IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2021) - Interest and Ordinary Dividends

IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2021) is used to report over $1,500 of taxable interest or ordinary dividends, interest from a seller-financed mortgage when the buyer used the property as a personal residence, and/or accrued interest from a bond.

To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use A_1040_SCHEDULE_B_2021 in the form_type parameter. To learn more about this document processing, see processing Schedule B of IRS Form 1040.



The document type A_1040_SCHEDULE_B_2021 supports data capture from the IRS 1040 Schedule B only. The first two pages of the document 1040 are processed as a separate document type.

Field descriptions

The following fields are available on this document type:

JSON AttributeData TypeDescription
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:nameShownOnReturnTextName Shown On Return
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:additionalNameShownOnReturnTextAdditional Name Shown On Return
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:yourSocialSecurityNumberSocial Security NumberYour Social Security Number
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line2-AddTheAmountsOnLine1MoneyLine 2 - Add The Amounts On Line 1
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line3-ExcludableInterestOnSeriesEeAndIU.S.SavingsBondsIssuedAfter1989.AttachForm8815MoneyLine 3 - Excludable Interest On Series EE And I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After 1989. Attach Form 8815
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line4-SubtractLine3FromLine2MoneyLine 4 - Subtract Line 3 From Line 2
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part2-OrdinaryDividendsNontabular:line6-AddTheAmountsOnLine5MoneyLine 6 - Add The Amounts On Line 5
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7A-During2021-FinancialInterestInAFinancialAccountInAForeignCountryYES, NOLine 7A - During 2021 - Financial Interest In A Financial Account In A Foreign Country
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7A-IfYes-RequiredToFileFincenForm114YES, NOLine 7A - If Yes - Required To File FinCEN Form 114
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7B-IfRequiredToFileFincenForm114-NameOfTheForeignCountryTextLine 7B - If Required To File FinCEN Form 114 - Name Of The Foreign Country
a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line8-During2021-ReceivedDistributionFrom-GrantorOf-TransferorToAForeignTrustYES, NOLine 8 - During 2021 - Received Distribution From - Grantor Of - Transferor To A Foreign Trust
``MoneyLine 5 - Amount
``TextLine 5 - List Name Of Payer
``MoneyLine 1 - Amount
``TextLine 1 - List Name Of Payer

Optional itemized line item fields captured

Field data attributed to itemized line items in the Invoice is captured as a Table object.


Form-Driven Output

column_ids associated with the Table object will be a subset of the following list that matches the line item headers as they appear on the specific form.

Column IDData TypeDescription
line5-List-NameOfPayerTextPayer Name
line1-List-NameOfPayerTextPayer Name

Sample document

Sample JSON result

{ "status": 200, "response": { "pk": 41453809, "uuid": "7b7d6950-5e44-4184-b1b4-375d9d509353", "forms": [ { "pk": 37905243, "uuid": "787fe6eb-8158-4952-b808-f21df6474888", "form_type": "A_1040_SCHEDULE_B_2021", "form_config_pk": 57958, "tables": [ { "pk": 20522, "table_type": "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-Interest", "columns": [ { "column_id": "line1-ListNameOfPayer", "alias_used": "Line 1 - List Name Of Payer" }, { "column_id": "line1-Amount", "alias_used": "Line 1 - Amount" } ], "rows": [ { "cells": { "line1-ListNameOfPayer": { "value": "TEXAS CAPITAL BANK" }, "line1-Amount": { "value": "500.00" } }, "page_doc_pk": 217623282, "page_idx": 0 }, { "cells": { "line1-ListNameOfPayer": { "value": "FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK" }, "line1-Amount": { "value": "200.00" } }, "page_doc_pk": 217623282, "page_idx": 0 } ] }, { "pk": 20521, "table_type": "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part2-Ordinarydividends", "columns": [ { "column_id": "line5-ListNameOfPayer", "alias_used": "Line 5 - List Name Of Payer" }, { "column_id": "line5-Amount", "alias_used": "Line 5 - Amount" } ], "rows": [ { "cells": { "line5-ListNameOfPayer": { "value": "PEPSICO" }, "line5-Amount": { "value": "200.00" } }, "page_doc_pk": 217623282, "page_idx": 0 }, { "cells": { "line5-ListNameOfPayer": { "value": "FEDEX" }, "line5-Amount": { "value": "50.00" } }, "page_doc_pk": 217623282, "page_idx": 0 } ] } ], "raw_fields": { "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:year": { "value": "2021", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:nameShownOnReturn": { "value": "FAKE HAMZA", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:yourSocialSecurityNumber": { "value": "123-45-6789", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-General:additionalNameShownOnReturn": { "value": "", "is_empty": true, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line2-AddTheAmountsOnLine1": { "value": "700.00", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line4-SubtractLine3FromLine2": { "value": "500.00", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part2-OrdinaryDividendsNontabular:line6-AddTheAmountsOnLine5": { "value": "250.00", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7A-IfYes-RequiredToFileFincenForm114": { "value": "", "is_empty": true, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7B-IfRequiredToFileFincenForm114-NameOfTheForeignCountry": { "value": "", "is_empty": true, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line7A-During2021-FinancialInterestInAFinancialAccountInAForeignCountry": { "value": "", "is_empty": true, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part3-ForeignAccountsAndTrusts:line8-During2021-ReceivedDistributionFrom-GrantorOf-TransferorToAForeignTrust": { "value": "", "is_empty": true, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" }, "a_1040_schedule_b_2021-Part1-InterestNontabular:line3-ExcludableInterestOnSeriesEeAndIU.S.SavingsBondsIssuedAfter1989.AttachForm8815": { "value": "200.00", "is_empty": false, "alias_used": null, "source_filename": "1040 Schedule B (2021).pdf" } } } ] }, "message": "OK" }

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