All supported documents

Ocrolus offers comprehensive support for 1,600 document types, specifically designed to cater to your unique use cases and document processing needs.

We can quickly onboard any type of document, ensuring extreme accuracy and efficient extraction of crucial information.

Here is the complete list of our currently supported documents:



An asterisk (*) next to the document type indicates that it can be processed in an instant manner. To know more about Instant, see Processing Types.

Document typeDocument classificationData extraction
Bank Statements*YesYes
Brokerage StatementYesYes
Brokerage Statement - Account Summary and TransactionsYesYes
Brokerage Statement - Asset Allocation SummaryYesYes
Earnest Money Deposit ConfirmationYesNo
HUD-1 Settlement StatementYesYes
Commercial Loan ApplicationYesNo
Credit Authorization FormYesNo
Credit Score Information DisclosureYesNo
Letter of ExplanationYesNo
Loan Application (generic)YesNo
Verification of RentYesNo
Ability to Repay CertificationYesNo
Acknowledgment of Intent to ProceedYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt Of Good Faith EstimateYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt Of Home Mortgage Loan Informational DocumentYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Homeownership Counseling NoticeYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt Of Informational BookletsYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Loan EstimateYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt of RESPA's Homeownership Counseling Organizations ListYesNo
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Your Home Loan ToolkitYesNo
Additional Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Advanced Fee/Application DisclosureYesNo
Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure AddendumYesNo
Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure AgreementYesNo
Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure StatementYesNo
Agency Disclosure StatementYesNo
Alternative Mortgage Loan Product DisclosureYesNo
Alternative Mortgage Transaction DisclosureYesNo
Anti-Coercion Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Anti-Steering Loan Options DisclosureYesNo
Anti-Steering Safe Harbor DisclosureYesNo
Applicant Certification Regarding Forbearance of ObligationsYesNo
Application DisclosureYesNo
Application Fee DisclosureYesNo
Appraisal DisclosureYesNo
Appraisal Fee DisclosureYesNo
Appraiser Independence CertificationYesNo
Arm DisclosureYesNo
Attorney and Insurance Preference DisclosureYesNo
Attorney Representation NoticeYesNo
Automated Payments Customer AuthorizationYesYes
Automated Valuation Model NoticeYesNo
Balloon Disclosure Regarding Extension of CreditYesNo
Balloon Payment DisclosureYesNo
Borrower Affirmation of Information Provided to Establish ATRYesNo
Borrower Certification of Business PurposeYesNo
Borrower Consent to the Use of Tax Return InformationYesNo
Broker DisclosureYesNo
Broker HPML DisclosureYesNo
Business Relationship Disclosure NoticeYesNo
Certificate of CounselingYesNo
Certificate of License HistoryYesNo
Change of CircumstanceYesNo
Co-Broker DisclosureYesNo
Collateral Protection Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Commitment DisclosureYesNo
Conflict of Interest DisclosureYesNo
Consumer Credit Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Consumer Credit Transaction DisclosureYesNo
Consumer Disclosure StatementYesNo
Cost of Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Counseling DisclosureYesNo
Covered Loan Disclosure to BorrowerYesNo
Credit Life DisclosureYesNo
Credit Loss-of-Income Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Credit Property Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Credit Score DisclosureYesNo
CSO ContractYesNo
CSO Information StatementYesNo
Debt Consolidation LetterYesNo
Debt Management Service Provider ContractYesNo
Depository Institution Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Disclosure ConsentYesNo
Disclosure NoticesYesNo
Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor(s)YesNo
Disclosure of Fees Earned by Mortgage CompanyYesNo
Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint HazardsYesNo
Disclosure of LendersYesNo
Disclosure of Multiple Roles in a Consumer Real Estate TransactionYesNo
Disclosure of Negative AmortizationYesNo
Disclosure of Payment ApplicationYesNo
Disclosure of Refinancing OptionsYesNo
Disclosure of ServicerYesNo
Disclosure of Servicing ComplaintsYesNo
Disclosure ReceiptYesNo
Disclosure Regarding Legal RepresentationYesNo
Disclosure Statement Required for Residential ConstructionYesNo
Disclosure Tracking DetailsYesNo
Discount Point Fee DisclosureYesNo
Dual Capacity DisclosureYesNo
Dual Mortgage Broker - Fees DisclosureYesNo
Dual Status DisclosureYesNo
Earthquake Insurance for Condominiums DisclosureYesNo
Electronic Disclosure and Consent AgreementYesNo
Electronic Record and Signature DisclosureYesNo
Enhanced Prepayment Penalty DisclosureYesNo
Equal Credit Opportunity Act NoticeYesNo
Escrow Account Disclosure AgreementYesNo
Estimated Disclosure DocumentYesNo
Evidence of Joint ApplicationYesNo
Failure to Close DisclosureYesNo
Fair Housing DisclosureYesNo
Favorable Terms DisclosureYesNo
FHA Mortgage Loan Correspondent DisclosureYesNo
FHA/VA Notice to ApplicantsYesNo
Financial Institutions Insurance DisclosureYesNo
First Lien Appraisal Waiver/Receipt FormYesNo
First Payment LetterYesNo
Flood Disaster Protection ActYesNo
Flood Insurance Coverage Subject to Change DisclosureYesNo
Foreclosure DisclosureYesNo
Hazard Insurance Authorization Requirements and DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Home Loan DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Loan Application DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Loan Counseling DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Loan Insurance DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Loan Payment DisclosureYesNo
High Cost Tangible Net Benefit WorksheetYesNo
Higher Interest Rate In Lieu of PMI DisclosureYesNo
Home Equity Balloon Notice on HELOC AgreementYesNo
Home Equity Loan DisclosureYesNo
Home Loan Protection Act DisclosureYesNo
Homestead DisclosureYesNo
Important Information for Property OwnersYesNo
Important Privacy Choices for ConsumersYesNo
Incoming Wire Direct Deposit ConfirmationYesNo
Initial Escrow Account Disclosure StatementYesNo
Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Insurance Disclosure Acknowledgment of ReceiptYesNo
Interest Rate DisclosureYesNo
Interim Financing DisclosureYesNo
Junior Lien DisclosureYesNo
Large Deposit ExplanationYesNo
Loan Brokerage Agreement and Disclosure StatementYesNo
Loan Brokerage Agreement and Loan Origination Disclosure StatementYesNo
Loan Number Disclosed on Security InstrumentYesNo
Loan Originator License DisclosureYesNo
Loan Payoff Disclosure StatementYesNo
Loan Quality Initiative DisclosureYesNo
Lock-In DisclosureYesNo
Lower Investment Grade DisclosureYesNo
Marital Property Application DisclosureYesNo
Money Broker Loan Disclosure StatementYesNo
Mortgage Banker DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Brokerage Agreement and Application Fee DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Cancellation DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Loan Broker Agent DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Loan Disclosure StatementYesNo
Mortgage Loan Origination DisclosureYesNo
No Doc/Limited Doc DisclosureYesNo
Non-Brokered Escrow Account DisclosureYesNo
Non-Finance Charge DisclosureYesNo
Non-Purchase Residential Mortgage Loan DisclosureYesNo
Noncredit Term Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Nonprime Home Loan DisclosureYesNo
Notice About Appraisal of Your Property - Property Inspection WaiverYesNo
Notice Concerning Extensions of CreditYesNo
Notice Concerning Refinance of Existing Home Equity Loan to Non-Home Equity LoanYesNo
Notice of Furnishing Negative InformationYesNo
Notice of Incomplete ApplicationYesNo
Notice of Information and Examples of Amortization of Home LoansYesNo
Notice of Intent to Proceed with Loan ApplicationYesNo
Notice of Penalties for Making False or Misleading StatementsYesNo
Notice of Potential Recapture Tax Upon Sale Of HomeYesNo
Notice of Required Flood Insurance Determination and Related Notice InformationYesNo
Notice of Right to CancelYesNo
Notice of Right to Receive Copy of Written Appraisal or ValuationYesNo
Notice of Servicing TransferYesNo
Notice of Zoning LimitationsYesNo
Notice to Borrowers About Special Flood Hazard Coverage Subject to Change DisclosureYesNo
Notice to Purchasers (Buyers)YesNo
Open-End Consumer Credit Plan DisclosureYesNo
Optional Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Oral Agreement DisclosureYesNo
Originator Non-Agency DisclosureYesNo
Payment Reduction Fee DisclosureYesNo
Payment Rights NoticeYesNo
Per Diem Interest DisclosureYesNo
Pledged Time Deposit Account DisclosureYesNo
PMI DisclosureYesNo
Pre-Application Disclosure and Fee AgreementYesNo
Pre-Application Disclosure for Licensed BankersYesNo
Prepayment Charge DisclosureYesNo
Prepayment Disclosure at ApplicationYesNo
Prepayment Disclosure at ClosingYesNo
Privacy Policy NoticeYesNo
Private Mortgage Insurance Disclosure - Fixed Rate MortgageYesNo
Processing-Underwriting DisclosureYesNo
Property Insurance Escrow Account DisclosureYesNo
Purchase Money Caption on Standard Security InstrumentsYesNo
Qualified Plan Distribution NoticeYesNo
Rate Cap DisclosureYesNo
Rate Lock DisclosureYesNo
RD Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Cancellation DisclosureYesNo
Re-Disclosure CertificationYesNo
Reasonable Means DisclosureYesNo
Red Flag Warning Disclosure NoticeYesNo
Refinance DisclosureYesNo
REL Supplemental DisclosureYesNo
Residential Mortgage Loan Originator DisclosureYesNo
Residential Property and Owners' Association Disclosure StatementYesNo
RESPA Affiliated Business DisclosuresYesNo
Reverse Mortgage Counseling NoticeYesNo
Reverse Mortgage Interest DisclosureYesNo
Right to Choose Insurance Provider DisclosureYesNo
Right to Own Attorney DisclosureYesNo
Right to Receive a Copy of Appraisal and Valuations DisclosureYesNo
Section 32 Mortgage Loan DisclosureYesNo
Seller's Property Disclosure - ResidentialYesNo
Service Provider ListYesNo
Servicing Disclosure StatementYesNo
Settlement Services DisclosureYesNo
Signatures on Closing DisclosureYesNo
Small Loans First Payment DisclosureYesNo
Solicitation of Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Spanish General DisclosureYesNo
Spanish Mortgage Disclosure FormYesNo
SSA-89 - Social Security Administration AuthorizationYesNo
Statement of Credit Denial or Termination (or Charge)YesNo
Statute of Fraud DisclosureYesNo
Statutory Authority DisclosureYesNo
Student Loan Refinance DisclosureYesNo
Subprime Loan Counseling DisclosureYesNo
Subsection 10 Mortgage Loan DisclosureYesNo
Tangible Net Benefit DisclosureYesNo
Taxpayer Consent FormYesNo
Technology Consent AgreementYesNo
Telephone Sales Contract Notice on All Notes and Security InstrumentsYesNo
The Housing Financial Discrimination Act Of 1977 Fair Lending NoticeYesNo
TILA HELOC Disclosures in HELOC AgreementYesNo
TILA-RESPA Integrated DisclosuresYesNo
Title Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Title Protection NoticeYesNo
Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Disclosure StatementYesNo
Truncated Coverage DisclosureYesNo
Trust Fund DisclosureYesNo
Truth In Lending Act (TILA) DisclosureYesNo
Undisclosed Debt AcknowledgementYesNo
Unemployment Insurance DisclosureYesNo
USA Patriot Act Information DisclosureYesNo
VA Loan Applicants DisclosureYesNo
Variable Interest Provision in Deeds of TrustYesNo
Vendor's Single Interest Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Verbal Credit Authorization CertificationYesNo
Verification of Creditor MatrixYesNo
Verification of Prepurchase Counseling and Acknowledgment of Risk DisclosureYesNo
Water Supply DisclosureYesNo
Well Disclosure StatementYesNo
Birth CertificateYesYes
Direct Deposit AuthorizationYesYes
Employment Offer LetterYesNo
H-1B - Non-Immigrant Employment VisaYesYes
Passport Card*YesYes
Permanent Resident Card*YesYes
Social Security Card*YesYes
Social Security Number CertificationYesNo
State ID*YesYes
US Driver's License*YesYes
Utility billYesYes
Voided checkYesYes
4506 - Request for Copy of Tax ReturnYesNo
4952 - Investment Interest Expense DeductionYesNo
6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax—IndividualsYesNo
8582 - Passive Activity Loss LimitationsYesNo
8615 - Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned IncomeYesNo
8863 - Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits)YesNo
8867 - Paid Preparer’s Due Diligence ChecklistYesNo
8879 - IRS e-file Signature AuthorizationYesNo
8949 - Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital AssetsYesNo
