Supporting data values


Model Name: SupportingDataValues

A specific piece of data that justifies a claim of potentially fraudulent activity.




An attribute for the type of information described in the value field. Key values could vary depending on the type of signal-identifier. Its mapping is defined below.



The value that supports a claim of fraudulent activity. The meaning of this field differs depending on the value given in key.



The logical type of the data that's described in value. The value attribute will always be represented as a string, regardless of the data_type.

Possible data types

  • str: String value
  • int: Integer value
  • float: Float value
  • bool: Boolean value
  • null: Empty/Null value

Supporting data possible keys

1.1 Signal Identifier

  • page_edited

1.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
edit_sourcestrThe name of the software used to edit the page

1.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "edit_source",
        "value" : "{edit_source}",
        "data_type" : "str"

2.1 Signal identifier

  • unusual_document_source

2.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
doc_originstrThe original source of the document

2.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "doc_origin",
        "value" : "{doc_origin}",
        "data_type" : "str"

3.1 Signal identifier

  • account_number_edits
  • employee_taxpayer_id_edits
  • employer_id_edits
  • account_holder_edits
  • employer_name_edits
  • account_holder_address_edits
  • employer_address_edits
  • account_type_edits
  • employee_name_edits
  • employee_address_edits
  • dollar_amount_edits
  • earnings_edits
  • deductions_edits
  • withholdings_edits
  • date_edits
  • transaction_description_edits
  • pay_frequency_edits
  • other_edits
  • employee_details_edits

3.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
field_namestrThe name of the field that has been edited
original_textstr or nullThe recovered text that was originally on the document
tampered_textstr or nullThe text that now appears on the document

3.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "field_name",
        "value" : "{field_name}",
        "data_type" : "str"
        "key" : "original_text",
        "value" : "{original_text}",
        "data_type" : "str"
        "key" : "tampered_text",
        "value" : "{tampered_text}",
        "data_type" : "str"

4.1 Signal identifier

  • invalid_bank_statement_txn_date

4.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
txn_pkintThe primary key of the transaction
page_numberintThe page in the document that the transaction appears on
txn_datestrThe date of the transaction
period_begin_datestrThe beginning date of the statement period that the transaction appears in
period_end_datestrThe ending date of the statement period that the transaction appears in

4.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "txn_pk",
        "value" : "{txn_pk}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "page_number",
        "value" : "{page_number}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "txn_date",
        "value" : "{transaction_date}",
        "data_type" : "str"
        "key" : "period_begin_date",
        "value" : "{period_begin_date}",
        "data_type" : "str"
        "key" : "period_end_date",
        "value" : "{period_end_date}",
        "data_type" : "str"

5.1 Signal identifier

  • incomplete_bank_statement_txn_data

5.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
page_numberintThe page in the document that the transaction appears on
txn_pkintThe primary key of the transaction
txn_datestr or nullThe date of the transaction
descriptionstr or nullThe description of the transaction
amountfloat or nullThe amount of the transaction

5.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "page_number",
        "value" : "{page_number}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "txn_pk",
        "value" : "{transaction_pk}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "description",
        "value" : "{description}",
        "data_type" : "str"
        "key" : "amount",
        "value" : "{amount}",
        "data_type" : "float"

6.1 Signal identifier

  • unreconciled_bank_statement_balance_data

6.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
period_pkintThe primary key of the statement period
page_numberintThe page number of the statement opening and ending balances appear on
period_opening_balancefloatThe opening balance of the account for the statement period
period_ending_balancefloatThe ending balance of the account for the statement period
total_txn_sumfloatThe total transaction sum for all transactions during the statement period
deltafloatThe difference between the sum of the transactions and the difference between the opening and ending balances

6.3 Example JSON

        "key" : "period_pk",
        "value" : "{period_pk}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "page_number",
        "value" : "{page_number}",
        "data_type" : "int"
        "key" : "period_opening_balance",
        "value" : "{period_opening_balance}",
        "data_type" : "float"
        "key" : "period_ending_balance",
        "value" : "{period_ending_balance}",
        "data_type" : "float"
        "key" : "delta",
        "value" : "{delta}",
        "data_type" : "float"

7.1 Signal identifier

  • online_generated_paystub

7.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
site_namestrThe name of the website used to generate the pay stub

7.3 Example JSON

    "key" : "site_name",
    "value" : "{site_name}",
    "data_type" : "str"

8.1 Signal Indentifier

  • w2_excessive_social_security_tax_wage_base_limit

8.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
yearintThe year of the W-2
social_security_wages_box3floatThe stated Social Security Wages for the year as found in Box 3 on the W-2
social_security_tips_box7floatThe stated Socials Security Tips for the year as found in Box 7 of the W-2
calculated_social_security_tax_wage_basefloatThe calculated sum of Social Security Wages and Tips (Box 3 + Box 7)
max_limit_social_security_tax_wage_basefloatThe maximum taxabale Social Security Wages and Tips for the year of the W-2

