IRS Form 1099-R - Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
Form 1099-R for each person to whom a designated distribution has been made or is treated as having made a distribution of $10 or more from:
- Profit-sharing or retirement plans.
- Any individual retirement arrangements (IRAs).
- Annuities, pensions, insurance contracts, survivor income benefit plans.
- Permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts.
- Charitable gift annuities, etc.
To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use A_1099_R
in the form_type
Field descriptions
The following fields are available on this document type:
JSON Attribute | Data Type | Description |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerName | Text | Payer Name |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:year | Integer | Year |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Payer Address Line 1 |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Payer Address Line 2 |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:city | Text | Payer Address City |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:state | Text | Formatted as a 2 character state code. Payer Address State |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:country | Text | Payer Address Country |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:zip | Text | 5 digit zip code in which Payer is located. Payer Address Zip |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerTelephoneNo. | Text | Payer Telephone Number |
a_1099_r-Part1-PayerPii:payerTin | Text | Payer TIN |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientTin | Text | Recipient TIN |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientName | Text | Recipient Name |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Recipient Address Line 1 |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Recipient Address Line 2 |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:city | Text | Recipient Address City |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:state | Text | Formatted as a 2 character state code. Recipient Address State |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:country | Text | Recipient Address Country |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:zip | Text | 5 digit zip code in which Recipient is located. Payer Address Zip |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:accountNumber | Text | Account Number |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:dateOfPayment | Date | Date Of Payment |
a_1099_r-Part2-RecipientPii:fatcaFilingRequirement | CHECKED NOT CHECKED | FATCA Filing Requirement |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box1-GrossDistribution | Money | Box 1 - Gross Distribution |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box2A-TaxableAmount | Money | Box 2A - Taxable Amount |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box2B-TaxableAmountNotDetermined | CHECKED NOT CHECKED | Box 2B - Taxable Amount Not Determined |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box2B-TotalDistribution | CHECKED NOT CHECKED | Box 2B - Total Distribution |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box3-CapitalGain(IncludedInBox2A) | Money | Box 3 - Capital Gain (Included In Box 2A) |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box4-FederalIncomeTaxWithheld | Money | Box 4 - Federal Income Tax Withheld |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box5-EmployeeContributions/DesignatedRothContributionsOrInsurancePremiums | Money | Box 5 - Employee Contributions/Designated Roth Contributions Or Insurance Premiums |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box6-NetUnrealizedAppreciationInEmployersSecurities | Money | Box 6 - Net Unrealized Appreciation In Employers Securities |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box7-DistributionCode(S) | Money | Box 7 - Distribution Code(s) |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box7-Ira/Sep/Simple | CHECKED NOT CHECKED | Box 7 - IRA/SEP/SIMPLE |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box8-Other($) | Money | Box 8 - Other ($) |
a_1099_r-Part3-Boxes(1-8):box8-Other(%) | Percentage | Box 8 - Other (%) |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box9A-YourPercentageOfTotalDistribution | Percentage | Box 9A - Your Percentage Of Total Distribution |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box9B-TotalEmployeeContributions | Money | Box 9B - Total Employee Contributions |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box10-AmountAllocableToIrrWithin5Years | Money | Box 10 - Amount Allocable To IRR Within 5 Years |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box11-1StYearOfDesig.RothContrib. | Text | Box 11 - 1st Year Of Desig. Roth Contrib. |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box12-StateTaxWithheld | Money | Box 12 - State Tax Withheld |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box13-State/PayerStateNo. | Text | Box 13 - State/Payer State No. |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box14-StateDistribution | Money | Box 14 - State Distribution |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box15-LocalTaxWithheld | Money | Box 15 - Local Tax Withheld |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box16-NameOfLocality | Text | Box 16 - Name Of Locality |
a_1099_r-Part4-Boxes(9-17):box17-LocalDistribution | Money | Box 17 - Local Distribution |
Sample document
Coming soon...
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Updated 8 months ago