A document in Ocrolus is a key element that includes several important attributes to ensure comprehensive tracking and processing. Each document has a unique identification number called pk or uuid. It is an essential element to identify a document within a Book. The name attribute represents the filename of the document whereas the page_count indicates the total number of pages in the document.

Similarly, the status attribute shows the current processing status of the document to understand whether it has been processed successfully or if there are any issues. For additional security and integrity checks, the md5 attribute contains the MD5 checksum of the file to ensure that the document has not been altered. If a document is rejected, the rejection_reason attribute will show the cause of why the document was not accepted.

AttributeData typeDescription
pkPKUnique identification number of the Book.
nameTextFilename of Document
page_countIntegerTotal pages in a Document
statusDocument StatusProcessing status of Document
md5TextMD5 Checksum of file
rejection_reasonTextReason why a Document was rejected.
Only present when Document status = REJECTED.