IRS Form 1040 (2021) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return

Form 1040 is the primary document for reporting a US individual's income, expenses, and tax credits to the federal government. This form calculates the amount of taxes an individual owes to the government or, conversely, the size of the federal tax refund they are eligible to receive. It plays a key role in the annual tax filing process and helps individuals fulfill their tax obligations and understand their financial tax-related outcomes.

To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use a_1040_2021 in the form_type parameter. To learn more about processing this document type, see process 1040s.


Form 1040 (2 Pages)

The document type a_1040_2021 supports data capture from the first two pages of the Form 1040. The Schedules of this document type (e.g., 1040 Schedule C) are handled as separate document types.

Field descriptions

The following fields are available on this document type:

JSON attributeData typeDescription
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:ifYouCheckedTheMfsOrHohOrQwBoxEnterNameAsAppropriateTextIf You Checked The MFS Or HOH Or QW Box Enter Name As Appropriate
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:yourFirstNameAndMiddleInitialTextYour First Name And Middle Initial
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:lastNameTextLast Name
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:yourSocialSecurityNumberSocial Security NumberYour Social Security Number
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:spouse'sFirstNameAndMiddleInitialTextSpouse's First Name And Middle Initial
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:spouse'sLastNameTextSpouse's Last Name
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:spouse'sSocialSecurityNumberSocial Security NumberSpouse's Social Security Number
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:homeAddress:addressLine1TextHome Address
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:homeAddress:aptNo.TextHome Address
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:homeAddress:cityCityHome Address
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:homeAddress:stateStateHome Address
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:homeAddress:zipZIP CodeHome Address
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:foreignCountryNameTextForeign Country Name
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:foreignProvince-State-CountyTextForeign Province - State - County
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:foreignPostalCodeTextForeign Postal Code
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a_1040_2021-Part1-General:presidentialElectionCampaign-SpouseCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDPresidential Election Campaign - Spouse
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:atAnyTimeDuring2021DidYouReceiveSellExchangeYES, NOAt Any Time During 2021 Did You Receive Sell Exchange
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:standardDeduction-SomeoneCanClaimYouAsADependentCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDStandard Deduction - Someone Can Claim You As A Dependent
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:standardDeduction-SomeoneCanClaimYourSpouseAsADependentCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDStandard Deduction - Someone Can Claim Your Spouse As A Dependent
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:standardDeduction-SpouseItemizesOnASeparateReturnOrYouWereADual-StatusAlienCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDStandard Deduction - Spouse Itemizes On A Separate Return Or You Were A Dual-Status Alien
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:age&Blindness-YouWereBornBeforeJanuary21957CHECKED, NOT CHECKEDAge & Blindness - You Were Born Before January 2 1957
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:age&Blindness-YouAreBlindCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDAge & Blindness - You Are Blind
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:age&Blindness-SpouseWasBornBeforeJanuary21957CHECKED, NOT CHECKEDAge & Blindness - Spouse Was Born Before January 2 1957
a_1040_2021-Part1-General:age&Blindness-SpouseIsBlindCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDAge & Blindness - Spouse Is Blind
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:checkBox-IfMoreThanFourDependentsCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDCheck Box - If More Than Four Dependents
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line1):(1)FirstNameTextDependents (Line 1)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line1):(1)LastNameTextDependents (Line 1)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line1):(2)SocialSecurityNumberSocial Security NumberDependents (Line 1)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line1):(3)RelationshipToYouTextDependents (Line 1)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line1):(4)ChildTaxCreditCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDependents (Line 1)
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a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line3):(1)LastNameTextDependents (Line 3)
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a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line3):(3)RelationshipToYouTextDependents (Line 3)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line3):(4)ChildTaxCreditCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDependents (Line 3)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line3):(4)CreditForOtherDependentsCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDependents (Line 3)
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a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line4):(4)ChildTaxCreditCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDependents (Line 4)
a_1040_2021-Part2-Dependents:dependents(Line4):(4)CreditForOtherDependentsCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDependents (Line 4)
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a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line2A-Tax-ExemptInterestMoneyLine 2A - Tax-Exempt Interest
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a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line4B-TaxableAmountMoneyLine 4B - Taxable Amount
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line5A-PensionAndAnnuitiesMoneyLine 5A - Pension And Annuities
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line5B-TaxableAmountMoneyLine 5B - Taxable Amount
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a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line6B-TaxableAmountMoneyLine 6B - Taxable Amount
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line7-CapitalGainOr(Loss)MoneyLine 7 - Capital Gain Or (Loss)
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line7-CheckBox-CapitalGainOr(Loss)CHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 7 - Check Box - Capital Gain Or (Loss)
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a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line9-AddLines1-2B-3B-4B-5B-6B-7And8-ThisIsYourTotalIncomeMoneyLine 9 - Add Lines 1-2B-3B-4B-5B-6B-7 And 8 - This Is Your Total Income
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line10-AdjustmentsToIncomeFromSchedule1Line26MoneyLine 10 - Adjustments To Income From Schedule 1 Line 26
a_1040_2021-Part3-Income1-11:line11-SubtractLine10FromLine9-ThisIsYourAdjustedGrossIncomeMoneyLine 11 - Subtract Line 10 From Line 9 - This Is Your Adjusted Gross Income
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line12A-StandardDeductionOrItemizedDeductions(FromScheduleA)MoneyLine 12A - Standard Deduction Or Itemized Deductions (From Schedule A)
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line12B-CharitableContributionsIfYouTakeTheStandardDeductionMoneyLine 12B - Charitable Contributions If You Take The Standard Deduction
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line12C-AddLines12AAnd12BMoneyLine 12C - Add Lines 12A And 12B
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line13-QualifiedBusinessIncomeDeduction-AttachForm8995OrForm8995-AMoneyLine 13 - Qualified Business Income Deduction - Attach Form 8995 Or Form 8995-A
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line14-AddLines12CAnd13MoneyLine 14 - Add Lines 12C And 13
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line15-TaxableIncome.SubtractLine14FromLine11-IfZeroOrLessEnter-0-MoneyLine 15 - Taxable Income. Subtract Line 14 From Line 11 - If Zero Or Less Enter -0-
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line16-Tax(SeeInst)MoneyLine 16 - Tax (See Inst)
