Pay Stub
Our pay stub capture lets you make informed decisions involving a prospective borrower's recent income history. We identify and categorize the earnings and deductions listed on a pay stub, separating recurring base pay from one-time bonuses or commissions. Finally, the net pay distribution allows you to compare deposit amounts against bank statement transactions, giving you confidence in your lending decision.
Pay stubs work a little differently
Due to the bespoke nature of pay stubs, we do not support the
form type on any of the Form data endpoints. Please use one of the Pay stub data endpoints instead.
Usage guide
Here's how you can capture data from a pay stub:
- If you haven't already, create a Book to hold the documents you'd like to capture.
- Upload a pay stub to the Book with one of the following methods:
- If your pay stub is contained in a PDF, you may upload it directly.
- If your pay stub is contained in a sequence of images, upload them individually and finalize the resulting image group when you've finished.
- Once the pay stub is processed, you can retrieve the captured data with one of the following methods:
- You can retrieve a specific pay stub's captured data by calling this endpoint with its UUID.
- You can retrieve the captured data for all pay stubs in a Book by providing the Book's UUID to this endpoint.
You can use webhook notifications to be immediately notified when we finish processing the pay stub. You can also poll the aforementioned endpoints.
Pay stub data structure
The pay stub full extraction output diagram is below.
The composite data type Pay stub, consists of several fields and composite data types. The items in blue denote a composite data type; for example, the Net Pay object consists of an array of Pay Distribution objects and a single Total object.
Details about the composite data structures can be found on the Pay stub composite data type page. You can find sample documents there as well.
A representation of the data we've extracted from a given pay stub.
Learn more about how we process pay stubs here.
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | string(uuid) | ID for the Paystub |
book_uuid | string(uuid) | ID for the Book containing the Paystub |
doc_uuid | string(uuid) | ID for the document containing the Paystub |
doc_page_numbers | [integer] | Pay stub page number according to the order of pages at the time of upload. |
uploaded_image_bucket_uuid | string(uuid) | A unique identifier for the storage location (bucket) where uploaded images are stored |
employer | Employer | Name of the employer |
employee | Employee | Name of the employee |
employment_details | EmploymentDetails | Details of the employee |
paystub_details | PayStubDetails | Employee's pay stub details |
net_pay | NetPay | Net pay amount |
earnings | Earnings | Total earnings |
deductions | Deductions | Total deductions |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string¦null | Name of the employer |
address | Address | Address of the employer |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the employee |
address | Address | Address of the employee |
marital_status | string¦null | Tax filing status if printed on the pay stub |
taxpayer_id | TaxpayerId | A unique identification number of the tax payer |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
marital_status | Married |
marital_status | Single |
marital_status | Not listed |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
pay_basis | Hourly |
pay_basis | Salary |
pay_basis | Other |
pay_basis | Not listed |
Name | Type | Description |
pay_period_start_date | string(date)¦null | The date on which a specific pay period begins |
pay_period_end_date | string(date)¦null | The date on which a specific pay period ends |
pay_date | string(date)¦null | Date of payment |
paystub_provider | string¦null | Name of the pay stub provider |
pay_frequency | string¦null | system-calculated pay frequency when both pay_period_start_date and pay_period_end_date are explicitly present in the document |
pay_frequency_captured | string¦null | The explicit pay frequency printed on the pay stub |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
pay_frequency | Monthly |
pay_frequency | Biweekly |
pay_frequency | Weekly |
pay_frequency | Semi-monthly |
pay_frequency_captured | Weekly |
pay_frequency_captured | Biweekly |
pay_frequency_captured | Semi-monthly |
pay_frequency_captured | Monthly |
pay_frequency_captured | Not listed |
Name | Type | Description |
distribution_details | [PayDistribution] | Net pay distribution details |
totals | Total | Total pay |
Name | Type | Description |
description | string¦null | Pay distribution description |
bank_name | string¦null | Name of the bank where payment is received |
account_number | string¦null | Account number in which payment is received |
bank_account_type | string¦null | Type of bank account in which payment is received |
current_pay | numerical¦null | Current pay amount |
Name | Type | Description |
subtotals | [EarningsSubtotal] | Sub total earning |
totals | [EarningsTotal] | Total earning |
Name | Type | Description |
description | string¦null | Text of the line item as printed on the pay stub |
canonical_description | CanonicalPayStubDescription | Commonly used term to describe the line item, e.g. Social Security Employee Tax NULL value is provided when a line item is not recognized by Ocrolus. |
current_pay | numerical¦null | Current pay amount |
ytd_pay | numerical¦null | Payment amount of the year-to-date |
Name | Type | Description |
*anonymous* | Total | Anonymous |
Name | Type | Description |
*anonymous* | object | Anonymous |
» current_hours | number | Current hours |
Name | Type | Description |
*anonymous* | EarningsTotal | Anonymous |
Name | Type | Description |
*anonymous* | object | Anonymous |
» current_rate | number | Current rate |
Name | Type | Description |
line1 | string¦null | Address Line 1 |
line2 | string¦null | Address Line 2 |
city | string¦null | City |
state_code | string¦null | Usually a two-letter state code |
postal_code | string¦null | Usually a 5-digit postal code |
The identity of a person who pays taxes. Usually, it will be a social security number, but not always.
