Ocrolus utilizes Classify capabilities to intelligently sort and index mortgage application documents in the Encompass eFolder. Once your Ocrolus API user is configured, you can enable Classify by configuring your eFolders as follows:

Standard document containers

We use a handful of predefined containers that represent specific stages in our document processing pipeline. To use Classify, ensure that your Encompass instance has the following document containers:


The above screenshot shows a list of document containers in an Encompass instance, with several utilized by Ocrolus. The containers labeled Duplicate Attachments, Ocrolus Processing Complete, Ocrolus Processing, Processing Required, and UNKNOWN are emphasized with red arrows to highlight their significance.

The containers are used as follows:

Document NameUsage
Processing RequiredWe monitor this container for new documents to process.
ProcessingDocuments are moved here from Processing Required once we retrieve and start processing them.
Processing CompletedDocuments are moved here once we process them successfully.
UNKNOWNIndividual pages of documents from Processing are moved here if they're not of a supported form type.
Duplicate AttachmentWe move duplicate copies of files within Processing Required into this container to prevent data duplication.

When setting up the document containers, make sure that the Webcenter, TPO Portal, and EDM Lenders boxes are checked for each of the above containers, as shown below:


Need different names?

The aforementioned container names represent the most common use cases. However, if you need them to be named differently then contact customer support and we can work with you to find a solution.


You can access the file that was originally uploaded at any time, regardless of its location.

The Processing Required document container

Ensure that your Encompass instance defines an eFolder named "Processing Required," as shown below:


We automatically retrieve and process any attachments that are added to the "Processing Required" eFolder.

eFolder process

Ocrolus listens for changes in the eFolder. When a change occurs in the “Processing Required” document container, and the change meets the webhook criteria, the following workflow occurs:

  1. Ocrolus receives a webhook notification for the new attachment in the "Processing Required" document container.
  2. Ocrolus fetches the attachment and ingests it into the Ocrolus system for processing. If the loan is unlocked, the attachment moves to the "Processing" document container.
  3. When Ocrolus results are ready, the original attachment moves into the "Processing Complete" document container. The attachment segments are put into the document container appropriate to their classification.


When are attachments uploaded?

The workflow is asynchronous. There is no limit to the number of attachments that can be in the Processing Required document container. The attachments can upload to the container at any time.

Self-service taxonomy mapping tool: eFolder Mapping

The self-service taxonomy mapping tool within the Ocrolus Dashboard allows mortgage lenders to manage document mapping for the Encompass integration independently using the Classify feature, making the process more efficient and flexible.

You can use this tool during the implementation phase to set up your organization's initial document routing to the desired eFolder locations. As new form types are introduced, you can easily assign them to your preferred eFolder location without needing to contact an Ocrolus team member.

If a new form type is added to a category with parent-level mapping, it will automatically follow the parent’s mapping. Otherwise, it will be marked as Unmapped.



  • An Encompass Admin will need to request a login from their Account Manager to access the Dashboard and configure the taxonomy mapping.
  • We are committed to continually improving our products and services. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our support team at [email protected].

To access the self-service taxonomy mapping tool for Encompass, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Ocrolus Dashboard.

  2. Go to the new Encompass Mapping option on the Account settings menu.

  3. A list of form categories organized for your convenience will appear. Under each category, you’ll find the available forms for that bundle.

  4. You can either group all documents within a specific form category into a single eFolder location or take a more detailed approach by mapping each form type within the category to its own designated eFolder location.

  5. To update the mapping for an entire category, select Click to add mapping on the parent header row.



    Keep in mind that changing the form category will override any granular mapping within that category.

  6. To map on an individual document level, click on the ellipses menu to the right of the row and click Edit.

  7. If you want the document-level mapping to be updated to the parent-level mapping, select the Reset to default option. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click RESET.

Accessing Ocrolus Dashboard through Encompass Smartclient

After receiving notification from Ocrolus that your documents have completed processing, it is time to examine the results in the Ocrolus dashboard.

