The Ocrolus API processes documents other than bank statements. These documents are referred to as forms, such as but NOT LIMITED TO:

Upload PDF forms

To upload PDF forms:

  • Generate your API credentials as described in the Authentication section.
  • Create a new Book to upload all the documents for a given case.
  • Upload the PDF files to the Book with the appropriate form_type specified. Reference the book_pk from the response of the "create Book" call. This ensures that the files are organized within the appropriate Book.

The form_type parameter for the Upload PDF endpoint is optional. If the parameter is not specified, it defaults to BANK_STATEMENT, making the invocation equivalent to uploading PDF bank statements.

Supported Form Types include, but not limited to:

  • W2
  • PAYSTUB_01
  • A_1040_2018
  • A_1040_2019
  • A_1040_SCHEDULE_C
  • A_1040_SCHEDULE_SE
  • A_1099_MISC
  • A_1099_K
  • ID

Additional form types can be set up for organizations by request. Your Account Manager can explain the form types available for your organization. If you have any questions about form types, email us at [email protected].

Check for completion


While you can request results at any point, you will only receive data from documents with VERIFICATION_COMPLETE status.

In order to receive the complete results for a case, poll for completion for the Book. Alternatively, configure a webhook to be notified when a document or Book is completed.

Extract results from book

Once processed, forms produce JSON results comprising:

To extract the results from a Book: