Permanent Resident Card

A Permanent Resident card is proof of lawful permanent resident status in the issuing country. The field data attributed directly to a Permanent Resident card is captured as form data objects, each one keyed off the following attribute names.

To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use permanent_resident_card in the form_type parameter.

Field descriptions

The following fields are available on this document type:

JSON attributeData typeDescription
permanent_resident_card-General:firstNameTextFirst Name
permanent_resident_card-General:middleNameTextMiddle Name
permanent_resident_card-General:lastNameTextLast Name
permanent_resident_card-General:dateOfBirthDateDate of Birth
permanent_resident_card-General:issuingCountryUNITED STATES
Issuing Country
permanent_resident_card-General:expirationDateDateExpiration Date
permanent_resident_card-General:residentSinceDateResident Since

Sample document

Coming soon...

Sample JSON result

  "status": 200,
  "response": {
    "pk": 30476901,
    "uuid": "29715157-fd49-4ea3-995e-4aae421a4f58",
    "forms": [
        "pk": 30029344,
        "uuid": "2e9207fb-95c8-4551-8c9c-6ff64b3001c7",
        "form_type": "PERMANENT_RESIDENT_CARD",
        "form_config_pk": 18853,
        "tables": [],
        "raw_fields": {
          "permanent_resident_card-General:suffix": {
            "value": "",
            "is_empty": true,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:lastName": {
            "value": "PRICE",
            "is_empty": false,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:firstName": {
            "value": "JOSE",
            "is_empty": false,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:middleName": {
            "value": "",
            "is_empty": true,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:dateOfBirth": {
            "value": "03/12/1978",
            "is_empty": false,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:residentSince": {
            "value": "11/10/1990",
            "is_empty": false,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
          "permanent_resident_card-General:expirationDate": {
            "value": "11/25/2030",
            "is_empty": false,
            "alias_used": null,
            "source_filename": "Permanent Resident Card Sample 1.pdf"
  "message": "OK"