IRS Form 1099-K - Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions
The IRS Form 1099-K, known as the "Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions" form, is utilized for reporting income received from payment card transactions and/or settlements from third-party payment networks.
To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use A_1099_K
in the form_type
parameter. To learn more about processing this document, click here.
Field descriptions
The following fields are available on this document type:
JSON Attribute | Data Type | Description |
a_1099_k-General:taxFormYear | Integer | Numerical description of the Form's pre-printed year, e.g. "2019" for a 2019 form. |
a_1099_k-General:filerName | Text | Filer's Name |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:city | Text | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:state | State | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:country | Text | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Filer's Address |
a_1099_k-General:filerTelephoneNo. | Phone Number | Filer's Telephone No. |
a_1099_k-General:checkToIndicateIfFilerIsA(An) | PAYMENT SETTLEMENT ENTITY (PSE) , ELECTRONIC PAYMENT FACILITATOR (EPF)/OTHER THIRD PARTY | Check To Indicate If Filer Is A (An) |
a_1099_k-General:checkToIndicateTransactionsReportedAre | PAYMENT CARD , THIRD PARTY NETWORK | Check To Indicate Transactions Reported Are |
a_1099_k-General:payeeName | Text | Payee's Name |
a_1099_k-General:streetAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Street Address |
a_1099_k-General:streetAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Street Address |
a_1099_k-General:streetAddress:city | Text | Street Address |
a_1099_k-General:streetAddress:state | State | Street Address |
a_1099_k-General:streetAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Street Address |
a_1099_k-General:pseName | Text | PSE'S Name |
a_1099_k-General:pseTelephoneNumber | Phone Number | PSE'S Telephone Number |
a_1099_k-General:accountNumber | Text | Account Number (See Instructions) |
a_1099_k-General:2ndTinNot | CHECKED , NOT CHECKED | 2nd TIN Not |
a_1099_k-General:filerTin | EIN | Filer's TIN |
a_1099_k-General:payeeTin | Social Security Number | Payee's TIN |
a_1099_k-Questions:line1A:grossAmount | Money | 1A - Gross Amount Of Payment Card/Third Party Network |
a_1099_k-Questions:line1B:cardNotPresentTransaction | Money | 1B - Card Not Present Transaction |
a_1099_k-Questions:line2:merchantCategoryCode | Text | 2 - Merchant Category Code |
a_1099_k-Questions:line3:numberOfPaymentTransactions | Text | 3 - Number Of Payment Transactions |
a_1099_k-Questions:line4:federalIncomeTaxWithheld | Money | 4 - Federal Income Tax Withheld |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5A:january | Money | 5A - January |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5B:february | Money | 5B - February |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5C:march | Money | 5C - March |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5D:april | Money | 5D - April |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5E:may | Money | 5E - May |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5F:june | Money | 5F - June |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5G:july | Money | 5G - July |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5H:august | Money | 5H - August |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5I:september | Money | 5I - September |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5J:october | Money | 5J - October |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5K:november | Money | 5K - November |
a_1099_k-Questions:line5L:december | Money | 5L - December |
a_1099_k-Questions:line6:stateLine1 | State | 6 - State |
a_1099_k-Questions:line6:stateLine2 | State | 6 - State |
a_1099_k-Questions:line7:stateIdentificationNoLine1 | Text | 7 - State Identification No. |
a_1099_k-Questions:line7:stateIdentificationNoLine2 | Text | 7 - State Identification No. |
a_1099_k-Questions:line8:stateIncomeTaxWithheldLine1 | Money | 8 - State Income Tax Withheld |
a_1099_k-Questions:line8:stateIncomeTaxWithheldLine2 | Money | 8 - State Income Tax Withheld |
Sample document
Sample JSON result
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Updated 10 months ago