Name | Type | Description |
id_type | string¦null | Type of ID, e.g. 'SSN' |
last_4_digits | string¦null | The last 4 digits of the unique number of ID |
It usually represents US dollars.
Name | Type | Description |
amount | numerical¦null | Numerical value most likely has at least two decimal digits |
currency | string¦null | Example: USD |
Name | Description |
status | Status of the pay stub processing. The available options are COMPLETED and REJECTED. The below example will help you understand one of the rejection scenarios: Example: Consider that you uploaded multiple pages of PDF in which a few pages are marked as non-paystub pages. In such case, the status will return as REJECTED .In the rejected pay stub, all the values are set to null. However, the document still retains its page indexes to indicate the position of each page in the PDF. |
rejection_reason | The reason why the pay stub was rejected. |
Because pay stubs don't follow a standard format in the same way that tax forms do, different pay stubs may offer their own names for the same concept. Ocrolus is able to link common terms identified on pay stubs to a canonical description. Given below is the library of terms found on pay stubs that Ocrolus recognizes and maps to a canonical form field value.
If we couldn't map a pay stub entry to one of the aforementioned canonical names, then its canonical_description
field in the returned object will be null
. If you believe such an entry should have an alias or its own canonical description, please contact us with details about your use case.
Enumerated Values
Any use of CanonicalPayStubDescription
refers to any of the below values. They are listed as earnings and deductions for convenience.
Value | Description |
ALLOWANCE | Any other allowance or stipend aside from PER DIEM |
BEREAVEMENT | Bereavement leave earnings |
BONUS | Bonus earnings besides retention, signing, and referral bonuses |
COMMISSION | Commission earnings |
DENTAL | Employer-sponsored dental contributions |
HOLIDAY PAY | Holiday earnings |
INVESTMENTS | Employer contributions to stock or retirement investments |
JURY DUTY | Jury duty earnings |
LIFE INSURANCE | Employer-sponsored life insurance contributions |
LEAVE | Leave earnings that don't fit one of these other descriptions |
LOAN | Student loan repayment |
LONG TERM DISABILITY PAYMENT | Long-term disability earnings |
MEDICAL | Employer-sponsored medical contributions |
OTHER | Items that do not fit other categories |
OVERTIME | Overtime earnings |
PAID TIME OFF | Paid time off earnings |
PER DIEM | Daily allowance and compensation earnings |
REFERRAL BONUS | Referral award compensation |
REGULAR PAY | Total base pay earnings |
REIMBURSEMENTS | Any reimbursement if added to earnings |
RETENTION BONUS | Retention award compensation |
RETROACTIVE/BACK PAY | Compensation earned from previous pay periods |
RSU | Restricted stock unit earnings |
SEVERANCE PAY | Compensation for termination of employment |
SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL | Additional earnings for working outside normal business hours |
SHORT TERM DISABILITY PAYMENT | Short-term disability earnings |
SICK PAY | Sick pay earnings |
SIGNING BONUS | Sign-on award compensation |
TIPS INCOME | Tips earnings |
VACATION | Vacation earnings |
VISION | Employer-sponsored vision plan contributions |
Deductions from the pay stub
Value | Description |
401K | Both pre-tax and post-tax deductions for defined-contribution retirement plans: 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) |
ALIMONY & CHILD SUPPORT | Garnishments to pay Alimony (to a former spouse) or Child Support (from a non-custodial parent) |
CAFETERIA/CAFE | Repayment for meals purchased from the company's cafeteria or cafe. Not to be confused with Section 125 Cafeteria plan deductions such as for Medical and Dental insurance, FSAs, HSAs, etc. |
CITY/COUNTY TAX | Any city or county tax withholdings |
DENTAL | Dental insurance deductions. If Medical and Dental are combined, call it Medical; if Dental and Vision are combined, call it Dental. |
DEPENDENT CARE | FSA to spend on daycare or other childcare. They separate from Health Savings Account/HSA/FSA. |
DISABILITY & FAMILY LEAVE TAX | Taxes that fund State Disability Insurance (SDI) and Paid Family (Medical) Leave (Insurance) programs, e.g. SDI, FML, PFL, PFML, FLI, etc. |
DONATIONS | Charitable and political donations (do not include membership dues or fees) |
DUES | Miscellaneous dues deducted from gross pay (e.g. Union Dues) |
FEDERAL WITHHOLDINGS | Federal income tax withholdings, but not Social Security or Medicare (or FICA) |
FICA | Combined Social Security and Medicare tax withholdings |
GARNISHMENTS | Any wage garnishments besides Child Support or Alimony |
HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT/HSA/FSA | Health savings account and flexible spending account contributions except for Dependent Care. Also, section 125 Cafeteria plan deductions and AFLAC don't specify that they are for Medical, Dental, etc. |
INVESTMENTS | A broad category for retirement plans and other investments besides those included in 401k, including IRA, Pension, and STRS |
LEGAL & IDENTITY PROTECTION | Legal and/or identity theft protection services |
LIFE INSURANCE | Life Insurance including Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance (AD&D), Accident / Injury insurance, and Critical Illness insurance |
LOAN | Any loan payment deducted from employee's earnings, including 401(k) loan and Advance |
LONG TERM DISABILITY | Long-term disability insurance deductions |
MEDICAL | Medical insurance and hospital. The AD&D and Critical Illness coverage fall under Life Insurance. If Medical and Dental are combined, call it Medical |
MEDICARE TAX | Medicare tax withholdings. If Social Security and Medicare are combined, that goes to FICA |
OFFSETS | Deductions to cancel out an amount from the Earnings section, because the amount is not being paid as part of the paycheck. For example, if the amount is being paid into the employee's stock account, or paid as a gift card |
OTHER | Items that do not fit other categories |
SHORT TERM DISABILITY | Short-term disability insurance deductions |
SOCIAL SECURITY TAX | Social Security tax withholdings, including OASDI (not to be confused with SDI). If Social Security and Medicare are combined, that goes to FICA |
STATE TAX | State tax withholdings, including for Unemployment Insurance. The SDI and all flavors of PFL fall under the Disability & Family Leave Tax |
UNIFORMS | Deductions used to pay for workers' uniforms, shoes, boots, safety equipment, and similar |
VISION | Vision insurance deductions. If Dental and Vision are combined, call it Dental. |
Sample pay stub
The below Ocrolus Sample PDF (input) matches the below sample JSON result (output).