9325 - Acknowledgement and General Information for Taxpayers Who File Returns ElectronicallyYesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2018)YesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2019)YesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2020)YesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2021)YesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2022)YesNo
1040 or 1040-SR Worksheet (2023)YesNo
1040 Two-Year Comparison WorksheetYesNo
1040-ES (NR) - Estimated Tax Payment VoucherYesNo
1040-V - Payment VoucherYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2018) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2019) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2020) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2021) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2022) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2023) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule B (2024) - Other InformationYesNo
1065 Schedule K (2018) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesNo
1065 Schedule K (2019) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesNo
1065 Schedule K (2020) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2018) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2019) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2020) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2021) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2022) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2023) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S Schedule B (2024) - Other InformationYesNo
1120S - Two-year Comparison WorksheetYesNo
8879-PE - E-file Authorization for Form 1065YesNo
8960 - WorksheetYesNo
Annuity Award LetterYesYes
Balance SheetYesYes
Career Data BriefYesYes
Change in Benefits NoticeYesYes
Bank Statement EstimateYesNo
Charitable Deduction Limits WorksheetYesNo
Disability Award LetterYesYes
Estimated Tax WorksheetYesNo
Federal Carryover WorksheetYesNo
Federal Information WorksheetYesNo
Federal Tax Return WorksheetYesNo
I-797 - Notice of ActionYesNo
Income CalculatorYesNo
Income Tax Estimator/PlannerYesNo
IRS Form SSA-1099 - Social Security Benefit StatementYesYes
LLC Corporation DocumentsYesNo
Member Data SummaryYesYes
Pay Stub*YesYes
Pension Award LetterYesYes
Personal Information Worksheet for the TaxpayerYesNo
Profit and Loss StatementYesYes
Recovery Rebate Credit WorksheetYesNo
Self-employed Business NarrativeYesNo
Social Security Award LetterYesYes
Soldier Talent ProfileYesYes
State Tax ReturnYesNo
Tax CertificationYesNo
Tax SummaryYesNo
Veterans Affairs (VA) Award LetterYesYes
VOE (1005) - Request for Verification of EmploymentYesYes
VOE (generic) - Verification of Employment ReportYesYes
VOE (Work Number) - The Work Number Verification of Employment ReportYesYes
VOIE (Finicity) - Finicity Verification of Income and Employment to mirrorYesYes
W3 - Transmittal of Wage and Tax StatementsYesNo
Affidavit of HeirshipYesNo
Affidavit of Understanding and Indemnity and Hold Harmless AgreementYesNo
Agreement Concerning Nonrefundability of Advance FeeYesNo
Applicant Compliance AgreementYesNo
Assignment of Deed of TrustYesNo
Assumption AgreementYesNo
Bankruptcy SearchYesNo
Car Loan DeedYesYes
Certificate and Memorandum of Recording of Dedicatory InstrumentsYesNo
Certificate of Non-Influence and ComplianceYesNo
Certificate of NoticeYesNo
Court JudgmentYesYes
Court OrderYesYes
Credit AgreementYesNo
Declaration of CovenantsYesNo
Deed of TrustYesNo
Deed in Lieu of ForeclosureYesYes
Document DetailYesNo
E-Business AgreementYesNo
Electronic Consent AgreementYesNo
Electronic Evidence SummaryYesNo
Escrow InstructionsYesNo
E-sign Process SummaryYesNo
Foreclosure NoticeYesYes
Form 2010 - Notice Required by 11 USC 342(B) for Individuals Filing for BankruptcyYesNo
General Warranty DeedYesNo
Grant DeedYesNo
Intent to Issue ContractYesNo
Land Title AssociationYesNo
Loan AgreementYesYes
Official Form 101 - Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for BankruptcyYesNo
Official Form 106A/B - Schedule A/B: PropertyYesNo
Official Form 106C - Schedule C: The Property You Claim as ExemptYesNo
Official Form 106D - Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by PropertyYesNo
Official Form 106Dec - Declaration About an Individual Debtor’s SchedulesYesNo
Official Form 106E/F - Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured ClaimsYesNo
Official Form 106G - Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired LeasesYesNo
Official Form 106H - Schedule H: Your CodebtorsYesNo
Official Form 106I - Schedule I: Your IncomeYesNo
Official Form 106J - Schedule J: Your ExpensesYesNo
Official Form 106Sum - Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical InformationYesNo
Official Form 107 - Statement of Financial Affairs for Individuals Filing for BankruptcyYesNo
Official Form 108 - Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7YesNo
Official Form 122A-1 - Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly IncomeYesNo
Official Form 122A-2 - Chapter 7 Means Test CalculationYesNo
Official Form 122C-1 - Chapter 13 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment PeriodYesNo
Official Form 122C-2 - Chapter 13 Calculation of Your Disposable IncomeYesNo
Official Form 309A - Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case - No Proof of Claim DeadlineYesNo
Official Form 423 - Certification About a Financial Management CourseYesNo
Owner's AffidavitYesNo
Power of AttorneyYesNo
Professional Liability InsuranceYesYes
Quitclaim DeedYesNo
Release of Judgment or LienYesYes
Signature CertificateYesNo
Signature Name AffidavitYesNo
Solar Panel Lease AgreementYesYes
Solar Panel Loan AgreementYesYes
Subordination AgreementYesNo
Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting ActYesNo
Trust Agreement or Trust CertificationYesNo
Wage Garnishment OrderYesYes
Mortgage-specific forms
1003 (2009) - Uniform Residential Loan ApplicationYesYes
1003 (2020) - Uniform Residential Loan ApplicationYesYes
1003 (2020) - Uniform Residential Loan Application (Additional Borrower)YesYes
1003 (2020) - Uniform Residential Loan Application (Lender Loan Information)YesYes
1008 (2009) - Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal SummaryYesYes
1008 (2018) - Uniform Underwriting and Transmittal SummaryYesYes
1009 - Addendum to Residential Loan ApplicationYesNo
1009 - Residential Loan Application for Reverse MortgagesYesNo
1103 (2022) - Supplemental Consumer Information FormYesNo
Ability to Repay WorksheetYesNo
Appraisal Waiver/Receipt FormYesNo
Approved Loan NotificationYesNo
Assignment of MortgageYesNo
Borrower AuthorizationYesNo
Borrower Certification and AuthorizationYesYes
Borrower Debt CertificationYesNo
Borrower Signature AuthorizationYesNo
Buydown AgreementYesNo
Buyer's Estimated Settlement StatementYesNo
CAIVRS AuthorizationYesYes
Clear-To-Close NotificationYesNo
Closing DisclosureYesYes
Closing Document RequestYesNo
Closing InstructionsYesNo
Closing protection letterYesYes
Commitment AgreementYesNo
Condominium RiderYesNo
DD Form 214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active DutyYesNo
Divorce DecreeYesYes
Documentation ChecklistYesNo
DU (Desktop Underwriter) Underwriting FindingsYesNo
Early Check Loan-Level ResultsYesNo
Employment and Other Income WorksheetYesNo
Escrow WaiverYesNo
Exclusive Right of Sale Listing AgreementYesNo
Federal Supporting Statements - Other DeductionsYesYes
FHA Amendatory Clause and Real Estate CertificationYesNo
FHA Application of Unused Escrow Funds AuthorizationYesNo
FHA Appraisal LoggingYesNo
FHA Case Number AssignmentYesYes
FHA Case QueryYesNo
FHA Identity of Interest CertificationYesNo
Final Seller's StatementYesNo
Final Settlement StatementYesNo
Flood Elevation CertificateYesYes
For Your Protection Get a Home InspectionYesNo
Form 3170 - Multistate 1-4 Family RiderYesNo
Form 465 or 1073 - Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal ReportYesNo
Form 71 or 1004MC - Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisal ReportYesNo
Form 72 or 1025 - Small Residential Income Property Appraisal ReportYesNo
Gift LetterYesYes
Good Faith Estimate (HUD-GFE)YesNo
Home Equity AddendumYesNo
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) AgreementYesNo
Home Equity Theft Prevention Act AffidavitYesNo
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) WorksheetYesNo
Homebuyer Education CertificateYesNo
Homeownership Counseling Organization ListYesNo
HUD Appraised Value DisclosureYesNo
HUD-50012 - Mortgagee's Request for Extensions of TimeYesNo
HUD-50112 - Construction Loan RiderYesNo
HUD-54114 - Direct Endorsement Underwriter/HUD Reviewer Analysis of Appraisal ReportYesNo
HUD-55014 - Warranty for New Manufactured HomeYesNo
HUD-91322.3 - Statement of Appraised ValueYesNo
HUD-92051 - Compliance Inspection ReportYesNo
HUD-92070 - Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Notice DisclosureYesNo
HUD-92080-OHF - Mortgage Record ChangeYesNo
HUD-92541 - Builder's Certification of Plans Specifications & SiteYesNo
HUD-92544 - Warranty of Completion of ConstructionYesNo
HUD-92561 - Borrower's Contract With Respect to Hotel and Transient Use of PropertyYesNo
HUD-92700-A 203 (K) - Borrower's AcknowledgementYesNo
HUD-92800.5B - Conditional CommitmentYesNo
HUD-92900-A - HUD Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan ApplicationYesNo
HUD-92900-B - Important Notice to HomebuyersYesNo
HUD-92900-LT - FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal SummaryYesNo
HUD-92900-PUR - Mortgage Credit Analysis Worksheet - Purchase Money MortgagesYesNo
HUD-9746-A - Draw RequestYesNo
HUD-NPMA-99-A - Subterranean Termite Protection Builder's GuaranteeYesNo
HUD-NPMA-99-B - New Construction Subterranean Termite Service RecordYesNo
HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application (HUD-92900-A/VA 26-1802A)YesNo
Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure NoticeYesNo
Instructions to Escrow Title Closing AgentYesNo
IRS Form 4506-C - IVES Request for Transcript of Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 4506-T - Request for Transcript of Tax ReturnYesYes
Lender Underwriter Review Verification (URV)YesNo
Lender's Notice of ValueYesNo
Loan Approval FormYesNo
Loan Approval LetterYesNo
Loan Closing Advisor Feedback CertificateYesNo
Loan Closing Advisor Loan Assessment SummaryYesNo
Loan Disbursement InstructionsYesNo
Loan EstimateYesYes
Loan Estimate Summary and Fee ItemizationYesNo
Loan Product Advisor Property Valuation Disclosure FormYesNo
Loan SubmissionYesNo
Loan SummaryYesNo
Mortgage FindingsYesNo
Mortgage Fraud is investigated by the FBI DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Insurance (MI) Rate QuoteYesNo
Mortgage Insurance CertificateYesYes
Mortgage Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Mortgage Insurance Payment ReceiptYesNo
Mortgage Insurance PolicyYesNo
Mortgage Loan CommitmentYesNo
Mortgage NoteYesYes
Notice to Homeowner Assumption of HUD/FHA Insured LoansYesNo
NPMA-33 - Wood Destroying Insect Inspection ReportYesNo
Occupancy and Financial StatementYesNo
Planned Unit Development (PUD) RiderYesNo
Power of Attorney (POA) Certification (Live and Well)YesNo
Private Mortgage PaymentYesYes
Processors CertificationYesNo
Pre-Approval LetterYesYes
Private Mortgage Insurance Cancellation/Termination Data SheetYesNo
Purchase AdviceYesNo
RD 1980-18 - Conditional Commitment for Single Family Housing Loan GuaranteeYesNo
RD 1980-19 - Guaranteed Loan Closing ReportYesNo
RD 1980-86 - Request For Reservation of FundsYesNo
RD 3555-11 - Lender Record ChangeYesNo
RD 3555-17 - Loan Note GuaranteeYesNo
RD 3555-18 - Lender CertificationYesNo
RD 3555-18E - Conditional Commitment for Single Family Housing Loan GuaranteeYesNo
RD 3555-21 - Request for Single Family Housing Loan GuaranteeYesNo
Real Estate Appraisers Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy DeclarationsYesNo
Receipt for Escrow AccountYesNo
Refinance CertificationYesNo
Rehabilitation Loan RiderYesNo
Request for Fair Lending InformationYesNo
Request for Verification of Rent Or MortgageYesNo
Rural Development Underwriting Submission FormYesNo
Second Mortgage Application ChecklistYesNo
Standard 203(K) Purchase Transaction - Maximum Mortgage CalculationYesNo
Release of Employee's Information FormYesNo
Standard Flood Hazard Determination FormYesYes
Standard Lender QuestionnaireYesNo
Supplemental Escrow Instructions and General ProvisionsYesNo
Sworn Statement ­- Residential ConstructionYesNo
Termite Inspection ReportYesNo
Title Insurance PolicyYesYes
Title Order FormYesNo
UCD Findings ReportYesNo
Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) Definitions AddendumYesNo
VA 20-0995 - Decision Review Request - Supplemental ClaimYesNo
VA 26-0285 - VA Transmittal ListYesNo
VA 26-0286 - VA Loan Summary SheetYesNo
VA 26-0503 - Federal Collection Policy NoticeYesNo
VA 26-0551 - Debt QuestionnaireYesNo
VA 26-0592 - Counseling Checklist for Military HomebuyersYesNo
VA 26-1805 - Request for Determination of Reasonable ValueYesNo
VA 26-1820 - Report and Certification of Loan DisbursementYesNo
