Cash Flow Analytics


The Ocrolus Dashboard provides users with an intuitive and interactive way to view borrower insights. This guide will cover our cash flow analytics offering in the Dashboard.

Ocrolus’ best-in-class data capture and AI abilities were built specifically for lenders and our cash flow analytics output provides the most accurate data to help lenders evaluate credit risk and prevent costly losses.

This guide will help users understand:

  • Where to view summarized account information
  • Where to view transaction details
  • How to customize and/or update account and transaction information
  • How to download and export cash flow analytics data

For specific information on our cash flow analytics endpoints, please refer to the links below:

Ocrolus analytics data dictionary

We have compiled an extensive Cash Flow Analytics guide with tag names, descriptions, mapping with legacy naming conventions, and more. To download and access the same click below:

If you have any additional questions, reach out to [email protected].

Accessing Cash Flow Analytics in the Dashboard

Ocrolus Cash Flow Analytics can be found on two pages within the Dashboard: the Accounts page and the Transactions page.

To navigate to these pages, select or search for a book on the Book List page.

Use the Book Summary panel on the left side of the Book Summary page to access Accounts or Transactions.

Book Summary panel on Book Overview page

Book Summary Overview page

Accounts and Transactions pages

Account page informationTransactions page information
The Accounts page summarizes key account and cash flow information.

A snapshot of cash flow metrics is offered in addition to multiple visualizations that can be configured to display the exact information that you are looking for to analyze borrowers’ cash flow.

Easily identify information such as:

1. Types and numbers of bank account 2. Debt coverage ratio 3. Balances 4. Red flags, e.g., negative balances or NSFs… and more!
The Transactions page allows you to dive deeper into a borrower's cash flow dynamics and financial health. View all transactions in the book and their respective transaction tags.

This page also provides the ability to:

1. Search for transactions or keywords 2. Filter or sort transactions 3. Configure transaction tags 4. View capture data 5. Include or remove transactions from revenue calculations 6. Comment on transactions
Accounts page

Accounts page

Transactions page

Transactions page

Navigating the Accounts page

The Accounts page summarizes key account and cash flow information quickly by bank account or at the book level.

Account Summary

The information at the top of the Accounts page provides a summary of all accounts within the book and displays key cash flow metrics for each account. This is key information that helps a lender assess how reliable their cash flow may be.

Account Summary Panel

Account Summary Panel

Available metrics include

  • Account holder
  • Account number
  • Beginning date
  • Beginning balance
  • Ending date
  • Ending balance
  • Average daily balance
  • Average transactions size
  • Days of negative balance
  • Max deposit
  • Max withdraw
  • Average deposit
  • Average withdraw

Cash flow at a glance

Beneath the Account Summary information contains aggregated metrics across all accounts within the book. This is key data that helps a lender understand a borrower’s overall financial health.

Cash flow at a glance

Cash flow at a glance

Available metrics include:

  • Debt coverage ratio
  • Total loan payments
  • Total revenue
  • Total expenses
  • Total NSF count


The Dashboard provides three interactive visualizations that help lenders visualize their borrowers' cash flow and spending habits.

  1. Balance History
  2. Revenue vs Expense
  3. Summary by Transaction Tag

All visualizations and their underlying data can be downloaded by using the export option in the top right corner of the visualizations.

Export functionality on visualizations

Export functionality on visualizations

Data that is used to generate the Revenue vs. Expense and Summary by Transaction Tag visualizations can be updated on the Transactions page (see here for more details). Any adjustments made to revenue or transaction tags on the Transactions page will be reflected on this page and the exportable image or data afterward.

Balance History (visualization)

This is an interactive visualization that helps you visualize a borrower’s cash flow by account. Users have the ability to see a daily, weekly, or monthly history in addition to exporting the visualization and its underlying data. This visualization helps you easily spot any spikes, declines, or gaps in balance that may require further review.