Sample JSON response
"book_uuid": "69d1673c-9c30-4e1a-8f0e-5758e12b1f13",
"uploaded_image_bucket_uuid": null,
"doc_uuid": "7b662595-e811-4548-9a2a-e76dd6ffbd07",
"doc_page_numbers": [
"uuid": "3fdbf4ea-097a-47e0-bc20-1f32a265ef3d",
"employer": {
"address": {
"line1": "2712 WHITE RIVER AVE.",
"line2": null,
"city": "OAKLAND",
"state_code": "CA",
"postal_code": "94621"
"employee": {
"name": "TAMIKA S. NOTE",
"address": {
"line1": "4654 SYCAMORE ST.",
"line2": null,
"city": "SAN JOSE",
"state_code": "CA",
"postal_code": "95113"
"marital_status": "SINGLE",
"taxpayer_id": {
"id_type": "SSN",
"last_4_digits": "2323"
"employment_details": {
"hire_date": null,
"annual_salary": {
"amount": null,
"currency": null
"pay_basis": null,
"hourly_rate": {
"amount": null,
"currency": null
"paystub_details": {
"pay_period_start_date": "2022-03-04",
"pay_period_end_date": "2022-03-17",
"pay_date": "2022-03-18",
"paystub_provider": null,
"pay_frequency": "BI_WEEKLY",
"pay_frequency_captured": "NOT LISTED"
"net_pay": {
"distribution_details": [
"description": "UNION CREDIT BANK SAVINGS 5252",
"bank_name": "UNION CREDIT BANK",
"account_number": "5252",
"bank_account_type": "SAVINGS",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "100.00",
"currency": "USD"
"description": "FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CHECKING 3328",
"bank_name": "FEDERAL CREDIT UNION",
"account_number": "3328",
"bank_account_type": "CHECKING",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "863.60",
"currency": "USD"
"totals": {
"description": "NET PAY",
"canonical_description": null,
"current_pay": {
"amount": "963.60",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "8952.65",
"currency": "USD"
"earnings": {
"subtotals": [
"description": "REGULAR",
"canonical_description": "REGULAR PAY",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "1600.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "9600.00",
"currency": "USD"
"current_hours": "80.00",
"current_rate": "20.00"
"description": "ANNUAL BONUS",
"canonical_description": "BONUS",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "5250.00",
"currency": "USD"
"current_hours": null,
"current_rate": null
"totals": [
"description": "GROSS PAY",
"canonical_description": null,
"current_pay": {
"amount": "1600.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "14850.00",
"currency": "USD"
"current_hours": null
"deductions": {
"subtotals": [
"description": "HEALTH PLAN",
"canonical_description": "MEDICAL",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "46.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "417.66",
"currency": "USD"
"description": "FEDERAL TAX",
"canonical_description": "FEDERAL WITHHOLDINGS",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "352.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "3267.00",
"currency": "USD"
"description": "SOCIAL SECURITY",
"canonical_description": "SOCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEE TAX",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "99.20",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "920.70",
"currency": "USD"
"description": "MEDICARE",
"canonical_description": "EMPLOYEE MEDICARE",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "23.20",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "215.36",
"currency": "USD"
"description": "STATE TAX",
"canonical_description": "STATE TAX",
"current_pay": {
"amount": "116.00",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "1076.63",
"currency": "USD"
"totals": [
"description": "DEDUCTIONS",
"canonical_description": null,
"current_pay": {
"amount": "636.40",
"currency": "USD"
"ytd_pay": {
"amount": "5897.35",
"currency": "USD"
"status": "COMPLETED",
"rejection_reason": null
Updated 4 months ago