VA 26-1839 - Compliance Inspection ReportYesNo
VA 26-1880 - Request for a Certificate of EligibilityYesNo
VA 26-6393 - Loan AnalysisYesNo
VA 26-6705B - Credit Statement of Prospective PurchaserYesNo
VA 26-8261A - Request for Certificate of Veteran StatusYesNo
VA 26-8599 - Manufactured Home WarrantyYesNo
VA 26-8923 - Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan (IRRRL) WorksheetYesNo
VA 26-8937 - Verification of VA BenefitsYesYes
VA 26-8978 - Rights of VA Loan BorrowersYesNo
VA Amendment to Sales ContractYesNo
VA Assumption NoticeYesNo
VA Certificate of EligibilityYesYes
VA Child Care StatementYesNo
VA Escape ClauseYesNo
VA Lender CertificationYesNo
VA Lender's Notice of ValueYesNo
VA Nearest Living Relative StatementYesNo
VA Rate Reduction CertificationYesNo
Vesting FormYesNo
Wiring InstructionsYesYes
Worksheet for Calculating Rental Income From Tax ReturnsYesNo
Worksheet for Documenting Eligible Household and Repayment IncomeYesNo
Your Home Loan ToolkitYesNo
Auto Loan StatementYesYes
Bank Statement Income QuestionnaireYesNo
Billing StatementYesNo
Borrower Income QuestionnaireYesNo
Business Purpose Loan QuestionnaireYesNo
Child Care PaymentYesYes
Compliance AgreementYesNo
Compliance ReportYesNo
Conditional Approval LetterYesNo
Condo Project Manager CertificateYesNo
Coast Guard Standard Travel OrderYesYes
Cover Letter for Loan ApplicationYesNo
Cover PageYesNo
CP565 Notice - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number StatusYesNo
Credit Card StatementYesYes
Credit ReportYesYes
DAF 899 Request and Authorization for Permanent Change of StationYesYes
Department of the Army Permanent Change of Station OrderYesYes
Department of the Navy Permanent Change of Station OrderYesYes
Deposited ChecksYesYes
Electronic Filing Instructions for Tax ReturnYesNo
Electronic Postmark - Certification of Electronic FilingYesNo
Fax Cover SheetYesNo
Feasibility ReportYesNo
Fee WorksheetYesNo
Filing InstructionsYesNo
Fraud ReportYesNo
Hardship Withdrawal FormYesNo
Homestyle Renovation Loan AgreementYesNo
ISO ApplicationYesYes
Letter from the Payor (alimony or child support)YesYes
Life Insurance PaymentYesYes
Liquidity WorksheetYesNo
Loan Action FormYesNo
Loan Amortization ScheduleYesNo
Lock ConfirmationYesNo
Marine Corps Basic OrderYesYes
Name Search ResultYesNo
Patriot or OFAC SearchYesNo
Profit and Loss Program QuestionnaireYesNo
Project QuestionnaireYesNo
Rental Housing PaymentYesYes
Solar Panel Payment ReceiptYesYes
Stock Purchase Plan PaymentYesYes
Student Loan StatementYesYes
Supplemental AddendumYesNo
USA Patriot Act Information FormYesNo
USPS Address VerificationYesNo
Voluntary Information for Government Monitoring PurposesYesNo
Wire Remittance StatementYesYes
1004 - Uniform Residential Appraisal ReportYesYes
1032 - One-Unit Residential Appraisal Field Review ReportYesYes
Abstract of TitleYesNo
Affidavit of Affixation for Manufactured or Mobile HomeYesNo
Affidavit of OccupancyYesNo
ALTA Settlement Statement - CombinedYesNo
ALTA Settlement Statement - Borrower/BuyerYesNo
Appraisal NoticeYesYes
Bid on RepairsYesNo
Certificate of CompletionYesNo
Certificate of Liability InsuranceYesYes
Certificate of Manufactured Home OwnershipYesNo
Certificate of OccupancyYesNo
Chain of TitleYesNo
Condition ChecklistYesNo
Condominium Management Services AgreementYesNo
Construction ContractYesNo
Emergency Repairs Violation SearchYesNo
FEMA Disaster Search ResultsYesNo
FHA Homeowner/Contractor AgreementYesNo
Final InspectionYesYes
Flood Hazard DeterminationYesNo
Flood Insurance ApplicationYesNo
Flood Insurance Policy DeclarationsYesNo
Fraud Alert Verification FormYesNo
Grant of Easements for Solar Energy EquipmentYesNo
Hazard Insurance DisclosureYesNo
Hazard Insurance Endorsement LetterYesNo
Homeowner Association BudgetYesNo
Homeowner Association BylawsYesNo
Homeowner Association Covenants Conditions Restrictions SummaryYesNo
Homeowner Association InsuranceYesNo
Homeowner Association Meeting MinutesYesNo
Homeowners Association StatementYesYes
Homeowner Insurance Policy - Insurance BinderYesYes
Homeowner Insurance QuoteYesNo
Lien CertificateYesNo
Listing InformationYesNo
Mortgage StatementYesYes
Payoff LetterYesYes
Preliminary Title ReportYesYes
Property Detail ReportYesNo
Property Details and InspectionYesNo
Property Tax billYesYes
Property Tax Disclosure ReportYesNo
Property Tax Info SheetYesNo
Purchase contractYesYes
Residential Lease agreementYesYes
RD 3550-6 - Notice of Special Flood Hazards and Availability of Federal Disaster Relief AssistanceYesNo
Settlement CertificationYesNo
Sewer ReportYesNo
Smoke Alarm AffidavitYesNo
Specification of RepairsYesNo
Title CommitmentYesNo
Title OpinionYesNo
Transferor AffidavitYesNo
Water Inspection ReportYesNo
Tax forms
1000 - Ownership CertificateYesNo
1023 - Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
1023-EZ - Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
1024 - Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a)YesNo
1024-A - Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
1028 - Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 521 of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
10301 - CD Encryption Code Authorization For CP2100/972CG NoticesYesNo
1040 - Broker Reconciliation WorksheetYesNo
1040 - Capital Loss Carryover WorksheetsYesNo
1040 - Carryover ReportYesNo
1040 - Client-Specific Billing OptionsYesNo
1040 - Federal Tax Projection WorksheetYesNo
1040 - Partner's Basis WorksheetYesNo
1040 - Tax Return History ReportYesNo
1040 AMT - Passive Activity and Loss Limit Adjustment WorksheetYesNo
1040 - K-1 Detail Summary ReportYesNo
1040 - K-1 Reconciliation WorksheetYesNo
1040-C - U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1040-ES - Estimated Tax for IndividualsYesNo
1040-NR - U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1040-NR Schedule A - Itemized DeductionsYesNo
1040-NR Schedule NEC - Tax on Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or BusinessYesNo
1040-NR Schedule OI - Other InformationYesNo
1040-Rent and Royalty ReconciliationYesNo
1040-SR (2019) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SR (2020) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SR (2021) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SR (2022) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SR (2023) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SR (2024) - U.S. Income Tax Return for SeniorsYesYes
1040-SS - U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)YesNo
1041 - U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and TrustsYesNo
1041 Schedule I - Alternative Minimum Tax - Estates and TrustsYesNo
1041 Schedule J - Accumulation Distribution for Certain Complex TrustsYesNo
1041 Schedule K-1 - Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesNo
1041-A - U.S. Information Return Trust Accumulation of Charitable AmountsYesNo
1041-ES - Estimated Income Tax for Estates and TrustsYesNo
1041-N - U.S. Income Tax Return for Electing Alaska Native Settlement TrustsYesNo
1041-QFT - U.S. Income Tax Return for Qualified Funeral TrustsYesNo
1041-T - Allocation of Estimated Tax Payments to BeneficiariesYesNo
1041-V - Payment VoucherYesNo
1042 - Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign PersonsYesNo
1042 Schedule Q - Tax Liability of Qualified Derivatives Dealer (QDD)YesNo
1042-S - Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to WithholdingYesNo
1042-T - Annual Summary and Transmittal of Forms 1042-SYesNo
1045 - Application for Tentative RefundYesNo
1065 - 199A Statement A SummaryYesNo
1065 Schedule B-1 - Information on Partners Owning 50% or More of the PartnershipYesNo
1065 Schedule B-2 - Election Out of the Centralized Partnership Audit RegimeYesNo
1065 Schedule C - Additional Information for Schedule M-3 FilersYesNo
1065 Schedule D - Capital Gains and LossesYesNo
1065 Schedule K (2021) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesYes
1065 Schedule K (2022) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesYes
1065 Schedule K (2023) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesYes
1065 Schedule K (2024) - Partners’ Distributive Share ItemsYesYes
1065 Schedule K-2 - Partners' Distributive Share Items - InternationalYesNo
1065 Schedule K-3 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - InternationalYesNo
1065 Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Certain PartnershipsYesYes
1065-X - Amended Return or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)YesNo
1066 - U.S. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1066 Schedule Q - Quarterly Notice to Residual Interest Holder of REMIC Taxable Income or Net Loss AllocationYesNo
1094-B - Transmittal of Health Coverage Information ReturnsYesNo
1094-C - Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information ReturnsYesNo
1095-A - Health Insurance Marketplace StatementYesNo
1095-B - Health CoverageYesNo
1095-C - Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and CoverageYesNo
1097-BTC - Bond Tax CreditYesNo
1098 - Mortgage Interest StatementYesNo
1098-C - Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and AirplanesYesNo
1098-E - Student Loan Interest StatementYesNo
1098-F - Fines, Penalties, and Other AmountsYesNo
1098-MA - Mortgage Assistance PaymentsYesNo
1098-Q - Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contract InformationYesNo
1098-T - Tuition StatementYesNo
1099-A - Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured PropertyYesNo
1099-B - Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange TransactionsYesNo
1099-C - Cancellation of DebtYesNo
1099-CAP - Changes in Corporate Control and Capital StructureYesNo
1099-DIV - Dividends and DistributionsYesNo
1099-H - Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Advance PaymentsYesNo
1099-LS - Reportable Life Insurance SaleYesNo
1099-LTC - Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death BenefitsYesNo
1099-NEC - Nonemployee CompensationYesYes
1099-OID - Original Issue DiscountYesNo
1099-PATR - Taxable Distributions Received From CooperativesYesNo
1099-Q - Payments from Qualified Education ProgramsYesNo
1099-QA - Distributions from ABLE AccountsYesNo
1099-S - Proceeds from Real Estate TransactionsYesNo
1099-SA - Distributions From an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSAYesNo
1099-SB - Seller's Investment in Life Insurance ContractYesNo
11-C - Occupational Tax and Registration Return for WageringYesNo
1116 - Foreign Tax Credit (Individual, Estate, or Trust)YesNo
1116 Schedule B - Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation ScheduleYesNo
1116 Schedule C - Foreign Tax RedeterminationsYesNo
1117 - Income Tax Surety BondYesNo
1118 - Foreign Tax Credit - CorporationsYesNo
1118 Schedule I - Reduction of Foreign Oil and Gas TaxesYesNo
1118 Schedule J - Adjustments to Separate Limitation Income (Loss) Categories for Determining Numerators of Limitation Fractions, Year-End Recharacterization Balances, and Overall Foreign and Domestic Loss Account BalancesYesNo
1118 Schedule K - Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation ScheduleYesNo
1118 Schedule L - Foreign Tax RedeterminationsYesNo
1120 Schedule B - Additional Information for Schedule M-3 FilersYesNo
1120 Schedule D - Capital Gains and LossesYesNo
1120 Schedule H - Section 280H Limitations for a Personal Service Corporation (PSC)YesNo
1120 Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Corporations with Total Assets of $10 Million or moreYesYes
1120 Schedule N - Foreign Operations of U.S. CorporationsYesNo
1120 Schedule O - Consent Plan and Apportionment Schedule for a Controlled GroupYesNo
1120 Schedule PH - U.S. Personal Holding Company (PHC) TaxYesNo
1120 Schedule UTP - Uncertain Tax Position StatementYesNo
1120-C - U.S. Income Tax Return for Cooperative AssociationsYesNo
1120-F - U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign CorporationYesNo
1120-F Schedule H - Deductions Allocated To Effectively Connected Income Under Regulations Section 1.861-8YesNo
1120-F Schedule I - Interest Expense Allocation Under Regulations Section 1.882-5YesNo
1120-F Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Foreign Corporations With Reportable Assets of $10 Million or MoreYesNo
1120-F Schedule P - List of Foreign Partner Interests in PartnershipsYesNo
1120-F Schedule Q - Tax Liability of Qualified Derivatives Dealer (QDD)YesNo
1120-F Schedule S - Exclusion of Income From the International Operation of Ships or Aircraft Under Section 883YesNo
1120-F Schedule V - List of Vessels or Aircraft, Operators, and OwnersYesNo
1120-F Schedules M-1 and M-2 - Reconciliation of Income (Loss) and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings per BooksYesNo
1120-FSC - U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Sales CorporationYesNo
1120-FSC Schedule P - Transfer Price or CommissionYesNo
1120-H - U.S. Income Tax Return for Homeowners AssociationsYesNo
1120-IC-DISC - Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation ReturnYesNo