Balance history visualization

Balance History visualization

Revenue vs. Expense (visualization)

This is an interactive visualization that helps you visualize a borrower’s Revenue (income) vs. Expense (spending). You have the ability to view the daily, weekly or monthly history here as well in addition to exporting the visualization and its underlying data. This information helps lenders understand the financial health of a borrower and identify trends in revenue and expenses.

All transactions that are tagged as revenue can be viewed on the Transactions page. On the Transactions page, you are also able to update any transactions that are included or excluded from revenue.

Revenue vs. expense visualization

Revenue vs. Expense visualization

Summary by Transaction Tag (visualizations)

This is an interactive visualization that helps lenders identify trends for specific transaction tags across all bank accounts. Users can select the transaction tags they would like to view and transaction amounts will be displayed over daily, weekly, and monthly time frames. This visualization and its underlying information can also be exported.

If you wish to view details about a given transaction or update any transaction tags associated with a given transaction, you can do so on the Transactions page.

For details about our transaction tags or their definitions, please view the Ocrolus analytics data dictionary for more information.

Summary by transaction tag visualization

Summary by transaction tag visualization

Navigating the Transactions page

The Transaction page allows users to dive deeper into all transactions in the Book and their respective tags.

All transactions from the Book are listed on this page. This list page provides the following details of a transaction:

  • Description: A description of the transaction.
  • Starred: Marked transaction for future reference.
  • Date: Date of the transaction.
  • Account: The account in which the transaction occurred.
  • Amount: Amount of the transaction.
  • Revenue: Dictates whether the transaction will be included in the calculation of income/revenue. If toggled (blue and to the right), the transaction will be included, whereas, If not toggled (gray and to the left), the transaction will not be included.



    Any updates made here will be reflected in the Accounts page in addition to any data that is exported.

  • Tags: transaction tags generated by our proprietary enriched transactions algorithm. For details about our transaction tags or their definitions, please view the Ocrolus analytics data dictionary for more information.
  • Comments: space to allow a comment added by a member of the organization
Transactions page

Transactions page

Searching, filtering, and sorting transactions

You can search for transactions or keywords using the search bar located at the top of the Transactions page. As you enter text in the search bar, the transactions will automatically filter the table based on that text.

Transactions page

Transactions page

You can also use the date and tags filter next to the search bar to update the transactions displayed on the screen.

Transactions page

Transactions page

Each column on the Transactions page is also filterable by clicking on “All” underneath the column headers and selecting your desired values.

Transactions page

Transactions page

Transactions page

Transactions page

Certain columns are sortable by clicking on the “^” next to the column header. Columns that are currently sortable are Date and Amount.

Viewing transaction details

Clicking on a specific transaction allows you to view detailed information relating to that transaction. When clicked, the Capture Details panel will appear on the right side of the screen. This screen provides the following information:

  • Transaction description
  • Transaction tags: values are editable
  • Revenue calculation status: values are editable
  • Capture details
  • An image of the original document where the transaction occurs, with the transaction highlighted in yellow
Transactions Detail panel

Transactions Detail panel

Transaction highlighted in document

Transaction highlighted in the document

Updating transaction details

While Ocrolus’ proprietary transaction tagging algorithm has been built specifically for lenders’ and based on 100s of millions of lender data points we receive daily, there are instances where you may like to change the way a transaction is tagged. If this is the case, you may do so by:

  • Using the Tags column and selecting or deselecting the desired tags
  • On the Capture Details panel described in the previous section
  • Using the bulk action feature to update multiple tags at once

Bulk updates for transactions

To update multiple transactions at once, select the transactions by clicking the box on the left side of the Transactions screen. Once selected, four actions will appear at the top of the page:

  • Add tag: will add tags to all selected transactions
  • Remove tag: will remove tags to all selected transactions
  • Include in revenue: will include the selected transactions in the income/revenue calculations



Any updates made here will be reflected in the Accounts page in addition to any data that is exported

  • Exclude in revenue: will exclude the selected transaction from income/revenue calculations



Any updates made to this setting will be reflected on the Accounts page and in exported data.

