Mortgage Note
A mortgage note is a binding legal agreement between the borrower and the lending institution regarding the terms of the mortgage loan. It meticulously outlines key loan details, including the total amount borrowed for purchasing the home, the size of the down payment, and the payment schedule, whether that entails monthly or bimonthly payments.
To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use MORTGAGE_NOTE
in the form_type
Field descriptions
The following fields are available on this document type:
JSON Attribute | Data Type | Description |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorName | Text | Mortgagor Name |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Mortgagor Address |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Mortgagor Address |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorAddress:city | Text | Mortgagor Address |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorAddress:state | State | Mortgagor Address |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgagorAddress:zipCode | ZIP Code | Mortgagor Address |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mortgageeName | Text | Mortgagee Name |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:mersNumber | Text | MERS Number |
mortgage_note-Part1-General:fhaCaseNumber | Text | FHA Case Number |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:principalBalanceAmount | Money | Principal Balance Amount |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:interestRate | Percentage | Interest Rate |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:firstPaymentDate | Date | First Payment Date |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:maturityDate | Date | Maturity Date |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:monthlyPaymentAmount | Money | Monthly Payment Amount |
mortgage_note-Part2-AmountsAndDate:monthlyPaymentDueDate | Text | Monthly Payment Due Date |
mortgage_note-Part3-PropertyDetails:propertyAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Property Address |
mortgage_note-Part3-PropertyDetails:propertyAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Property Address |
mortgage_note-Part3-PropertyDetails:propertyAddress:city | Text | Property Address |
mortgage_note-Part3-PropertyDetails:propertyAddress:state | State | Property Address |
mortgage_note-Part3-PropertyDetails:propertyAddress:zipCode | ZIP Code | Property Address |
Sample document
Sample JSON result
"value":"123 MAIN STREET",
"value":"YOUR NAME",
Updated 8 months ago
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