API Credentials
API Credentials are the API Key and Secret used to authenticate all requests to the API.
A Book is a container for all Documents in a Case or Loan Application. This container primarily serves as a boundary to correlate data. As such, objects in different Books can never be associated or correlated with each other.
A Document is a single sequence of Bank Statement pages. The sequence can contain pages from multiple Bank Statements, including different Bank Accounts and Account Holders. During data capture, Ocrolus attributes the Account Holder, Bank Account, and Period information to each processed Transaction therein.
Form Type
A Form or Form type refers to any pages of an Uploaded Mixed Document or Uploaded Document and usually contains unstructured data. Examples of documents could include bank statements, pay stubs, W-2S, 1040, etc.
There are two special form types for which extra/alternative data can be gathered:
- Pay Stubs: Earnings and deductions data can be gathered along with employee and employer information.
- Bank Account: Transaction information and more in-depth analytics around cash flow can be gathered, along with account holder and account detail information.
Image Group
Image group is a term used for a group of images which can contain one or multiple images.
Mixed Document
A mixed document is a single-page PDF or multi-page PDF containing different form types that you prefer Ocrolus to classify. For example, a PDF that has a bank statement and a W-2 within it.
Non-sufficient funds
PK stands for Primary Key, a unique value assigned to specific objects. A PK is used to identify an object using one of the Query Endpoints. We represent primary keys as unsigned 64-bit integers.
Uploaded Document
Contains pages with only one form type (pay stub, bank statement, W-2). Uploaded documents are either created as a child of an uploaded mixed document or as a standalone document if created using the upload document endpoint.
Uploaded Form
A particular instance of a form type associated with several or all pages of an Uploaded Mixed Document.
Uploaded Mixed Document
A mixed PDF document that is uploaded for processing. Each form type that is found within the mixed PDF will be broken out and given an Uploaded Document UUID and a Form UUID.
Year to date
Updated over 1 year ago