Bulk action feature on the Transactions page

Bulk action feature on the Transactions page

Create transaction tags

We offer the following two options to personalize your transaction tags:

  • Create your own Custom Tags to suit your needs
  • Update the existing System Tags

This feature helps you to enhance transaction tagging by creating and applying tags based on their specific criteria, including exact include/exclude terms and optional amount thresholds. It provides flexibility and immediate reflection in transactions and analytics.

To create or update transaction tagging, perform the following steps:

  1. Upon login to the Ocrolus Dashboard, click on the profile icon and select Tag Management from the dropdown list.

  2. On the Tag Management page, all the existing custom tags are listed.



    To manage existing custom tags, click on the vertical ellipsis icon and edit or delete the intended created custom tags.

  3. Click on the ADD TAG button to create the new custom tag.

  4. On the Add tag pop-up page, enter the following details:

    • Tag label: Enter a name for the custom tag.

    • Description: Optionally, add a description for better context.

    • Color: Choose a color to distinguish the tag visually.

    • Exact Include Terms (Required): Specify terms for precise tag application.

    • Exact Exclude Terms: If applicable, define terms for exclusion.

    • With amounts: Set the amount or amount range thresholds, if needed.

    • With recurrence: Set the recurrence frequency as desired.

  1. Click on the ADD TAG button.
  2. Once a custom tag is created, it will automatically be applied to all relevant transactions. You can view these tagged transactions on the Transactions page.

Modify system transaction tags

Ocrolus also includes ready-to-use System Tag categories specifically designed for lending scenarios.

To use the system tags, perform the following steps:

  1. Upon login to the Ocrolus Dashboard, navigate to the profile icon and select Tag Management from the dropdown list.

  2. On the Tag Management page, select the System Tag that you want to customize and then click Edit.

  3. On the Edit System Tag pop-up page, enter the following details:

    • Exact include terms: Terms for precise tag application. This is a mandatory field.

    • Exact exclude terms: The terms that need to be excluded. This is an optional step.

    • With amounts: Set the amount or amount range thresholds, if needed.

    • With recurrence: Set the recurrence frequency as desired.

  4. Click on the UPDATE TAG button.

  5. Once a system tag is updated, it will automatically be applied to all relevant transactions. You can view these tagged transactions on the Transactions page.

Revenue formula customization

With the revenue formula customization option, you can easily visualize both your custom revenue formula and the standard Ocrolus revenue formula side by side on the dashboard.



While all users can view the Revenue deduction tag page, only those with manager permissions can edit revenue deductions.

Managers can use the toggles in the dashboard to change which system and custom tags are deducted from revenue. These adjustments will impact revenue calculations for all of your organization’s Books. We recommend that managers only edit the revenue formula during the initial account setup with Ocrolus.



You can also update revenue tags by customizing System Tags or Custom Tags on the transaction level.

You can also compare your custom revenue formula to the default standard revenue formula used by Ocrolus. If needed, you can reset your custom revenue formula to the standard one at any time using the RESET TO STANDARD FORMULA button.

Exporting cash flow analytics output

The Dashboard currently provides two export options that utilize Ocrolus cash flow analytics:

  • Lender Analytics (Excel): contains account summary, transaction details, and transaction tags
  • Bank Statement Income Calculator (Excel): income calculation output for mortgage lenders

Lender analytics

To download Lender Analytics, click on the EXPORT button and select the XLSX link in line with the Lender Analytics option from the dropdown menu.

Upload dropdown menu

Export dropdown menu



Currently, Analytics 2.0 data can be downloaded in Excel format from the Dashboard or exported in JSON format using our Book summary API.

For more information on the differences in revenue calculations between our existing new analytics offering, please consult the Ocrolus analytics data dictionary.

Information contained within the exported Lender Analytics file

The first tab of the file contains cash flow metrics at the aggregated book level, i.e., data across all submitted bank accounts and periods combined. Users can review the metrics (or search for their desired metric, e.g., “average daily balance” or “nsf”) and view the values associated with each month in the book. Most categories provide inflow and outflow calculations for each metric.