1120-IC-DISC Schedule K - Shareholder's Statement of IC-DISC DistributionsYesNo
1120-IC-DISC Schedule P - Intercompany Transfer Price or CommissionYesNo
1120-IC-DISC Schedule Q - Borrower's Certificate of Compliance With the Rules for Producer's LoansYesNo
1120-L Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for U.S. Life Insurance Companies With Total Assets of $10 Million or MoreYesNo
1120-ND - Return for Nuclear Decommissioning Funds and Certain Related PersonsYesNo
1120-PC - U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1120-PC Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Companies With Total Assets of $10 Million or MoreYesNo
1120-POL - U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Political OrganizationsYesNo
1120-REIT - U.S. Income Tax Return for Real Estate Investment TrustsYesNo
1120-RIC - U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated Investment CompaniesYesNo
1120S Schedule B-1 - Information on Certain Shareholders of an S CorporationYesNo
1120S Schedule D - Capital Gains and Losses and Built-in GainsYesNo
1120S Schedule K (2021) - Shareholders’ Pro Rata Share ItemsYesYes
1120S Schedule K (2022) - Shareholders’ Pro Rata Share ItemsYesYes
1120S Schedule K (2023) - Shareholders’ Pro Rata Share ItemsYesYes
1120S Schedule K (2024) - Shareholders’ Pro Rata Share ItemsYesYes
1120S Schedule K-2 - Shareholders' Pro Rata Share Items - InternationalYesNo
1120S Schedule K-3 - Shareholder's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - InternationalYesNo
1120S Schedule M-3 - Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for S Corporations with Total Assets of $10 Million or moreYesYes
1120-SF - U.S. Income Tax Return for Settlement FundsYesNo
1120-X - Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1120S - Future Depreciation ReportYesNo
1122 - Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation To Be Included in a Consolidated Income Tax ReturnYesNo
1127 - Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue HardshipYesNo
1128 - Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax YearYesNo
1138 - Extension of Time for Payment of Taxes by a Corporation Expecting a Net Operating Loss CarrybackYesNo
1139 - Corporation Application for Tentative RefundYesNo
11652 - Questionnaire and Supporting Documentation Form 1040 Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business)YesNo
12009 - Request for an Informal Conference and Appeals ReviewYesNo
12153 - Request for a Collection Due Process or Equivalent HearingYesNo
12203 - Request for Appeals ReviewYesNo
12203-A - Request for AppealYesNo
12256 - Withdrawal of Request for Collection Due Process or Equivalent HearingYesNo
12277 - Application for Withdrawal of Filed Form 668(Y), Notice of Federal Tax LienYesNo
12325 - Military Status QuestionnaireYesNo
12339 - Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council Membership ApplicationYesNo
12451 - Request for Relocation Expenses AllowanceYesNo
12508 - Questionnaire for Non-Requesting SpouseYesNo
12661 - Disputed Issue VerificationYesNo
12673 - Agreement to BidYesNo
1310 - Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased TaxpayerYesNo
13285-A - Reducing Tax Burden on America's TaxpayersYesNo
13287 - Bank Payment Problem IdentificationYesNo
13424 - Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Application InformationYesNo
13424-C - Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) Advocacy Information ReportYesNo
13424-F - Volunteer / Pro Bono Time ReportingYesNo
13441-A - Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Monthly Registration and UpdateYesNo
13533 - VITA/TCE Partner Sponsor AgreementYesNo
13533-A - FSA Remote Sponsor AgreementYesNo
13551 - Application to Participate in the IRS Acceptance Agent ProgramYesNo
13560 - Health Plan Administrator (HPA) Return of FundsYesNo
13614-C - Intake/Interview & Quality Review SheetYesNo
13614-NR - Nonresident Alien Intake and Interview SheetYesNo
13615 - Volunteer Standards of Conduct Agreement - VITA/TCE ProgramsYesNo
1363 - Export Exemption CertificatesYesNo
13711 - Income and Deductions ChecklistYesNo
13715 - Where is My RefundYesNo
13748 - Request for Appeal of Offer in CompromiseYesNo
13750 - Volunteer Site Information SheetYesNo
13751 - Workshops/Seminars RegistrationYesNo
13768 - Election to Participate in Announcement 2005-80 Settlement InitiativeYesNo
13797 - Waiver of Right to Consistent Agreement of Partnership Items and Partnership-Level Determinations as to Penalties, Additions to Tax, and Additional AmountsYesNo
13803 - Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee Membership ApplicationYesNo
13844 - Compliance Check ReportYesNo
13909 - Application to Participate in the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) ProgramYesNo
13930 - Application For Reduced User Fee For Installment AgreementsYesNo
13973 - Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral)YesNo
13976 - Application for Central Withholding AgreementYesNo
13977 - Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Blank Payment CouponYesNo
13978 - Itemized Statement Component of Advisee ListYesNo
13989 - VITA Grant Budget PlanYesNo
13997 - Validating Your TIN and Reasonable CauseYesNo
14017 - Projected Operations VITA Grant ApplicationYesNo
14039 - IRS Tax Forum Case Resolution Data SheetYesNo
14039-B - Validating Your TIN and Reasonable CauseYesNo
14095 - Application for Fast Track SettlementYesNo
14134 - Identity Theft AffidavitYesNo
14135 - Business Identity Theft AffidavitYesNo
14157 - The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Reimbursement RequestYesNo
14157-A - Application for Certificate of Subordination of Federal Tax LienYesNo
14199 - Application for Certificate of Discharge of Property from Federal Tax LienYesNo
14204 - Form W-7 ChecklistYesNo
14310 - Return Preparer ComplaintYesNo
14335 - Tax Return Preparer Fraud or Misconduct AffidavitYesNo
14360 - COBRA Recapture StatementYesNo
14364 - Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program Application Checklist and Contact SheetYesNo
14392 - Partner and Volunteer Sign UpYesNo
14402 - Contact Information for VITA and TCE Grant ProgramsYesNo
14411 - Continuing Education Provider Complaint ReferralYesNo
14414 - Group Ruling QuestionnaireYesNo
14417 - Reimbursable Agreement - Non-Federal EntitiesYesNo
14429 - Tax Exempt Bonds Voluntary Closing Agreement Program RequestYesNo
14446 - Virtual VITA/TCE Taxpayer ConsentYesNo
14452 - Foreign Account or Asset StatementYesNo
14454 - Attachment to Offshore Voluntary Disclosure LetterYesNo
14462 - Authorization for Disclosure of Information - IRS Return Preparer OfficeYesNo
14568 - Model VCP Compliance StatementYesNo
14568-A - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 1: Plan Document Failures for 403(b) PlansYesNo
14568-B - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 2: Nonamender Failures for IRC 401(a) PlansYesNo
14568-C - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 3 SEPs and SARSEPsYesNo
14568-D - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 4 SIMPLE IRAsYesNo
14568-E - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 5: Plan Loan FailuresYesNo
14568-F - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 6 Employer Eligibility FailureYesNo
14568-G - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 7 Failure to Distribute Elective Deferrals in Excess of the 402(g) LimitYesNo
14568-H - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 8: Failure to Pay Required Minimum Distributions TimelyYesNo
14568-I - Model VCP Compliance Statement - Schedule 9: Limited Safe Harbor Correction by Plan AmendmentYesNo
14581-A - Fringe Benefits Compliance Self-Assessment For Public EmployersYesNo
14581-B - International Issues Compliance Self-Assessment For Public EmployersYesNo
14581-C - Medicare Coverage Compliance Self-Assessment For State and Local Government EmployersYesNo
14581-D - Other Tax Issues Compliance Self-Assessment For Public EmployersYesNo
14581-E - Retirement Plan Coverage Compliance Self-Assessment For State and Local Government EntitiesYesNo
14581-F - Social Security Coverage Compliance Self-Assessment For State and Local Government EntitiesYesNo
14581-G - Employee or Independent Contractor Compliance Self-Assessment For Public EmployersYesNo
14693 - Application for Reduced Rate of Withholding on Whistleblower Award PaymentYesNo
14704 - Transmittal Schedule – Form 5500-EZ Delinquent Filer Penalty Relief ProgramYesNo
14708 - Streamlined Domestic Penalty Reconsideration Request Related to Canadian Retirement PlansYesNo
14765 - Employee Premium Tax Credit (PTC) ListingYesNo
14773 - Offer in Compromise WithdrawalYesNo
14773-A - Offer in Compromise Withdrawal - JointYesNo
14781 - Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) – Insolvency RegistrationYesNo
14815 - Supporting Documents to Prove the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Credit for Other Dependents (ODC) for 2018-2025YesNo
14815-A - Supporting Documents to Prove the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Credit for Other Dependents (ODC) for 2021YesNo
14824 - Supporting Documents to Prove Filing StatusYesNo
14950 - Premium Tax Credit VerificationYesNo
15057 - Agreement to Rescind Notice of Final Partnership AdjustmentYesNo
15080 - Consent to Disclose Tax Return Information to VITA/TCE Tax Preparation SitesYesNo
15086 - Offer in Compromise Public Inspection File RequestYesNo
15100 - Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) Extension RequestYesNo
15101 - Provide a Social Security Number (SSN) for Adoptive ChildYesNo
15103 - Form 1040 Return DelinquencyYesNo
15104 - Status of the Taxpayer LevyYesNo
15105 - No Breakdown of Liability By Abstract Number on Form 720YesNo
15107 - Information Request for a Deceased TaxpayerYesNo
15109 - Request for Tax DefermentYesNo
15110 - Additional Child Tax Credit WorksheetYesNo
15111 - Earned Income Credit Worksheet (CP 09)YesNo
15112 - Earned Income Credit Worksheet (CP 27)YesNo
15230 - Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program EndorsementYesNo
15230-A - Mobility Statement for the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development ProgramYesNo
15230-B - Continuing Service Agreement (for Candidate Development Program Participants)YesNo
15250 - Nonbank Trustee/Custodian Status NotificationYesNo
15254 - Request for Section 754 RevocationYesNo
15288 - Request to Revoke Partnership Election under IRC Section 6221(b) or Request to Revoke Election under 1101(g)(4)YesNo
15314 - TE/GE Secure Messaging Taxpayer Agreement Authorization of Disclosure to Designated UsersYesNo
15315 - Annual Certification for Multiemployer Defined Benefit PlansYesNo
15320 - Application for Security Summit MembershipYesNo
15400 - Clean Vehicle Seller ReportYesNo
199A - Worksheet by ActivityYesNo
2032 - Contract Coverage Under Title II of the Social Security ActYesNo
2063 - U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax StatementYesNo
2106 - Employee Business ExpensesYesNo
211 - Application for Award for Original InformationYesNo
211A - State or Local Law Enforcement Application for Reimbursement for Original InformationYesNo
2120 - Multiple Support DeclarationYesNo
2159 - Payroll Deduction AgreementYesNo
2210 - Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and TrustsYesNo
2210-F - Underpayment of Estimated Tax By Farmers and FishermenYesNo
2220 - Underpayment of Estimated Tax By CorporationsYesNo
2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax ReturnYesNo
23 - Application for Enrollment to Practice Before the Internal Revenue ServiceYesNo
2350 - Application for Extension of Time to File U.S. Income Tax ReturnYesNo
2438 - Undistributed Capital Gains Tax ReturnYesNo
2439 - Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital GainsYesNo
2441 - Child and Dependent Care ExpensesYesNo
2553 - Election by a Small Business CorporationYesNo
2555 - Foreign Earned IncomeYesYes
2587 - Application for Special Enrollment ExaminationYesNo
2624 - Consent for Third Party ContactYesNo
2678 - Employer/Payer Appointment of AgentYesNo
2848 - Power of Attorney and Declaration of RepresentativeYesNo
3115 - Application for Change in Accounting MethodYesNo
3468 - Investment CreditYesNo
3491 - Consumer Cooperative Exemption ApplicationYesNo
3520 - Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign GiftsYesNo
3520-A - Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. OwnerYesNo
3800 - General Business CreditYesNo
3881 - ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment EnrollmentYesNo
3881-A - ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment - HCTCYesNo
3903 - Moving ExpensesYesNo
3911 - Taxpayer Statement Regarding RefundYesNo
3921 - Exercise of an Incentive Stock Option Under Section 422(b)YesNo
3922 - Transfer of Stock Acquired Through An Employee Stock Purchase Plan Under Section 423(c)YesNo
3949-A - Information ReferralYesNo
4029 - Application for Exemption From Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of BenefitsYesNo
