IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2021) - Profit or Loss From Business

This form is used to report income or losses arising from a business operated by the taxpayer or a profession practiced as a sole proprietor. To classify an activity as a business for the purpose of this form, two key criteria must be met:

  • The primary intent of the taxpayer in engaging in the activity should be to generate income or profit.
  • The taxpayer must be actively involved in the activity with a sense of regularity and continuity.

To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use a_1040_schedule_c_2021 in the form_type parameter.



The document type a_1040_schedule_c_2021 supports data capture from the IRS 1040 Schedule C only. The first two pages of the document 1040 are processed as a separate document type.

Field descriptions

The following fields are available on this document type:

JSON AttributeData TypeDescription
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:nameOfProprietorTextName Of Proprietor
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:socialSecurityNumber(Ssn)Social Security NumberSocial Security Number (SSN)
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:a-PrincipalBusinessOrProfessionIncludingProductOrServiceTextA - Principal Business Or Profession Including Product Or Service
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:b-EnterCodeFromInstructionsTextB - Enter Code From Instructions
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:c-BusinessNameTextC - Business Name
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:d-EmployerIdNumber(Ein)TextD - Employer ID Number (EIN)
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:e-BusinessAddress:zipZIP CodeE - Business Address
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:f-AccountingMethod(SpecifyIfOther)TextF - Accounting Method (Specify If Other)
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:g-DidYouMateriallyParticipateInTheOperationOfThisBusinessDuringThisYear?YES, NOG - Did You Materially Participate In The Operation Of This Business During This Year?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:h-IfYouStartedOrAcquiredThisBusinessDuringThisYearCheckHereCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDH - If You Started Or Acquired This Business During This Year Check Here
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:i-DidYouMakeAnyPaymentsInThisYearThatWouldRequireYouToFileForm(S)1099?YES, NOI - Did You Make Any Payments In This Year That Would Require You To File Form(s) 1099?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-General:j-IfYesDidYouOrWillYouFileRequiredForms1099?YES, NOJ - If Yes Did You Or Will You File Required Forms 1099?
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line12-DepletionMoneyLine 12 - Depletion
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line13-DepreciationAndSection179ExpenseDeductionMoneyLine 13 - Depreciation And Section 179 Expense Deduction
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line20B-RentOrLease-OtherBusinessPropertyMoneyLine 20B - Rent Or Lease - Other Business Property
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line30-ExpensesForBusinessUseOfYourHomeMoneyLine 30 - Expenses For Business Use Of Your Home
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line30B-TotalSquareFootageOfThePartOfYourHomeUsedForBusinessTextLine 30B - Total Square Footage Of The Part Of Your Home Used For Business
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line31-NetProfitOr(Loss)MoneyLine 31 - Net Profit Or (Loss)
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part2-Expenses:line32B-CheckBox-SomeInvestmentIsNotAtRiskCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 32B - Check Box - Some Investment Is Not At Risk
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line33-Method(S)UsedToValueClosingInventoryCOST, LOWER OF COST OR MARKET, OTHERLine 33 - Method(s) Used To Value Closing Inventory
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line34-WasThereAnyChangeInDeterminingQuantitiesCostsOrValuationsInventory?YES, NOLine 34 - Was There Any Change In Determining Quantities Costs Or Valuations Inventory?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line35-InventoryAtBegininngOfYearMoneyLine 35 - Inventory At Begininng Of Year
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line36-PurchasesLessCostOfItemsWithdrawnForPersonalUseMoneyLine 36 - Purchases Less Cost Of Items Withdrawn For Personal Use
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line37-CostOfLaborMoneyLine 37 - Cost Of Labor
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line40-AddLines35Through39MoneyLine 40 - Add Lines 35 Through 39
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line41-InventoryAtEndOfYearMoneyLine 41 - Inventory At End Of Year
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part3-CostOfGoodsSold:line42-CostOfGoodsSoldMoneyLine 42 - Cost Of Goods Sold
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line43-WhenDidYouPlaceYourVehicleInServiceForBusinessPurposes?DateLine 43 - When Did You Place Your Vehicle In Service For Business Purposes?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line44A-BusinessTextLine 44A - Business
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line44B-CommutingTextLine 44B - Commuting
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line44C-OtherTextLine 44C - Other
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line45-WasYourVehicleAvailableForPersonalUseDuringOff-DutyHours?YES, NOLine 45 - Was Your Vehicle Available For Personal Use During Off-Duty Hours?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line46-DoYou(OrYourSpouse)HaveAnotherVehicleAvailableForPersonalUse?YES, NOLine 46 - Do You (Or Your Spouse) Have Another Vehicle Available For Personal Use?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line47A-DoYouHaveEvidenceToSupportYourDeduction?YES, NOLine 47A - Do You Have Evidence To Support Your Deduction?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part4-InformationOnYourVehicle:line47B-IfYesIsTheEvidenceWritten?YES, NOLine 47B - If Yes Is The Evidence Written?
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:otherExpenses1-DescriptionTextOther Expenses 1 - Description
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:otherExpenses1-AmountMoneyOther Expenses 1 - Amount
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:otherExpenses4-DescriptionTextOther Expenses 4 - Description
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a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:otherExpenses9-DescriptionTextOther Expenses 9 - Description
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:otherExpenses9-AmountMoneyOther Expenses 9 - Amount
a_1040_schedule_c_2021-Part5-OtherExpenses:line48-TotalOtherExpensesMoneyLine 48 - Total Other Expenses

Sample document

Coming soon...

Sample JSON result

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