1099-NEC - Nonemployee Compensation
This tax form is used in the United States to report payments made to non-employees, such as independent contractors, freelancers, and other self-employed individuals for their services. Before introducing the 1099-NEC, these payments were reported on Form 1099-MISC in Box 7.
This form is used to report income that is not considered employee wages, and it includes various types of compensation, such as fees, commissions, prizes, awards, and other forms of nonemployee compensation.
To use the Upload PDF endpoint for this document, you must use A_1099_NEC
in the form_type
Field descriptions
The following fields are available on this form type:
JSON Attribute | Data Type | Description |
a_1099-nec-General:forCalendarYear | Integer | Calendar Year |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerName | Text | Payer Name |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:city | Text | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:state | State | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerAddress:country | Text | Payer Address |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payerTelephoneNo | Phone Number | Payer Telephone No |
a_1099-nec-Part1-PayerPii:payersTin | EIN | Payer's Tin |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientTin | EIN | Recipient Tin |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientName | Text | Recipient Name |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:addressLine1 | Text | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:addressLine2 | Text | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:city | Text | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:state | State | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:zip | ZIP Code | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:recipientAddress:country | Text | Recipient Address |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:accountNumber | Integer | Account Number |
a_1099-nec-Part2-RecipientPii:2ndTinNot | CHECKED , UNCHECKED | 2nd Tin Not |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box1)NonemployeeCompensation | Money | (Box 1) Nonemployee Compensation |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box2)PayerMadeDirectSalesTotaling$5000OrMoreOfConsumerProductsToRecipientForResale | CHECKED , UNCHECKED | (Box 2) Payer Made Direct Sales Totaling $5000 Or More Of Consumer Products To Recipient For Resale |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box4)FederalIncomeTaxWithheld | Money | (Box 4) Federal Income Tax Withheld |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box5)StateTaxWithheld:primary | Money | (Box 5) State Tax Withheld: primary |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box5)StateTaxWithheld:secondary | Money | (Box 5) State Tax Withheld: secondary |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box6)State/PayersStateNo.:primary | Text | (Box 6) State/Payer's State No.: primary |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box6)State/PayersStateNo.:secondary | Text | (Box 6) State/Payer's State No.: secondary |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box7)StateIncome:primary | Money | (Box 7) State Income: primary |
a_1099-nec-Part3-LocalInfo:(box7)StateIncome:secondary | Money | (Box 7) State Income: secondary |
Sample document
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Updated 14 days ago