4089 - Notice of Deficiency - WaiverYesNo
4136 - Credit for Federal Tax Paid on FuelsYesNo
4137 - Social Security and Medicare Tax on Unreported Tip IncomeYesNo
4219 - Statement of Liability of Lender, Surety, or Other Person for Withholding TaxesYesNo
4255 - Recapture of Investment CreditYesNo
433-A - Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed IndividualsYesNo
433-A (OIC) - Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed IndividualsYesNo
433-B - Collection Information Statement for BusinessesYesNo
433-B (OIC) - Collection Information Statement for BusinessesYesNo
433-D - Installment AgreementYesNo
433-F - Collection Information StatementYesNo
433-H - Installment Agreement Request and Collection Information StatementYesNo
4361 - Application for Exemption From Self-Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members of Religious Orders and Christian Science PractitionersYesNo
4421 - Declaration - Executor's Commissions and Attorney's FeesYesNo
4422 - Application for Certificate Discharging Property Subject to Estate Tax LienYesNo
4461 - Application for Approval of Standardized or Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Defined Contribution PlansYesNo
4461-A - Application for Approval of Standardized or Nonstandardized Pre-Approved Defined Benefit PlanYesNo
4461-B - Application for Approval of Standardized or Nonstandardized Pre-Approved PlansYesNo
4461-C - Application for Approval of Standardized or Nonstandardized 403(b) Pre-Approved PlansYesNo
4466 - Corporation Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated TaxYesNo
4506-A - Request for a Copy of Exempt or Political Organization IRS FormYesNo
4506-B - Request for a Copy of Exempt Organization IRS Application or LetterYesNo
4506-F - Identity Theft Victim's Request for Copy of Fraudulent Tax ReturnYesNo
4506-T-EZ - Short Form Request for Individual Tax Return TranscriptYesNo
4562 - Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property)YesYes
4563 - Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents of American SamoaYesNo
461 - Limitation on Business LossesYesNo
4669 - Statement of Payments ReceivedYesNo
4670 - Request for Relief of Payment of Certain Withholding TaxesYesNo
4684 - Casualties and TheftsYesNo
4720 - Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
4768 - Application for Extension of Time To File a Return and/or Pay U.S. Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) TaxesYesNo
4797 - Sales of Business PropertyYesYes
4808 - Computation of Credit for Gift TaxYesNo
4810 - Request for Prompt Assessment Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6501(d)YesNo
4835 (2022) - Farm Rental Income and ExpensesYesYes
4835 (2023) - Farm Rental Income and ExpensesYesYes
4835 (2024) - Farm Rental Income and ExpensesYesYes
4852 - Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.YesNo
4868 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnYesYes
4876-A - Election To Be Treated as an Interest Charge DISCYesNo
4952 Investment Income WorksheetYesNo
4970 - Tax on Accumulation Distribution of TrustsYesNo
4972 - Tax on Lump-Sum DistributionsYesNo
4977 - Schedule of Tax LiabilityYesNo
5074 - Allocation of Individual Income Tax to Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)YesNo
5129 - Questionnaire - Filing Status, Exemptions, and Standard DeductionYesNo
5227 - Split-Interest Trust Information ReturnYesNo
5213 - Election To Postpone Determination as To Whether the Presumption Applies That an Activity is Engaged in for ProfitYesNo
5304-SIMPLE - Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE) - Not for Use With a Designated Financial InstitutionYesNo
5305 - Traditional Individual Retirement Trust AccountYesNo
5305-A - Traditional Individual Retirement Custodial AccountYesNo
5305-A-SEP - Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension - Individual Retirement Accounts Contribution AgreementYesNo
5305-B - Health Savings Trust AccountYesNo
5305-C - Health Savings Custodial AccountYesNo
5305-E - Coverdell Education Savings Trust AccountYesNo
5305-EA - Coverdell Education Savings Custodial AccountYesNo
5305-R - Roth Individual Retirement Trust AccountYesNo
5305-RA - Roth Individual Retirement Custodial AccountYesNo
5305-RB - Roth Individual Retirement Annuity EndorsementYesNo
5305-S - SIMPLE Individual Retirement Trust AccountYesNo
5305-SA - SIMPLE Individual Retirement Custodial AccountYesNo
5305-SEP - Simplified Employee Pension - Individual Retirement Accounts Contribution AgreementYesNo
5305-SIMPLE - Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE) - for Use With a Designated Financial InstitutionYesNo
5306 - Application for Approval of Prototype or Employer Sponsored Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA)YesNo
5306-A - Application for Approval of Prototype Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) or Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE IRA Plan)YesNo
5308 - Request for Change in Plan/Trust YearYesNo
5309 - Application for Determination of Employee Stock Ownership PlanYesNo
5310-A - Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate Lines of BusinessYesNo
5329 - Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored AccountsYesNo
5330 - Return of Excise Taxes Related to Employee Benefit PlansYesNo
5405 - Repayment of the First-Time Homebuyer CreditYesNo
5434 - Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries - Application for EnrollmentYesNo
5434-A - Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries - Application for Renewal of EnrollmentYesNo
5452 - Corporate Report of Nondividend DistributionsYesNo
5471 - Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign CorporationsYesNo
5471 Schedule E - Income, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or AccruedYesNo
5471 Schedule G-1 - Cost Sharing ArrangementYesNo
5471 Schedule H - Current Earnings and ProfitsYesNo
5471 Schedule I-1 - Information for Global Intangible Low-Taxed IncomeYesNo
5471 Schedule J - Accumulated Earnings and Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign CorporationYesNo
5471 Schedule M - Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related PersonsYesNo
5471 Schedule O - Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation, and Acquisitions and Dispositions of its StockYesNo
5471 Schedule P - Previously Taxed Earnings and Profits of U.S. Shareholder of Certain Foreign CorporationsYesNo
5471 Schedule Q - CFC Income by CFC Income GroupsYesNo
5471 Schedule R - Distributions From a Foreign CorporationYesNo
5472 - Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or BusinessYesNo
5495 - Request for Discharge From Personal Liability Under Internal Revenue Code Section 2204 or 6905YesNo
5498 - IRA Contribution InformationYesNo
5498-ESA - Coverdell ESA Contribution InformationYesNo
5498-QA - ABLE Account Contribution InformationYesNo
5498-SA - HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA InformationYesNo
5500-EZ - Annual Return of A One-Participant (Owners/Partners and Their Spouses) Retirement Plan or A Foreign PlanYesNo
5558 - Application for Extension of Time To File Certain Employee Plan ReturnsYesNo
5578 - Annual Certification of Racial Nondiscrimination for a Private School Exempt From Federal Income TaxYesNo
56 - Notice Concerning Fiduciary RelationshipYesNo
56-F - Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship of Financial InstitutionYesNo
5646 - Claim for Damage, Injury, or DeathYesNo
5695 - Residential Energy CreditsYesNo
5713 - International Boycott ReportYesNo
5713 Schedule A - International Boycott Factor (Section 999(c)(1))YesNo
5713 Schedule B - Specifically Attributable Taxes and Income (Section 999(c)(2))YesNo
5713 Schedule C - Tax Effect of the International Boycott ProvisionsYesNo
5735 - American Samoa Economic Development CreditYesNo
5754 - Statement by Person(s) Receiving Gambling WinningsYesNo
5768 - Election/Revocation of Election by an Eligible Section 501(c)(3) Organization To Make Expenditures To Influence LegislationYesNo
5884 - Work Opportunity CreditYesNo
5884-A - Employee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Qualified DisastersYesNo
5884-C - Work Opportunity Credit for Qualified Tax-Exempt Organizations Hiring Qualified VeteransYesNo
5884-D - Employee Retention Credit for Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations Affected by Qualified DisastersYesNo
6069 - Return of Certain Excise Taxes on Mine Operators, Black Lung Trusts, and Other Persons Under Sections 4951, 4952, and 4953YesNo
6088 - Distributable Benefits From Employee Pension Benefit PlansYesNo
6118 - Claim for Refund of Tax Return Preparer and Promoter PenaltiesYesNo
6197 - Gas Guzzler TaxYesNo
6198 - At-Risk LimitationsYesNo
6252 - Installment Sale IncomeYesYes
637 - Application for Registration (For Certain Excise Tax Activities)YesNo
6478 - Biofuel Producer CreditYesNo
6497 - Information Return of Nontaxable Energy Grants or Subsidized Energy FinancingYesNo
656 - Offer in CompromiseYesNo
656-L - Offer in Compromise (Doubt as to Liability)YesNo
656-PPV - Offer in Compromise - Periodic Payment VoucherYesNo
6627 - Environmental TaxesYesNo
6729-C - FSV Return Review SheetYesNo
6729-D - Site Review SheetYesNo
673 - Statement for Claiming Exemption From Withholding on Foreign Earned Income Eligible for the Exclusion(s) Provided by Section 911YesNo
6765 - Credit for Increasing Research ActivitiesYesNo
6781 - Gains and Losses From Section 1256 Contracts and StraddlesYesNo
7004 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other ReturnsYesNo
7036 - Election under Section 1101(g)(4) of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015YesNo
706 - United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax ReturnYesNo
706 Schedule R-1 - Generating-Skipping Transfer TaxYesNo
706-A - United States Additional Estate Tax ReturnYesNo
706-CE - Certification of Payment of Foreign Death TaxYesNo
706-GS(D-1) - Notification of Distribution From a Generation-Skipping TrustYesNo
706-GS(D) - Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for DistributionsYesNo
706-GS(T) - Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return For TerminationsYesNo
706-NA - United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return - Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United StatesYesNo
706-QDT - U.S. Estate Tax Return for Qualified Domestic TrustsYesNo
709 - United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax ReturnYesNo
712 - Life Insurance StatementYesNo
720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax ReturnYesNo
720-CS - Carrier Summary ReportYesNo
720-TO - Terminal Operator ReportYesNo
720-X - Amended Quarterly Federal Excise Tax ReturnYesNo
7200 - Advance Payment of Employer Credits Due to COVID-19YesNo
7203 - S Corporation Shareholder Stock and Debt Basis LimitationsYesNo
7204 - Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Related To Contested Foreign Income Taxes - Provisional Foreign Tax Credit AgreementYesNo
7205 - Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings DeductionYesNo
7206 - Self-Employed Health Insurance DeductionYesNo
7207 - Advanced Manufacturing Production CreditYesNo
730 - Monthly Tax Return for WagersYesNo
8023 - Elections Under Section 338 for Corporations Making Qualified Stock PurchasesYesNo
8027 - Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated TipsYesNo
8027-T - Transmittal of Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated TipsYesNo
8038 - Information Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond IssuesYesNo
8038-B - Information Return for Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic Development BondsYesNo
8038-CP - Return for Credit Payments to Issuers of Qualified BondsYesNo
8038-CP Schedule A - Specified Tax Credit Bonds Credit ComputationYesNo
8038-G - Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental BondsYesNo
8038-GC - Information Return for Small Tax-Exempt Governmental Bond Issues, Leases, and Installment SalesYesNo
8038-R - Request for Recovery of Overpayments Under Arbitrage Rebate ProvisionsYesNo
8038-T - Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage RebateYesNo
8038-TC - Information Return for Tax Credit Bonds and Specified Tax Credit BondsYesNo
8050 - Direct Deposit of Corporate Tax RefundYesNo
8082 - Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)YesNo
8233 - Exemption From Withholding on Compensation for Independent (and Certain Dependent) Personal Services of a Nonresident Alien IndividualYesNo
8274 - Certification by Churches and Qualified Church-Controlled Organizations Electing Exemption From Employer Social Security and Medicare TaxesYesNo
8275 - Disclosure StatementYesNo
8275-R - Regulation Disclosure StatementYesNo
8281 - Information Return for Publicly Offered Original Issue Discount InstrumentsYesNo
8282 - Donee Information ReturnYesNo
8283 - Noncash Charitable ContributionsYesNo
8283-V - Payment Voucher for Filing Fee Under Section 170(f)(13)YesNo
