Car Loan Deed
This document is a legally binding agreement that delineates the terms and conditions of a car loan. It specifies the lender's rights and the borrower's obligations regarding the financed vehicle.
To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use CAR_LOAN_DEED
in the form_type
Field descriptions
The following fields are available on this document type:
JSON Attribute | Data Type | Description |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:dateOfDeed | Date | Date Of Deed |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderName | Text | Lender Name |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Lender Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Lender Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderAddress:city | Text | Lender Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderAddress:state | State | Lender Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Lender Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:lenderPhoneNumber | Phone Number | Lender Phone Number |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerName | Text | Borrower Name |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Borrower Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Borrower Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerAddress:city | Text | Borrower Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerAddress:state | State | Borrower Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Borrower Address |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:borrowerPhoneNumber | Phone Number | Borrower Phone Number |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:accountNumber | Text | Account Number |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:loanAmount | Money | Loan Amount |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:loanTerm | Text | Loan Term |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:paymentTerm | Text | Payment Term |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:outstandingBalance | Money | Outstanding Balance |
car_loan_deed-Part1-General:penaltiesAmount | Money | Penalties Amount |
Sample document
Sample JSON result
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"created": "2023-09-08T18:29:49Z",
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"confidence": 1.0
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"source_filename": "API - CAR LOAN DEED.pdf",
"confidence": 1.0
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"confidence": 1.0
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Updated 7 months ago