The following attributes are considered while processing the Period:

AttributeData typeDescription
pkPKThis is the primary key (PK), a unique identification number assigned to each record in the Book. It ensures that each record can be distinctly identified and referenced within the system.
bank_account_pkBank Account PKThe primary key for a Bank Account. This unique identifier links to a specific bank account within the system, allowing for precise tracking and management of financial data associated with that account.
uploaded_doc_pkDocument PKThe primary key for a Document. This unique identifier links to a specific document within the system, ensuring that each document can be distinctly identified and referenced.
begin_dateDateThe starting date of a period. This date marks the beginning of the timeframe for which the data, such as financial transactions or balances, is relevant.
end_dateDateThe ending date of a period. This date marks the conclusion of the timeframe for which the data is relevant, providing a defined range for analysis and reporting.
begin_balanceMoneyThe initial balance at the start of the specified period. This value represents the amount of money in an account at the beginning of the timeframe defined by the begin_date.
end_balanceMoneyThe final balance at the end of the specified period. This value represents the amount of money in an account after the timeframe defined by the end_date.
Suspicious Activity FlagsReasons flagged during the reconciliation process indicating suspicious activity or discrepancies. These flags help identify and categorize issues that need further investigation to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial data.