8288 - U.S. Withholding Tax Return for Certain Dispositions by Foreign PersonsYesNo
8288-A - Statement of Withholding on Certain Dispositions by Foreign PersonsYesNo
8288-B - Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property InterestsYesNo
8288-C - Statement of Withholding Under Section 1446(f)(4) on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of Partnership InterestsYesNo
8300 - Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received In a Trade or BusinessYesNo
8302 - Electronic Deposit of Tax Refund of $1 Million or MoreYesNo
8308 - Report of a Sale or Exchange of Certain Partnership InterestsYesNo
8316 - Information Regarding Request for Refund of Social Security Tax Erroneously Withheld on Wages Received by a Nonresident Alien on an F, J, or M Type VisaYesNo
8328 - Carryforward Election of Unused Private Activity Bond Volume CapYesNo
8329 - Lender's Information Return for Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs)YesNo
8330 - Issuer's Quarterly Information Return for Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs)YesNo
8332 - Release/Revocation of Release of Claim to Exemption for Child by Custodial ParentYesNo
8379 - Injured Spouse AllocationYesNo
8396 - Mortgage Interest CreditYesNo
8404 - Interest Charge on DISC-Related Deferred Tax LiabilityYesNo
843 - Claim for Refund and Request for AbatementYesNo
8453 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Transmittal for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-C - U.S. Corporation Income Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-CORP - E-file Declaration for CorporationsYesNo
8453-EMP - Employment Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-EX - Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-FE - U.S. Estate or Trust Declaration for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-PE - E-file Declaration for Form 1065YesNo
8453-R - Electronic Filing Declaration for Form 8963YesNo
8453-S - U.S. S Corporation Income Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file ReturnYesNo
8453-TE - Tax Exempt Entity Declaration and Signature for Electronic FilingYesNo
8453-WH - E-File Declaration for Form 1042YesNo
8453-X - Political Organization Declaration for Electronic Filing of Notice of Section 527 StatusYesNo
8498 - Continuing Education Provider Application and Request for Provider NumberYesNo
8508 - Application for a Waiver from Electronic Filing of Information ReturnsYesNo
8508-I - Request for Waiver From Filing Information Returns ElectronicallyYesNo
851 - Affiliations ScheduleYesNo
8546 - Claim for Reimbursement of Bank ChargesYesNo
8554 - Application for Renewal of Enrollment to Practice Before the Internal Revenue ServiceYesNo
8554-EP - Application for Renewal of Enrollment to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service as an Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent (ERPA)YesNo
8582-CR - Passive Activity Credit LimitationsYesNo
8586 - Low-Income Housing CreditYesNo
8594 - Asset Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060YesNo
8596 - Information Return for Federal ContractsYesNo
8596-A - Quarterly Transmittal of Information Returns for Federal ContractsYesNo
8606 - Nondeductible IRAsYesNo
8609 - Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation and CertificationYesNo
8609-A - Annual Statement for Low-Income Housing CreditYesNo
8610 - Annual Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies ReportYesNo
8610 Schedule A - Carryover Allocation of Low-Income Housing CreditYesNo
8611 - Recapture of Low-Income Housing CreditYesNo
8612 - Return of Excise Tax on Undistributed Income of Real Estate Investment TrustsYesNo
8613 - Return of Excise Tax on Undistributed Income of Regulated Investment CompaniesYesNo
8615 - Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned IncomeYesNo
8621 - Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing FundYesNo
8621-A - Return by a Shareholder Making Certain Late Elections To End Treatment as a Passive Foreign Investment CompanyYesNo
8653 - Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program Application PlanYesNo
8654 - Tax Counseling for the Elderly Semi-Annual/Annual Program ReportYesNo
8655 - Reporting Agent AuthorizationYesNo
8689 - Allocation of Individual Income Tax to the U.S. Virgin IslandsYesNo
8697 - Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term ContractsYesNo
8703 - Annual Certification of a Residential Rental ProjectYesNo
8716 - Election to Have a Tax Year Other Than a Required Tax YearYesNo
8717 - User Fee for Employee Plan Determination Letter RequestYesNo
8717-A - User Fee for Employee Plan Opinion Letter RequestYesNo
8718 - User Fee for Exempt Organization Determination Letter RequestYesNo
8725 - Excise Tax on GreenmailYesNo
8752 - Required Payment or Refund Under Section 7519YesNo
8796-A - Request for Return/InformationYesNo
8801 - Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax - Individuals, Estates, and TrustsYesNo
8802 - Application for United States Residency CertificationYesNo
8804 - Annual Return for Partnership Withholding TaxYesNo
8804 Schedule A - Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Section 1446 Tax by PartnershipsYesNo
8804-C - Certificate of Partner-Level Items to Reduce Section 1446 WithholdingYesNo
8804-W - Installment Payments of Section 1446 Tax for PartnershipsYesNo
8805 - Foreign Partner's Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding taxYesNo
8806 - Information Return for Acquisition of Control or Substantial Change in Capital StructureYesNo
8809 - Application for Extension of Time To File Information ReturnsYesNo
8809-EX - Request for Extension of Time To File an ExSTARS Information ReturnYesNo
8809-I - Application for Extension of Time to File FATCA Form 8966YesNo
8810 - Corporate Passive Activity Loss and Credit LimitationsYesNo
8811 - Information Return for Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs) and Issuers of Collateralized Debt ObligationsYesNo
8813 - Partnership Withholding Tax Payment VoucherYesNo
8814 - Parents' Election To Report Child's Interest and DividendsYesNo
8815 - Exclusion of Interest From Series EE and I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After 1989YesNo
8818 - Optional Form To Record Redemption of Series EE and I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After 1989YesNo
8819 - Dollar Election Under Section 985YesNo
8820 - Orphan Drug CreditYesNo
8821 - Tax Information AuthorizationYesNo
8821-A - IRS Disclosure Authorization for Victims of Identity TheftYesNo
8822 - Change of AddressYesNo
8822-B - Change of Address or Responsible Party - BusinessYesNo
8823 - Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building DispositionYesNo
8824 - Like-Kind ExchangesYesNo
8826 - Disabled Access CreditYesNo
8827 - Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax - CorporationsYesNo
8828 - Recapture of Federal Mortgage SubsidyYesNo
8829 - Expenses for Business Use of Your HomeYesNo
8830 - Enhanced Oil Recovery CreditYesNo
8831 - Excise Taxes on Excess Inclusions of REMIC Residual InterestsYesNo
8832 - Entity Classification ElectionYesNo
8833 - Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b)YesNo
8834 - Qualified Electric Vehicle CreditYesNo
8835 - Renewable Electricity Production CreditYesNo
8838 - Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax Under Section 367 - Gain Recognition AgreementYesNo
8838-P - Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax Pursuant to the Gain Deferral MethodYesNo
8839 - Qualified Adoption ExpensesYesNo
8840 - Closer Connection Exception Statement for AliensYesNo
8842 - Election To Use Different Annualization Periods for Corporate Estimated TaxYesNo
8844 - Empowerment Zone Employment CreditYesNo
8845 - Indian Employment CreditYesNo
8846 - Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee TipsYesNo
8848 - Consent To Extend the Time To Assess the Branch Profits Tax Under Regulations Sections 1.884-2(a) and (c)YesNo
8849 - Claim for Refund of Excise TaxesYesNo
8849 Schedule 1 - Nontaxable Use of FuelsYesNo
8849 Schedule 2 - Sales by Registered Ultimate VendorsYesNo
8849 Schedule 3 - Certain Fuel Mixtures and the Alternative Fuel CreditYesNo
8849 Schedule 5 - Section 4081(e) ClaimsYesNo
8849 Schedule 6 - Other ClaimsYesNo
8849 Schedule 8 - Registered Credit Card IssuersYesNo
8850 - Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity CreditYesNo
8851 - Summary of Archer MSAsYesNo
8853 - Archer MSAs and Long-Term Care Insurance ContractsYesNo
8854 - Initial and Annual Expatriation StatementYesNo
8855 - Election To Treat a Qualified Revocable Trust as Part of an EstateYesNo
8857 - Request for Innocent Spouse ReliefYesNo
8858 - Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Foreign Disregarded Entities (FDEs) and Foreign Branches (FBs)YesNo
8858 Schedule M - Transactions Between Foreign Disregarded Entity (FDE) or Foreign Branch (FB) and the Filer or Other Related EntitiesYesNo
8859 - Carryforward of the District of Columbia First-Time Homebuyer CreditYesNo
886-H-DEP - Supporting Documents for DependentsYesNo
886-H-EIC - Documents to Claim the Earned Income Credit on the Basis of a Qualifying Child or ChildrenYesNo
886-H-HOH - Supporting Documents to Prove Head of Household Filing StatusYesNo
8862 - Information To Claim Certain Credits After DisallowanceYesNo
8864 - Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel, or Sustainable Aviation Fuels CreditYesNo
8865 - Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign PartnershipsYesNo
8865 Schedule G - Statement of Application of the Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c)YesNo
8865 Schedule H - Acceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c)YesNo
8865 Schedule K-1 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesNo
8865 Schedule K-2 - Partners' Distributive Share Items - InternationalYesNo
8865 Schedule K-3 - Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. - InternationalYesNo
8865 Schedule O - Transfer of Property to a Foreign PartnershipYesNo
8865 Schedule P - Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign PartnershipYesNo
8866 - Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast MethodYesNo
8868 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization ReturnYesNo
8869 - Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary ElectionYesNo
8870 - Information Return for Transfers Associated With Certain Personal Benefit ContractsYesNo
8872 - Political Organization Report of Contributions and ExpendituresYesNo
8873 - Extraterritorial Income ExclusionYesNo
8874 - New Markets CreditYesNo
8874-A - Notice of Qualified Equity Investment for New Markets CreditYesNo
8874-B - Notice of Recapture Event for New Markets CreditYesNo
8875 - Taxable REIT Subsidiary ElectionYesNo
8876 - Excise Tax on Structured Settlement Factoring TransactionsYesNo
8878 - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 4868 or Form 2350YesNo
8878-A - IRS e-file Electronic Funds Withdrawal Authorization for Form 7004YesNo
8879-C - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1120YesNo
8879-CORP - E-file Authorization for CorporationsYesNo
8879-EMP - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Forms 940, 940-PR, 941, 941-PR, 941-SS, 943, 943-PR, 944, and 945YesNo
8879-EX - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Forms 720, 2290, and 8849YesNo
8879-F - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1041YesNo
8879-S - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1120SYesNo
8879-TE - IRS e-file Signature Authorization for a Tax Exempt EntityYesNo
8879-WH - E-file Authorization for Form 1042YesNo
8880 - Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings ContributionsYesNo
8881 - Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs and Auto-EnrollmentYesNo
8882 - Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare Facilities and ServicesYesNo
8883 - Asset Allocation Statement Under Section 338YesNo
8885 - Health Coverage Tax CreditYesNo
8886 - Reportable Transaction Disclosure StatementYesNo
8886-T - Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter TransactionYesNo
8888 - Allocation of Refund (Including Savings Bond Purchases)YesNo
8889 - Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)YesNo
8892 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Form 709 and/or Payment of Gift/Generation-Skipping Transfer TaxYesNo
8896 - Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production CreditYesNo
8898 - Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. PossessionYesNo
8899 - Notice of Income From Donated Intellectual PropertyYesNo
8900 - Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance CreditYesNo
8902 - Alternative Tax on Qualifying Shipping ActivitiesYesNo
8903 - Domestic Production Activities DeductionYesNo
8904 - Credit for Oil and Gas Production From Marginal WellsYesNo
8905 - Certification of Intent To Adopt a Pre-approved PlanYesNo