8.3 Example JSON

        "key": "year",
        "value": "{year}",
        "data_type": "int"
        "key": "social_security_wages_box3",
        "value": "{social_security_wages_box3}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_tips_box7",
        "value": "{social_security_tips_box7}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "calculated_social_security_tax_wage_base",
        "value": "{calculated_social_security_tax_wage_base}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "max_limit_social_security_tax_wage_base",
        "value": "{max_limit_social_security_tax_wage_base}",
        "data_type": "float"

9.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_unreconciled_social_security_tax_withholding

9.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
social_security_wages_box3floatThe stated Social Security Wages for the year as found in Box 3 on the W-2
social_security_tips_box7floatThe stated Socials Security Tips for the year as found in Box 7 of the W-2
social_security_tax_withheld_box4floatThe Social Security Tax Withheld as found in Box 4 of the W-2
expected_social_security_tax_withheldfloatThe expected Social Security Tax Withheld calculated using the Social Security Wages and Tips (Box 3 and Box 7) and the Social Security Tax percentage of 6.2%

9.3 Example JSON

        "key": "social_security_wages_box3",
        "value": "{social_security_wages_box3}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_tips_box7",
        "value": "{social_security_tips_box7}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_tax_withheld_box4",
        "value": "{social_security_tax_withheld_box4}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_social_security_tax_withheld",
        "value": "{expected_social_security_tax_withheld}",
        "data_type": "float"

10.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_invalid_medicare_wages_and_tips

10.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
medicare_wages_and_tips_box5floatThe Medicare Wages and Tips as found in Box 5 of the W-2
expected_medicare_wages_and_tipsfloatThe expected Medicare Wages and Tips amount based on the total Wages, Tips, and Other Compensation found in Box 1 of the W-2

10.3 Example JSON

        "key": "medicare_wages_and_tips_box5",
        "value": "{medicare_wages_and_tips_box5}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_medicare_wages_and_tips",
        "value": "{expected_medicare_wages_and_tips}",
        "data_type": "float"

11.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_invalid_medicare_wages

11.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
wages_tips_other_compensation_box1floatThe total Wages, Tips, and Other Compensation as found in Box 1 of the W-2
social_security_wages_box3floatThe Social Security Wages as found in Box 3 of the W-2
social_security_tips_box7floatThe Social Security Tips as found in Box 7 of the W-2
medicare_wages_and_tips_box5floatThe Medicare Wages and Tips as found in Box 5 of the W-2
expected_medicare_wagesfloatThe expected Medicare Wages and Tips based on the total Wages, Tips, and Other Compensation (Box 1), Social Security Wages (Box 3), and Social Security Tips (Box 7) amounts

11.3 Example JSON

        "key": "wages_tips_other_compensation_box1",
        "value": "{wages_tips_other_compensation_box1}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_wages_box3",
        "value": "{social_security_wages_box3}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_tips_box7",
        "value": "{social_security_tips_box7}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "medicare_wages_and_tips_box5",
        "value": "{medicare_wages_and_tips_box5}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_medicare_wages",
        "value": "{expected_medicare_wages}",
        "data_type": "float"

12.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_unreconciled_medicare_tax_withholding

12.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
medicare_wages_and_tips_box5floatThe Medicare Wages and Tips as found in Box 5 of the W-2
medicare_tax_withheld_box6floatThe Medicare Tax Withheld as found in Box 6 of the W-2
expected_medicare_tax_withheldfloatThe expected Medicare Tax Withheld based on the Medicare Wages and Tips (Box 5) and the standard 1.45% Medicare Tax and the 0.9% Medicare Tax on excess wages for the year

12.3 Example JSON

        "key": "medicare_wages_and_tips_box5",
        "value": "{medicare_wages_and_tips_box5}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "medicare_tax_withheld_box6",
        "value": "{medicare_tax_withheld_box6}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_medicare_tax_withheld",
        "value": "{expected_medicare_tax_withheld}",
        "data_type": "float"

13.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_invalid_statutory_employee_federal_tax

13.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
statutory_employee_box13boolDeterminiation of whether the individual is a Statutory Employee as found in Box 13 of the W-2
federal_income_tax_withheld_box2floatThe Federal Income Tax Withheld as found in Box 2 of the W-2
expected_federal_income_tax_withheldfloatThe expected Federal Income Tax Withheld is $0.00 as Statutory Employees do not pay Federal Income Tax

13.3 Example JSON

        "key": "statutory_employee_box13",
        "value": "{statutory_employee_box13}",
        "data_type": "bool"
        "key": "federal_income_tax_withheld_box2",
        "value": "{federal_income_tax_withheld_box2}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_federal_income_tax_withheld",
        "value": "{expected_federal_income_tax_withheld}",
        "data_type": "float"

14.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_invalid_state_taxes_paid

14.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
missing_employer_state_id_rowstrWhether or not the information in Box 15 is present or missing, based on whether the state the employee lives in does or does not collect state income taxes
state_wages_tips_box16floatThe State Wages and Tips as found in Box 16 of the W-2
expected_state_wages_tipsfloatThe expected States Wages and Tips in Box 16 based on whether the state does or does not collect state income taxes
state_income_tax_box17floatThat State Income Tax paid as found in Box 17 of the W-2
expected_state_income_taxfloatThe expected State Income Tax paid in Box 17 based on whether the state does or does not collect state income tax