Additional services

From the Encompass loan application, navigate to the Services tab and then click on Order Additional Services.

The list of services available in the Encompass instance. The **Order Additional Services** feature is highlighted with a red arrow, denoting its importance.

The list of services available in the Encompass instance. The Order Additional Services feature is highlighted with a red arrow, denoting its importance.

Now, from the list of My Providers, select Ocrolus and click Submit.

The list of **My Providers** available in the **Additional Services** feature. Ocrolus is listed and highlighted to indicate that it is selected as the provider.

The list of My Providers available in the Additional Services feature. Ocrolus is listed and highlighted to indicate that it is selected as the provider.

Accessing Ocrolus product from the Encompass web application

To get to the Ocrolus Product from the Encompass Web Application, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a loan that has been prepared for Ocrolus Processing, indicated by an Ocrolus Processing Required eFolder container.

  2. Go to Services and select All Services from the left-side panel.

  3. If you have not yet ordered a service from Ocrolus, click Order Service in the top right portion of the page.

  4. If you have configured the product properly, you will see the Ocrolus product available under the Additional Services. Select Ocrolus and click Next to get started.

    Alternatively, if you have already initiated an order to Ocrolus, you will find an order that you can reopen by clicking the new window button located on the right side of the order listing.

Navigating the Ocrolus Dashboard

Reviewing classification results

Once you are logged into the Ocrolus Dashboard, you can review the classification results of all forms.

Document status

The following are the statuses for a document in the classification summary:

ProcessingDocuments labeled as Processing are still undergoing classification by Ocrolus and have not been classified yet. They will be displayed with a loading animation to indicate that the process is still ongoing. You can preview the original forms even though they are still in the processing phase by clicking on the form.
RejectedDocuments labeled as Rejected were not processed successfully by Ocrolus. This might be due to unsupported document file formats or sizes, illegible content, or other related issues.
ClassifiedDocuments labeled as Unknown are unable to be classified by Ocrolus because the document (or certain pages in the documents) is not a supported form type.
UnknownAll other forms that have not been rejected or are no longer in the processing stage will have a form-type classification and are available for review.

Document detail

When you expand on the document type dropdown, each row will include specific details pertaining to the individual form.

Document name

The individual document name will mirror the PDF's attachment name. We utilize a combination of uniqueness values and form-type descriptions to label the document. This name will also be reflected as the attachment in the eFolder once the document is processed.

Document Uniqueness Values (UVs)

Some documents will contain Uniqueness Values, which are utilized to distinguish the form from other forms of the same type in the Book. These values are distinct from the form in the preview.

For example, the Bank Statement UVs will have the following values:

  • Account Holder
  • Bank Name
  • Account Number
  • Account Type
  • Period Start Date
  • Period End Date

Sync status

The Sync Status indicates whether the document has been synchronized back to the Encompass eFolder. Documents currently being imported into the eFolder will be denoted by an animation and a Syncing status.

The **Group by Type** view of the Ocrolus Dashboard. The paystub preview shows unique details about the paystub to assist the lender with a fast review of the document. On the right-hand side, the **Synced** status lets the lender know this document has been synced with Encompass.

The Group by Type view of the Ocrolus Dashboard. The paystub preview shows unique details about the paystub to assist the lender with a fast review of the document. On the right-hand side, the Synced status lets the lender know this document has been synced with Encompass.

Sorting and grouping

There are multiple ways to sort and group the classified documents in the Dashboard. These features are to better assist with file management and review.

A dropdown list shows the different options available for grouping the documents.

A dropdown list shows the different options available for grouping the documents.

Group By TypeGroup documents based on their document type distinction (i.e. Bank Statement, W2, Paystub).
Group By Upload DateGroup documents by the date and time they were uploaded to Ocrolus.
Group By Sync StatusGroup documents based on the sync status with Encompass.
Sort AlphabeticallySort documents in ascending or descending alphabetical order.