8906 - Distilled Spirits CreditYesNo
8908 - Energy Efficient Home CreditYesNo
8910 - Alternative Motor Vehicle CreditYesNo
8911 - Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property CreditYesNo
8912 - Credit to Holders of Tax Credit BondsYesNo
8915-B - Qualified 2017 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and RepaymentsYesNo
8915-C - Qualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and RepaymentsYesNo
8915-D - Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and RepaymentsYesNo
8915-F - Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and RepaymentsYesNo
8916 - Reconciliation of Schedule M-3 Taxable Income With Tax Return Taxable Income for Mixed GroupsYesNo
8916-A - Supplemental Attachment to Schedule M-3YesNo
8917 - Tuition and Fees DeductionYesNo
8918 - Material Advisor Disclosure StatementYesNo
8919 - Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on WagesYesNo
8922 - Third-Party Sick Pay RecapYesNo
8923 - Mine Rescue Team Training CreditYesNo
8924 - Excise Tax on Certain Transfers of Qualifying Geothermal or Mineral InterestsYesNo
8925 - Report of Employer-Owned Life Insurance ContractsYesNo
8927 - Determination Under Section 860(e)(4) by a Qualified Investment EntityYesNo
8928 - Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapter 43 of the Internal Revenue CodeYesNo
8932 - Credit for Employer Differential Wage PaymentsYesNo
8933 - Carbon Oxide Sequestration CreditYesNo
8936 - Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle CreditYesNo
8936-A - Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle CreditYesNo
8936-A Schedule 1 - Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit AmountYesNo
8937 - Report of Organizational Actions Affecting Basis of SecuritiesYesNo
8938 - Statement of Specified Foreign Financial AssetsYesNo
8940 - Request for Miscellaneous DeterminationYesNo
8941 - Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance PremiumsYesNo
8944 - Preparer e-file Hardship Waiver RequestYesNo
8945 - PTIN Supplemental Application For U.S. Citizens Without a Social Security Number Due To Conscientious Religious ObjectionYesNo
8946 - PTIN Supplemental Application For Foreign Persons Without a Social Security NumberYesNo
8948 - Preparer Explanation for Not Filing ElectronicallyYesNo
8950 - Application for Voluntary Correction Program (VCP)YesNo
8951 - User Fee for Application for Voluntary Correction Program (VCP)YesNo
8952 - Application for Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP)YesNo
8957 - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) RegistrationYesNo
8958 - Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property StatesYesNo
8959 - Additional Medicare TaxYesNo
8960 - Net Investment Income Tax - Individuals, Estates, and TrustsYesNo
8962 - Premium Tax Credit (PTC)YesNo
8966 - FATCA ReportYesNo
8966-C - Cover Sheet for Form 8966 Paper SubmissionsYesNo
8971 - Information Regarding Beneficiaries Acquiring Property From a DecedentYesNo
8973 - Certified Professional Employer Organization/Customer Reporting AgreementYesNo
8974 - Qualified Small Business Payroll Tax Credit for Increasing Research ActivitiesYesNo
8975 - Country-by-Country ReportYesNo
8975 Schedule A - Tax Jurisdiction and Constituent Entity InformationYesNo
8978 - Partner's Additional Reporting Year TaxYesNo
8978 Schedule A - Partner's Additional Reporting Year Tax (Schedule of Adjustments)YesNo
8979 - Partnership Representative Revocation, Designation, and ResignationYesNo
8985-V - Tax Payment by a Pass-Through PartnerYesNo
8990 - Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under Section 163(j)YesNo
8991 - Tax on Base Erosion Payments of Taxpayers With Substantial Gross ReceiptsYesNo
8992 - U.S. Shareholder Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)YesNo
8992 Schedule A - Schedule of Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) Information To Compute Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)YesNo
8992 Schedule B - Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) for Members of a U.S. Consolidated Group Who Are U.S. Shareholders of a CFCYesNo
8993 - Section 250 Deduction for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) and Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)YesNo
8994 - Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical LeaveYesNo
8995 - Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified ComputationYesNo
8995-A - Qualified Business Income DeductionYesNo
8995-A Schedule A - Specified Service Trades or BusinessesYesNo
8995-A Schedule B - Aggregation of Business OperationsYesNo
8995-A Schedule C - Loss Netting and CarryforwardYesNo
8995-A Schedule D - Special Rules for Patrons of Agricultural or Horticultural CooperativesYesNo
8996 - Qualified Opportunity FundYesNo
8997 - Initial and Annual Statement of Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) InvestmentsYesNo
9000 - Alternative Media PreferenceYesNo
907 - Agreement to Extend the Time to Bring SuitYesNo
911 - Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order)YesNo
921 - Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Income TaxYesNo
921-A - Consent Fixing Period of Limitation on Assessment of Income and Profits TaxYesNo
921-I - Consent Fixing Period of Limitation on Assessment of Income and Profits TaxYesNo
921-M - Consent Fixing Period of Limitation to Make Partnership AdjustmentsYesNo
921-P - Consent Fixing Period of Limitation on Assessment of Income and Profits TaxYesNo
9210 - Alien Status QuestionnaireYesNo
926 - Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign CorporationYesNo
928 - Taxable Fuel BondYesNo
940 - Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax ReturnYesYes
940 Schedule A - Multi-State Employer and Credit Reduction InformationYesNo
940 Schedule R - Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 940 FilersYesNo
940-B - Request for Verification of Credit Information Shown on Form 940YesNo
940-V - Payment VoucherYesYes
941 - Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax ReturnYesYes
941 Schedule B - Report of Tax Liability for Semiweekly Schedule DepositorsYesNo
941 Schedule D - Report of Discrepancies Caused by Acquisitions, Statutory Mergers, or ConsolidationsYesNo
941 Schedule R - Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 941 FilersYesNo
941-SS - Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax ReturnYesNo
941-V - Payment VoucherYesYes
941-X - Adjusted Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return or Claim for RefundYesYes
9423 - Collection Appeal RequestYesNo
943 - Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural EmployeesYesNo
943 Schedule R - Allocation Schedule for Aggregate Form 943 FilersYesNo
943-A - Agricultural Employer's Record of Federal Tax LiabilityYesNo
943-X - Adjusted Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees or Claim for RefundYesNo
944-X - Adjusted Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return or Claim for RefundYesNo
945 - Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income TaxYesNo
945-A - Annual Record of Federal Tax LiabilityYesNo
945-X - Adjusted Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax or Claim for RefundYesNo
9465 - Installment Agreement RequestYesNo
952 - Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under Section 332(b)YesNo
965 - Inclusion of Deferred Foreign Income Upon Transition to Participation Exemption SystemYesNo
965 Schedule D - U.S. Shareholder's Aggregate Foreign Cash PositionYesNo
965 Schedule F - Foreign Taxes Deemed Paid by Domestic CorporationYesNo
965 Schedule H - Amounts Reported on Forms 1116 and 1118 and Disallowed Foreign TaxesYesNo
965-A - Individual Report of Net 965 Tax LiabilityYesNo
965-B - Corporate and Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Report of Net 965 Tax Liability and Electing REIT Report of 965 AmountsYesNo
965-C - Transfer Agreement Under Section 965(h)(3)YesNo
965-D - Transfer Agreement Under Section 965(i)(2)YesNo
965-E - Consent Agreement Under Section 965(i)(4)(D)YesNo
966 - Corporate Dissolution or LiquidationYesNo
9661 - Cooperative AgreementYesNo
970 - Application to Use LIFO Inventory MethodYesNo
972 - Consent of Shareholder to Include Specific Amount in Gross IncomeYesNo
973 - Corporation Claim for Deduction for Consent DividendsYesNo
976 - Claim for Deficiency Dividends Deductions by a Personal Holding Company, Regulated Investment Company, or Real Estate Investment TrustYesNo
9779 - Electronic Federal Tax Payment System Business EnrollmentYesNo
9783 - Electronic Federal Tax Payment System Individual EnrollmentYesNo
982 - Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment)YesNo
990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income TaxYesNo
990 Schedule A - Public Charity Status and Public SupportYesNo
990 Schedule B - Schedule of ContributorsYesNo
990 Schedule C - Political Campaign and Lobbying ActivitiesYesNo
990 Schedule D - Supplemental Financial StatementsYesNo
990 Schedule E - SchoolsYesNo
990 Schedule F - Statement of Activities Outside the United StatesYesNo
990 Schedule G - Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming ActivitiesYesNo
990 Schedule H - HospitalsYesNo
990 Schedule I - Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in the United StatesYesNo
990 Schedule J - Compensation InformationYesNo
990 Schedule K - Supplemental Information on Tax-Exempt BondsYesNo
990 Schedule L - Transactions With Interested PersonsYesNo
990 Schedule M - Noncash ContributionsYesNo
990 Schedule N - Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution, or Significant Disposition of AssetsYesNo
990 Schedule O - Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZYesNo
990 Schedule R - Related Organizations and Unrelated PartnershipsYesNo
990-BL - Information and Initial Excise Tax Return for Black Lung Benefit Trusts and Certain Related PersonsYesNo
990-EZ - Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income TaxYesNo
990-PF - Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private FoundationYesNo
990-T - Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (and proxy tax under section 6033(e))YesNo
990-T Schedule A - Unrelated Business Taxable Income From an Unrelated Trade or BusinessYesNo
CT-1 - Employer’s Annual Railroad Retirement Tax ReturnYesNo
CT-1X - Adjusted Employer’s Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return or Claim for RefundYesNo
CT-2 - Employee Representative’s Quarterly Railroad Tax ReturnYesNo
Federal Tax Withholdings AttachmentYesNo
Form 1040 - Tax Return Reconciliation WorksheetYesNo
IRS 8825 - Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a Partnership or an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2018) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2019) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2020) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2021)- U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2022)- U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 (2023) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
1040 (2024) - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2018) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2019) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2020) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2021) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2022) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1 (2023) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
1040 Schedule 1 (2024) - Additional Income and Adjustments to IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2018) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2019) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2020) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2021) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2022) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2 (2023) - Additional TaxesYesYes
1040 Schedule 2 (2024) - Additional TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2018) - Nonrefundable CreditsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2019) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2020) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2021) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2022) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3 (2023) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
1040 Schedule 3 (2024) - Additional Credits and PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 4 (2018) - Other TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 5 (2018) - Other Payments and Refundable CreditsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 6 (2018) - Foreign Address and Third Party DesigneeYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2018) - Additional Child Tax CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2019) - Additional Child Tax CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2020) - Additional Child Tax CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2021) - Credits for Qualifying Children and Other DependentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2022) - Credits for Qualifying Children and Other DependentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule 8812 (2023) - Credits for Qualifying Children and Other DependentsYesYes