Lender Analytics export, first sheet

Lender Analytics export, first sheet

The following tab(s) will be named by bank account and contain account specific data and account specific cash flow metrics. There will be one tab for every bank account in the book. Key cash metrics, e.g., average daily balance, NSF count, are summarized by month and displayed at the top for convenience. Additional cash flow metrics are displayed below by month.

Lender Analytics export, following sheet

Lender Analytics export, following sheet

The last tab of the file will be named Enriched Transactions. This will aggregate and display all transactions in the book with dates (column B), descriptions (column C) and amounts (column D). Associated transaction tags are also available as well in the columns following column D. The transaction tags are presented in alphabetical order.

To view all transactions associated with a certain tag, use the filter function and sort by “true” in the desired transaction tag column.

Lender Analytics export, Enriched Transactions

Lender Analytics export, Enriched Transactions

Bank statement income calculator

To download Bank Statement Income Calculator, click on the EXPORT button and select the XLSX link inline with the Bank Statement Income option from the dropdown menu. If you wish to download the legacy bank statement income calculator, select the XLSX link in line with the Bank Statement Income Legacy option.

Upload dropdown menu

Export dropdown menu

Information contained within the exported bank statement income calculator

For information on the bank statement income calculator, please refer here.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How can I filter out the transactions that I don’t want to see?
You can filter transactions out by clicking on the “All” buttons under the column headers or the quick filters (date and tags) next to the search bar.

What does Revenue mean?
Ocrolus’ proprietary AI and tagging algorithm automatically tags when documents or data are submitted for processing, certain tags are combined to come up with a revenue figure or calculation. The revenue/income column on the Transaction page indicates whether a transaction has been included in our revenue calculation. The way Ocrolus calculates revenue is:

All credits
- fintech loan - bank loan - other loan
- fintech_mca - bank_cash_advance
- investment - gambling - card_rewards
- reversed - sba - nsf
- federal_tax - state_tax
- payroll_tax - payroll - insurance - benefits
- crypto - internal_transfer - other_transfer
- revenue_deduction_other

For more details on these transaction tags, please view the Ocrolus analytics data dictionary.

You can also view the Revenue vs. Expense visualization on the Account page which utilizes this data.

How can I change if a transaction is considered revenue if Ocrolus’ logic does not match our definition?
Yes, there are a few ways to update a transaction’s revenue status on the Transactions page:

  • Using the Revenue column and selecting or deselecting the revenue toggle for the desired transactions
  • On the Transaction Detail panel
  • Using the bulk action feature to update multiple transactions to be included or excluded from revenue

Can I download the graph and the data on the account summary page?
Yes, the visualizations can be downloaded as well as the underlying data by clicking on the export option next to each graph.

Where can I export the lender analytics report?
You can export all account and transaction information on the Accounts or Transactions page by clicking on the Upload button at the top right corner. The reports that currently utilize Ocrolus cash flow analytics are Lenders Analytics and the Bank Statement Income Calculator.

How can I add comments and review comments for each transaction?
You can view the comment by clicking on each transaction. If you want to leave a comment/update a comment, you can click on the comment section to edit the comment.

How can I highlight or flag transactions?
You can click on the “star” icon to highlight or flag transactions.

Can I export CSV or JSON files that contain cash flow analytics information?
Not at this time, the functionality is currently being built out.

What are the differences between the previous Lender Analytics file and the new Lender Analytics file?
The prior Lender Analytics file uses Ocrolus Legacy Analytics data. The new Lender Analytics file uses our improved cash flow analytics data. The main differences are:

  • Individual account tabs do not contain transaction information, this can now be found on the Enriched Transactions tab
  • There is a dedicated revenue column for each transaction now available on the Enriched Transactions tab
  • Details about how each transaction has been tagged or categorized are now available on the Enriched Transaction tab
  • The first tab (Summary tab) contains more cash flow metrics than the original lender analytics summary tab did