The search function grants customers the ability to search for documents containing keywords. Keywords could be present in the document name, the document type, or the uniqueness values that were extracted.

The Ocrolus search bar allows a lender to search for keywords appearing on the documents. A **Bank Statement** search displays all bank statements in the book.

The Ocrolus search bar allows a lender to search for keywords appearing on the documents. A Bank Statement search displays all bank statements in the book.

Pushing documents into eFolder

Once the results are available in the Ocrolus Dashboard, the Ocrolus API will automatically push the documents back into the eFolder.

Push to Encompass

The Ocrolus API user - configured during the Organization setup steps mentioned above in this guide - will obtain a unique lock on the loan to push documents back into the eFolder. This means that there can be no other active user in the loan file as Ocrolus attempts to place the files back into the Encompass loan, in their designated documents.

If a User is in the loan file at the time of import, Ocrolus will attempt to retry 5 minutes later and will continue this retry process in increasing increments until it is successful.

When loan locks occur

Ocrolus only applies a loan lock on a loan when:

  • Uploading attachments to the Ocrolus system.
  • When the classification results are pushed back to the Encompass system.

A loan is locked because someone else is editing it. The user is being prompted to open it in read-only mode.

If Ocrolus encounters a loan lock when uploading attachments or pushing results, the system will attempt to upload/push data back at a regular cadence until the loan is unlocked.

The document names are configurable. If you need to customize a document container, contact Ocrolus customer support.

Email notification (optional)

There is an optional email that notifies the current milestone users that Classification is completed by Ocrolus and results are available to review in the eFolder and via the dashboard.

Email trigger

The email will be triggered by the book.classified event, which is when all of the pages within the book have been successfully classified.

Email recipients

The email will be sent to the current milestone users of Encompass. These users can be identified by navigating to the milestone in the Encompass Log and noting the associated personas.

The Encompass Log displays the individual users assigned to the File Started milestone. There is a file starter, a Loan Officer, and a Loan Processor assigned to this milestone.

The Encompass Log displays the individual users assigned to the File Started milestone. There is a file starter, a Loan Officer, and a Loan Processor assigned to this milestone.

Email content

Each email notification will appear identical and come from the same email address i.e., [email protected]. The email subject line and body will contain the Encompass loan application number for easy reference. This email will notify the relevant milestone associates that documents have been classified and are available for review via the Ocrolus dashboard.

An email notification with the subject **Ocrolus documents for TEST230703715 have been classified**. This email notifies the Encompass end user that Ocrolus has completed the classification step and is available for further review.

An email notification with the subject Ocrolus documents for TEST230703715 have been classified. This email notifies the Encompass end user that Ocrolus has completed the classification step and is available for further review.

Retry policies

Ocrolus APIs interaction with Encompass adheres to an exponential retry policy. After the sixth retry, an Ocrolus Customer Success team member will reach out to your company's point of contact to raise the issue.

Attachment ingestion

When a loan is locked by a user in Encompass, Ocrolus will be unable to ingest any attachments that do not meet the criteria for upload. When this occurs Ocrolus will attempt to enter the loan again as per the below retry policy.

Retry AttemptDuration
First10 minutes after the first attempt
Second20 minutes after the first attempt
Third40 minutes after the first attempt
Fourth80 minutes after the first attempt
Fifth160 minutes after the first attempt
Sixth320 minutes after the first attempt

Attachment reindexing and Capture

In the event that Ocrolus has completed classifying and capturing data from an attachment or a set of attachments and cannot access the loan because it is locked, Ocrolus will attempt to reenter the loan again as per the below retry policy.

Retry AttemptDuration
First1 hour after the first attempt
Second2 hours after the first attempt
Third4 hours after the first attempt
Fourth8 hours after the first attempt
Fifth16 hours after the first attempt
Sixth32 hours after the first attempt