1040 Schedule 8812 (2024) - Credits for Qualifying Children and Other DependentsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2018) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2019) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2020) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2021) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2022) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule A (2023) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
1040 Schedule A (2024) - Itemized DeductionsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2018) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2019) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2020) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2021) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2022) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule B (2023) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
1040 Schedule B (2024) - Interest and Ordinary DividendsYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2018) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2019) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2020) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2021) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2022) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C (2023) - Profit or Loss From Business*YesYes
1040 Schedule C (2024) - Profit or Loss From BusinessYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule C-EZ (2018) - Net Profit From BusinessYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2018) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2019) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2020) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2021) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2022) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule D (2023) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
1040 Schedule D (2024) - Capital Gains and LossesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2018) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2019) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2020) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2021) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2022) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule E (2023) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
1040 Schedule E (2024) - Supplemental Income and LossYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2018) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2019) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2020) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2021) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2022) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC (2023) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
1040 Schedule EIC (2024) - Earned Income CreditYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2018) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2019) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2020) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2021) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2022) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule F (2023) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
1040 Schedule F (2024) - Profit or Loss From FarmingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2018) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2019) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2020) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2021) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2022) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule H (2023) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
1040 Schedule H (2024) - Household Employment TaxesYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2018) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2019) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2020) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2021) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2022) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule J (2023) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
1040 Schedule J (2024) - Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming and FishingYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule LEP - Request for Change in Language PreferenceYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2018) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2019) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2020) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2021) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2022) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule R (2023) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
1040 Schedule R (2024) - Credit for the Elderly or the DisabledYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2018) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2019) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2020) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2021) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2022) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040 Schedule SE (2023) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
1040 Schedule SE (2024) - Self-Employment TaxYesYes
IRS Form 1040-X - Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2018) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2019) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2020) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2021) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2022) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 (2023) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
1065 (2024) - U.S. Return of Partnership IncomeYesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2018) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2019) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2020) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2021) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2022) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedule K-1 (2023) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
1065 Schedule K-1 (2024) - Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2018) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2019) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2020) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2021) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2022) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2023) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation(M-1), and Analysis of Partnership Income (M-2)YesYes
1065 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2024) - Balance Sheets (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Partners' Capital Accounts (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1096 - Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information ReturnsYesYes
IRS Form 1099-G - Certain Government PaymentsYesYes
IRS Form 1099-INT - Interest incomeYesYes
IRS Form 1099-K - Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions*YesYes
IRS Form 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Information*YesYes
IRS Form 1099-R - Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2018) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2019) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2020) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2021) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2022) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 (2023) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
1120 (2024) - U.S. Corporation Income Tax ReturnYesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedule G - Information on Certain Persons Owning the Corporation’s Voting StockYesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2018) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2019) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2020) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2021) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis (M-2) of Corporation's Income ReportYesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2022) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2023) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
1120 Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2024) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2018) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2019) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2020) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2021) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2022) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S (2023) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
1120S (2024) - U.S. Income Tax Return for an S CorporationYesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2018) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2019) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2020) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2021) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2022) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedule K-1 (2023) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
1120S Schedule K-1 (2024) - Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2018) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2019) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2020) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2021) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2022) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2023) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
1120S Schedules L, M-1, and M-2 (2024) - Balance Sheet (L), Income Reconciliation (M-1), and Analysis of Accumulated Adjustments Account (M-2)YesYes
IRS Form 1125-E - Compensation of OfficersYesYes
IRS Form W-2 - Wage and Tax Statement*YesYes
Married Filing Jointly vs. Married Filing Separately ComparisonYesNo
Schedule E - K-1 Reconciliation Worksheet - Qualified Business IncomeYesNo
Schedule E - Qualified Business Income Calculation WorksheetYesNo
SS-16 - Certificate of Election of CoverageYesNo
SS-4 - Application for Employer Identification NumberYesNo
SS-8 - Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax WithholdingYesNo
Schedule K-1 - Partner's Schedule K-1 Activity WorksheetYesNo
T (Timber) - Forest Activities ScheduleYesNo
Tax Return TranscriptYesNo
W-10 - Dependent Care Provider’s Identification and CertificationYesNo
W-12 - IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) Application and RenewalYesNo
W-13 - ExSTARS Reporting Information Request for Employer Identification Number and CertificationYesNo
W-14 - Certificate of Foreign Contracting Party Receiving Federal Procurement PaymentsYesNo
W-2AS - American Samoa Wage and Tax StatementYesNo
W-2C - Corrected Wage and Tax StatementYesYes
W-2G - Certain Gambling WinningsYesNo
W-2GU - Guam Wage and Tax StatementYesNo
W-2VI - U.S. Virgin Islands Wage and Tax StatementYesNo
W-3C - Transmittal of Corrected Wage and Tax StatementsYesNo
W-3SS - Transmittal of Wage and Tax StatementsYesNo
W-4 - Employee’s Withholding CertificateYesNo
W-4P - Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity PaymentsYesNo
W-4R - Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover DistributionsYesNo
W-4V - Voluntary Withholding RequestYesNo
W-4S - Request for Federal Income Tax Withholding From Sick PayYesNo
W-7 - Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification NumberYesNo
W-7 (COA) - Certificate of Accuracy for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification NumberYesNo
W-7A - Application for Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. AdoptionsYesNo
W-8BEN - Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals)YesNo
W-8BEN-E - Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities)YesNo
W-8CE - Notice of Expatriation and Waiver of Treaty BenefitsYesNo
W-8ECI - Certificate of Foreign Person's Claim That Income Is Effectively Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United StatesYesNo
W-8EXP - Certificate of Foreign Government or Other Foreign Organization for United States Tax Withholding and ReportingYesNo
W-8IMY - Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for United States Tax Withholding and ReportingYesNo
W-9S - Request for Student's or Borrower's Taxpayer Identification Number and CertificationYesNo
W9 - Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and CertificationYesYes
Wages and Salaries Summary AttachmentYesNo