fraud signals and scoring it offers, see Detect page.

Retrieving Detect outcomes can be achieved at either the document or book level using the two available endpoints.

Document level Detect outcomes

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Book level Detect outcomes

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Ocrolus Dashboard

Before you can start using Classify First Book on the Dashboard to work with Books, you must first be configured by Ocrolus to do so. If you're interested in using ISO Book, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact us at [email protected] today.

Create a ISO Book

To create an ISO Book using Dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Ocrolus Dashboard.

  2. On the Books page, click NEW BOOK in the screen's upper right corner.

  3. On the Create New Book pop-up, enter the name of your Book and choose Classify from the Processing Type dropdown list.

  4. Click SUBMIT.

  5. On the File Uploader window, upload the document and then click SUBMIT.

Identifying processing method

You can identify whether a Book has been processed using ISO flow, Instant, or Complete from the Book Summary page on the Dashboard. The Processing Type column on the Book Summary page will show the processing method using which the Book is processed.



If you cannot locate this column, it indicates that your organization has not been set up for ISO flow processing. To learn more or to enable it for your organization, please get in touch with your Account Manager or contact [email protected].

The Processing Type column also offers filtering options. To use this feature, click on All to open the filter and choose the options you want to filter by.

Furthermore, a blue banner will appear on this page to clearly indicate when the processing type is ISO.

View Book and document status

Once you've created and submitted an Instant Book, the processing will commence. You can check the status of both the Book and its individual documents in various locations.

Book status

You can find this information on the Book Summary page under the Status column. Possible book processing statuses include:

  • Verifying: The Book is being verified.

  • Verification complete: The Book has been created but no docs have been added.

Document status

You can check the status of individual documents within the book on the Book Overview page. You can hover over the icons to understand their meanings. When processing with Instant, you may encounter the following document statuses:

  • Classified
  • Completed
  • Completed with Detect signals found
  • Rejected
  • Rejected: Instant not supported
  • Rejected: Invalid document
  • Processing
  • Processing: Instant not supported

Converting from ISO flow to Instant or Complete (Book-level)

Once the documents in the Book have been classified and the ISO application has been captured, you can upgrade the entire Book to process through Instant or Complete to have Capture run to gather the data and calculate analytics.

You can convert a Book to Instant or Complete by clicking the UPGRADE BOOK button located at the right end of this banner.

A confirmation window appears to confirm if you would like to convert the Book to Instant or Complete depending on which option you selected. Click CONFIRM.

After the processing starts in Instant, a message will appear in the top right corner stating that your Book is now being reprocessed through Instant.

Converting from ISO to Instant or Complete (Document-level)

Upgrading individual documents to Complete while keeping the Book type as ISO flow will mean that any new documents uploaded to the Book later will be processed via ISO flow first with the option to upgrade the document to Complete.

Under the Uploaded Document Column, click the Process with button. All the upgrade options for that specific document are shown.

The second is at the bottom of the document image pane on the right. The buttons there represent the upgrade options available for that individual document.

Once you click on either of those buttons, a modal will appear, allowing you to confirm that you’d like to update the selected document. The name of the selected document will appear on the top of the modal and the processing type you’re upgrading the document to will appear in the dropdown.