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line16-Tax-CheckIfAnyFromForm(S)-1-8814CHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 16 - Tax - Check If Any From Form(s) - 1 - 8814
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line16-Tax-CheckIfAnyFromForm(S)-2-4972CHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 16 - Tax - Check If Any From Form(s) - 2 - 4972
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a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line16-Tax-CheckIfAnyFromForm(S)-3-FormTextLine 16 - Tax - Check If Any From Form(s) - 3 - Form
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line17-AmountFromSchedule2Line3MoneyLine 17 - Amount From Schedule 2 Line 3
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line18-AddLines16And17MoneyLine 18 - Add Lines 16 And 17
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line19-NonrefundableChildTaxCreditOrCreditForOtherDependentsFromSchedule8812MoneyLine 19 - Nonrefundable Child Tax Credit Or Credit For Other Dependents From Schedule 8812
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line20-AmountFromSchedule3Line8MoneyLine 20 - Amount From Schedule 3 Line 8
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line21-AddLines19And20MoneyLine 21 - Add Lines 19 And 20
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line22-SubtractLine21FromLine18IfZeroOrLessEnter-0-MoneyLine 22 - Subtract Line 21 From Line 18 If Zero Or Less Enter -0-
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line23-OtherTaxesIncludingSelf-EmploymentTaxFromSchedule2Line21MoneyLine 23 - Other Taxes Including Self-Employment Tax From Schedule 2 Line 21
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line24-AddLines22And23-ThisIsYourTotalTaxMoneyLine 24 - Add Lines 22 And 23 - This Is Your Total Tax
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line25A-FederalIncomeTaxWithheldFrom-Form(S)W-2MoneyLine 25A - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Form(s) W-2
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line25B-FederalIncomeTaxWithheldFrom-Form(S)1099MoneyLine 25B - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Form(s) 1099
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line25C-FederalIncomeTaxWithheldFrom-OtherForms(SeeInstructions)MoneyLine 25C - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Other Forms (See Instructions)
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line25D-FederalIncomeTaxWithheldFrom-AddLines25AThrough25CMoneyLine 25D - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Add Lines 25A Through 25C
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line26-2021EstimatedTaxPaymentsAndAmountAppliedFrom2020ReturnMoneyLine 26 - 2021 Estimated Tax Payments And Amount Applied From 2020 Return
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line27A-EarnedIncomeCredit(Eic)MoneyLine 27A - Earned Income Credit (EIC)
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line27A-Checkbox-EarnedIncomeCredit(Eic)-SeeInstructionsCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 27A - Checkbox - Earned Income Credit (EIC) - See Instructions
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line27B-NontaxableCombatPayElectionMoneyLine 27B - Nontaxable Combat Pay Election
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line27C-PriorYear(2019)EarnedIncomeMoneyLine 27C - Prior Year (2019) Earned Income
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line28-RefundableChildTaxCreditOrAdditionalChildTaxCreditFromSchedule8812MoneyLine 28 - Refundable Child Tax Credit Or Additional Child Tax Credit From Schedule 8812
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line29-AmericanOpportunityCreditFrom8863Line8MoneyLine 29 - American Opportunity Credit From 8863 Line 8
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line30-RecoveryRebateCredit-SeeInstructionsMoneyLine 30 - Recovery Rebate Credit -See Instructions
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line31-AmountFromSchedule3Line15MoneyLine 31 - Amount From Schedule 3 Line 15
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line32-AddLines27AAnd28Through31MoneyLine 32 - Add Lines 27A And 28 Through 31
a_1040_2021-Part4-Income12-33:line33-AddLines25D26And32-TheseAreYourTotalPaymentsMoneyLine 33 - Add Lines 25D 26 And 32 - These Are Your Total Payments
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line34-IfLine33IsMoreThanLine24SubtractLine24FromLine33MoneyLine 34 - If Line 33 Is More Than Line 24 Subtract Line 24 From Line 33
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35A-AmountOfLine34YouWantRefundedToYou-AmountMoneyLine 35A - Amount Of Line 34 You Want Refunded To You - Amount
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35A-Checkbox-IfForm8888IsAttachedCheckHereCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 35A - Checkbox - If Form 8888 Is Attached Check Here
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35B-RoutingNumberRouting NumberLine 35B - Routing Number
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35C-Type-CheckingCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 35C - Type - Checking
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35C-Type-SavingsCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDLine 35C - Type - Savings
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line35D-AccountNumberIntegerLine 35D - Account Number
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line36-AmountOfLine34YouWantAppliedToYour2022EstimatedTaxMoneyLine 36 - Amount Of Line 34 You Want Applied To Your 2022 Estimated Tax
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line37-AmountYouOwe-SubtractLine33FromLine24MoneyLine 37 - Amount You Owe - Subtract Line 33 From Line 24
a_1040_2021-Part5-Refund&AmountYouOwe:line38-EstimatedTaxPenalty(SeeInstructions)MoneyLine 38 - Estimated Tax Penalty (See Instructions)
a_1040_2021-Part6-ThirdPartyDesignee:doYouWantToAllowAnotherPersonToDiscussThisReturnWithIrs?-YesCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDo You Want To Allow Another Person To Discuss This Return With IRS? - Yes
a_1040_2021-Part6-ThirdPartyDesignee:doYouWantToAllowAnotherPersonToDiscussThisReturnWithIrs?-NoCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDDo You Want To Allow Another Person To Discuss This Return With IRS? - No
a_1040_2021-Part6-ThirdPartyDesignee:designee'sNameTextDesignee's Name
a_1040_2021-Part6-ThirdPartyDesignee:phoneNo.TextPhone No.
a_1040_2021-Part6-ThirdPartyDesignee:personalIdentificationNumber(Pin)TextPersonal Identification Number (PIN)
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:yourSignature:signed?SIGNED, NOT SIGNEDYour Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:yourSignature:dateDateYour Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:yourSignature:yourOccupationTextYour Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:ifTheIrsSentYouAnIdentityProtectionPinEnterItHereTextIf The IRS Sent You An Identity Protection Pin Enter It Here
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:spouse'sSignature:signed?SIGNED, NOT SIGNEDSpouse's Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:spouse'sSignature:dateDateSpouse's Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:spouse'sSignature:spouse'sOccupationTextSpouse's Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:ifTheIrsSentYourSpouseAnIdentityProtectionPinEnterItHereTextIf the IRS Sent Your Spouse An Identity Protection PIN Enter It Here
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:signHere-PhoneNo.TextSign Here - Phone No.
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:signHere-EmailAddressTextSign Here - Email Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:preparer'sNameTextPreparer's Name
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:preparer'sSignatureSIGNED, NOT SIGNEDPreparer's Signature
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:date(Preparer'SSignature)DateDate (Preparer's Signature)
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:checkBox-Self-EmployedCHECKED, NOT CHECKEDCheck Box - Self-Employed
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sNameTextFirm's Name
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:phoneNo.(PaidPreparer)Phone NumberPhone No. (Paid Preparer)
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sAddress:addressLine1TextFirm's Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sAddress:addressLine2TextFirm's Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sAddress:cityCityFirm's Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sAddress:stateStateFirm's Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sAddress:zipZIP CodeFirm's Address
a_1040_2021-Part7-SignHere&PaidPreparerUse:firm'sEinEINFirm's EIN

