Accounts section

The Accounts page provides a comprehensive summary of key account and cash flow information. It offers a quick overview either by individual bank account or at the Book level. It includes a snapshot of cash flow metrics along with multiple configurable visualizations and enables you to display specific data needed to analyze borrowers' cash flow. Important details such as bank account types and numbers, debt coverage ratios, account balances, and potential red flags like negative balances or non-sufficient funds (NSFs) are easily identifiable to help you streamline your financial analysis.

This page provides the following insights to help you work with cash flow analytics:

Account Summary

The Accounts page offers a summary of all accounts within the Book to highlight key cash flow metrics for each account. This information assists lenders in evaluating the reliability of a borrower's cash flow.

The table below outlines the available fields in the Account Summary section, along with their corresponding descriptions:

Account HolderThe individual or entity responsible for the account, whose cash flow is being analyzed.
AccountThe specific bank account associated with the borrower’s cash flow metrics and analytics.
Begin DateThe start date for the period over which the cash flow analysis is being conducted.
End DateThe end date for the period over which the cash flow analysis is being conducted.
Beginning BalanceThe account balance at the start of the specified period to provide a baseline for cash flow calculations.
Ending BalanceThe account balance at the end of the specified period, summarizing net cash flow over the period.
Average Daily BalanceThe average account balance is calculated on a daily. It provides insight into overall liquidity during the period.
Average Transaction SizeThe average value of transactions during the specified period. It is useful for understanding transaction patterns and cash flow.
Days of Negative BalanceThe total number of days within the period when the account balance was negative, indicating potential financial risk.
Max DepositThe highest deposit amount made into the account during the specified period.
Max WithdrawalThe highest withdrawal amount from the account during the specified period.
Average DepositThe average deposit amount across all deposits within the specified period shows typical inflow sizes.
Average WithdrawalThe average withdrawal amount across all withdrawals within the specified period indicates typical outflow sizes.

Cash Flow at a Glance

This section provides a high-level summary to help you get a quick snapshot of the inflows and outflows of money for an individual or business over a specific period. It typically highlights key metrics such as total deposits, withdrawals, account balances, and other financial data points that help evaluate the overall liquidity and financial health. It offers a streamlined view of a borrower's financial activity to enable lenders or analysts to quickly assess cash flow patterns, identify trends, and detect any potential financial risks.

The table below outlines the available metrics in the Cash Flow at a Glance section, along with their corresponding descriptions:

Debt Coverage RatioThe ratio of a borrower's income to debt payments. It indicates their ability to cover debt obligations. A higher ratio means the borrower is more likely to manage debt payments effectively.
Total Loan PaymentsThe sum of all loan payments made during a specific period, including principal and interest payments.
Total RevenueThe total amount of money received into the account during the period. It represents the borrower's income or inflows.
Total ExpensesThe total amount of money spent or withdrawn from the account during the period. It represents the borrower's outflows.
Total NSF CountThe total number of Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) incidents where transactions were declined due to insufficient funds in the account.


The Dashboard provides three interactive visualizations that enable lenders to quickly assess their borrowers' cash flow and spending habits. These visualizations include Balance History, which tracks changes in account balances over time, Revenue vs Expense, which compares income and expenditures, and Summary by Transaction Tag, which categorizes transactions for a clearer view of spending patterns. Together, these tools offer a comprehensive overview of borrowers' financial behavior.

You can download all visualizations along with their corresponding data in the image (.png) or data (.csv) format. To download, click on Export located in the top-right corner of each visualization, and select the appropriate option from the dropdown list. by selecting the export option.

You can also set the range to set the balance history over the graph. The available options are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

The data used to generate the Revenue vs Expense and Summary by Transaction Tag visualizations can be updated on the Transactions page. Any adjustments made to revenue or transaction tags on the Transactions page will be reflected in the visualizations and in the exportable images or data. To learn more about the Transaction page, see the Transactions section.

Balance History

This interactive visualization allows you to view a borrower’s cash flow by account, with options to see a daily, weekly, or monthly history. You can also export the visualization and its underlying data. It helps you quickly identify any spikes, declines, or gaps in the balance that may require closer examination.

Revenue vs. Expense

This interactive visualization allows you to see a borrower’s Revenue (income) vs. Expense (spending) and helps lenders assess the financial health of borrowers and identify trends in their income and expenditures. All transactions tagged as revenue can be viewed and managed on the Transactions page, where you can also add or remove transactions to include or exclude them from revenue calculations. To learn more about the Transaction page, see the Transactions section.

Summary by Transaction Tag

This interactive visualization helps lenders identify trends for specific transaction tags across all bank accounts. You can choose the transaction tags you want to analyze, with transaction amounts displayed over daily, weekly, or monthly time frames.

To view details for a specific transaction or update transaction tags associated with it, refer to the Transactions section. To know more about transaction tags and their definitions, see Ocrolus analytics data dictionary.