Rejection reasons

When a document is rejected, the response will provide a reason for rejection. The current list of possible rejection reasons is as follows:

Rejection reasonDescription
INCOMPLETE TRANSACTION DATABank statement transactional data does not contain the expected information.
DOCUMENT CONTAINS UNEXPECTED PII DATAUnexpected, sensitive information was found in the document.
DOCUMENT IS UNREADABLEThe document is illegible, password protected, corrupted, etc.
DOCUMENT TYPE NOT SUPPORTEDThe document is not of the form_type that was set during upload and cannot be captured.
INVALID DOCUMENTThe document type could not be identified or is not supported for the given account.
DOCUMENT DUPLICATE OF {}An identical document with the given name has already been uploaded to this Book.
INSTANT NOT SUPPORTEDInstant was unable to parse the document and could not capture and return data.