Sample document

Coming soon...

Sample JSON result

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            "Line 35A - Amount Of Line 34 You Want Refunded To You - Amount": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 25D - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Add Lines 25A Through 25C": {
              "value": "29220.00",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 26 - 2021 Estimated Tax Payments And Amount Applied From 2020 Return": {
              "value": "14151.00",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "If The IRS Sent You An Identity Protection Pin Enter It Here": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 23 - Other Taxes Including Self-Employment Tax From Schedule 2 Line 21": {
              "value": "11138.00",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 34 - If Line 33 Is More Than Line 24 Subtract Line 24 From Line 33": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 25C - Federal Income Tax Withheld From - Other Forms (See Instructions)": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 36 - Amount Of Line 34 You Want Applied To Your 2022 Estimated Tax": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Do You Want To Allow Another Person To Discuss This Return With IRS? - No": {
              "value": "NOT CHECKED",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Do You Want To Allow Another Person To Discuss This Return With IRS? - Yes": {
              "value": "CHECKED",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "If the IRS Sent Your Spouse An Identity Protection PIN Enter It Here": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 28 - Refundable Child Tax Credit Or Additional Child Tax Credit From Schedule 8812": {
              "value": "",
              "is_empty": true,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
            "Line 19 - Nonrefundable Child Tax Credit Or Credit For Other Dependents From Schedule 8812": {
              "value": "4000.00",
              "is_empty": false,
              "alias_used": null,
              "page_doc_pk": 172865532,
              "source_filename": "Sample 1 - 2021 Form 1040.pdf"
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