Uniqueness values (UV)
Uniqueness Values (UV) is a powerful capability of our platform that is specifically designed to improve the classification and grouping of documents significantly. This feature offers several benefits, such as faster classification results and the ability to capture specific fields for different form types. With UV, classification results are delivered immediately after the classification process, so you don't have to wait for the capture to complete.
In addition to faster results, UV provides information that helps distinguish one form from another. These unique values are essential for accurately identifying and differentiating forms, offering a clearer understanding of your data.
Key features
- Faster delivery of classification results: Receive classification outcomes immediately after the document classification process is complete, reducing wait times and speeding up workflows.
- Extraction of predefined field values: Automatically retrieve values from specific fields for each form type to help with detailed and accurate data extraction.
- Webhook notification after document classification: Get real-time updates through webhook notifications as soon as a document has been successfully classified.
- Webhook notification after all documents in a Book are classified: Receive a webhook notification when the classification process for all documents in a Book is finished to ensure that you stay informed of the overall process.
- Improved classification speed: If UV is not enabled and you upload a document that contains a mix of different document types and image groups without a specific form type, it is necessary to wait for the entire document to be processed before accessing the classification results. However, after enabling UV, you can instantly access the classification results as soon as they are generated. This improves overall efficiency and the user experience by providing immediate access to valuable information.
- Augmented classification summary: In the absence of UV, the classification results only provided basic information about the form type of each page and how pages were grouped into a specific form. However, with UV included in the classification summary, you can gain deeper insights into the form’s content. For example, in the case of a pay stub, the classification summary may include additional details such as the employer's name and the employee's name.
- Utilization in Partner Connect: The API is utilized to populate data in the Encompass Classify UI, allowing seamless integration and presentation of the classification results for partner applications.
UV uses advanced algorithms and enhanced processing speeds to simultaneously deliver classification results and capture predefined fields. The system processes documents and their associated form types, and once classification is complete, it immediately provides the results. This approach eliminates the waiting time typically associated with document capture, enhancing overall efficiency.
You upload a document in the Book using the Mixed Document Upload endpoint.
The system identifies and classifies the uploaded document.
You receive the webhook notification if configured. To know more about webhook configuration, see Configuring Webhook.
Here are some examples of webhook events and their structures provided for your reference:
Field Definition Severity
This field is configurable for each notification type and allows you to set the severity level of the notification. The available values for severity are HIGH, LOW, and MODERATE, providing flexibility in determining the importance or urgency of the notification. notification_type
This field is configurable for each notification type and helps categorize the notifications based on their purpose or nature. It allows you to define the type of notification being sent, enabling better organization and identification of the notification within your system. event_name
This field indicates the specific type of event that has occurred. It provides a clear identification of the event that triggered the notification, allowing you to understand the nature or context of the notification. The event_name helps in distinguishing different types of events and handling them appropriately within your application or workflow. notification_reason
Human-readable explanation or description accompanying the notification, providing additional context or details about the event. mixed_uploaded_docs
List of the mixed documents uploaded in the Book. book_uuid
Unique identifier of the Book. mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid
Unique identifier of the uploaded mixed document. uploaded_image_group_uuid
Unique identifier of the uploaded image group.
Click to expand/collapse the document.classification_succeeded event structure
{ "notification_reason": "Document is classified", "event_name": "document.classification_succeeded", "severity": "MODERATE", "notification_type": "STATUS", "book_uuid": "dfe84a50-2459-49ed-a88d-1f55edbdca54", "uploaded_image_group_uuid": "", "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "13d1bc9b-1117-4300-a92d-caac72881ecb" }
Click to expand/collapse the document.classification_failed event structure
{ "severity": "MODERATE", "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "adf91e23-1fd5-44a7-8f78-28833f9e12a1", "book_uuid": "0e0c586a-c8eb-4079-805f-ce989a692c87", "uploaded_image_group_uuid": "77fd2f14-4ceb-4566-a15f-20916386ed1a", "event_name": "document.classification_failed", "notification_reason": "File is corrupt", "notification_type": "ISSUE" }
Click to expand/collapse the book.classified event structure
{ "event_name": "book.classified", "severity": "MODERATE", "notification_type": "STATUS", "mixed_uploaded_docs": [ { "status": "COMPLETED", "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "f0995e37-4cae-4b4a-a280-c3ec00259c98" }, { "status": "CLASSIFIED", "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "f104d0b2-53d8-4ea8-bb46-ecee2f59009d" }, { "status": "CLASSIFIED", "mixed_uploaded_doc_uuid": "12db332d-6bce-465d-9021-c4d9dba03683" } ], "notification_reason": "Book is classified", "book_uuid": "462195b0-2eef-4d57-a31a-661dd7dd1190" }
Request the classification summary, which is returned with unique values. Refer to the responses of the endpoints: Book level and Mixed doc level.
When the UV is enabled, the classification results become immediately visible as soon as the classification workflow is completed. However, if the UV is not enabled, you will only be able to view the results after the capture workflow has been fully completed.
Integration with standard document processing
UV is an integral part of the standard document processing workflow, specifically in the document classification stage. After the document collection phase, where required documents are gathered, the classification phase categorizes them based on type, purpose, and relevance to the underwriting process. This categorization is essential for efficient subsequent processing, ensuring proper document organization and enabling accurate extraction and analysis.
Configure UV classification feature
The UV is available for both the Classify Only and Classify + Capture offerings. To enable this feature, you must submit a request to activate UV. Our support team at [email protected] will assist you in enabling the feature for your account.
Updated 6 months ago