14.3 Example JSON

        "key": "missing_employer_state_id_row",
        "value": "{missing_employer_state_id_row}",
        "data_type": "str"
        "key": "state_wages_tips_box16",
        "value": "{state_wages_tips_box16}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_state_wages_tips",
        "value": "{expected_state_wages_tips}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "state_income_tax_box17",
        "value": "{state_income_tax_box17}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_state_income_tax",
        "value": "{expected_state_income_tax}",
        "data_type": "float"

15.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_state_taxes_not_paid

15.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
employer_state_id_number_box15strThe State and Employer State ID Number as found in Box 15 of the W-2
state_wages_tips_box16floatThe State Wages and Tips as found in Box 16 of the W-2
state_income_tax_box17floatThe State Income Tax paid as found in Box 17 of the W-2
missing_required_fieldsstrA list of the boxes (15, 16, 17) that are missing values based on the state the employee lives in requiring the payment of state income taxes

15.3 Example JSON

        "key": "employer_state_id_number_box15",
        "value": "{employer_state_id_number_box15}",
        "data_type": "str"
        "key": "state_wages_tips_box16",
        "value": "{state_wages_tips_box16}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "state_income_tax_box17",
        "value": "{state_income_tax_box17}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "missing_required_fields",
        "value": "{missing_required_fields}",
        "data_type": "str"

16.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_unreconciled_state_tax_base

16.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
employer_state_id_number_box15strThe State and Employer State ID Number as found in Box 15 of the W-2
state_wages_tips_box16floatThe State Wages and Tips as found in Box 16 of the W-2
state_income_tax_box17floatThe State Income Tax paid as found in Box 17 of the W-2
expected_minimum_state_wages_tipsfloatThe expected minimum wages and tips reported for the state based on the state the employee lives in requiring payment of state income taxes

16.3 Example JSON

        "key": "employer_state_id_number_box15",
        "value": "{employer_state_id_number_box15}",
        "data_type": "str"
        "key": "state_wages_tips_box16",
        "value": "{state_wages_tips_box16}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "state_income_tax_box17",
        "value": "{state_income_tax_box17}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "expected_minimum_state_wages_tips",
        "value": "{expected_minimum_state_wages_tips}",
        "data_type": "float"

17.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_social_security_wage_base_missing

17.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
social_security_wages_box3floatThe Social Security Wages as found in Box 3 of the W-2
social_security_tips_box7floatThe Social Security Tips as found in Box 7 of the W-2

17.3 Example JSON

        "key": "social_security_wages_box3",
        "value": "{social_security_wages_box3}",
        "data_type": "float"
        "key": "social_security_tips_box7",
        "value": "{social_security_tips_box7}",
        "data_type": "float"

18.1 Signal identifier

  • w2_medicare_wage_base_missing

18.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
medicare_wages_and_tips_box5floatThe Medicare Wages and Tips as found in Box 5 of the W-2

18.3 Example JSON

        "key": "medicare_wages_and_tips_box5",
        "value": "{medicare_wages_and_tips_box5}",
        "data_type": "float"

19.1 Signal identifier

  • txn_data_unavailable

19.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
period_pkintThe primary key of the statement period.
page_numberintThe page number where the statement's opening and ending balances are displayed.
period_being_datestrThe start date of the statement period in which no transactions are visible.
period_end_datestrThe end date of the statement period in which no transactions are visible.

19.3 Example JSON

      "key": "period_pk",
      "value": "{period_pk}",
      "data_type": "int"
    }, {
      "key": "page_number",
      "value": "{page_number}",
      "data_type": "int"
    }, {
      "key": "period_begin_date",
      "value": "{period_begin_date}",
      "data_type": "str"
    }, {
      "key": "period_end_date",
      "value": "{period_end_date}",
      "data_type": "str"

20.1 Signal identifier

  • future_date

20.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
field_namestrThe edited field's name.
captured_datestrThe captured date within the field.
processed_datestrThe processing date of the document.

20.3 Example JSON

	"key": "field_name",
	"value": "field_name",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "captured_date",
	"value": "captured_date",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "processed_date",
	"value": "processed_date",
	"data_type": "str"

21.1 Signal identifier

  • future_year

21.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
field_namestrThe edited field's name.
captured_yearstrThe captured date within the field.
processed_yearstrThe processing date of the document.

21.3 Example JSON

	"key": "field_name",
	"value": "field_name",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "captured_year",
	"value": "captured_year",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "processed_year",
	"value": "processed_year",
	"data_type": "str"

22.1 Signal identifier

  • invalid_date

22.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
field_namestrThe edited field's name.
captured_yearstrThe captured date within the field.

22.3 Example JSON

	"key": "field_name",
	"value": "field_name",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "captured_date",
	"value": "captured_date",
	"data_type": "str"

23.1 Signal identifier

  • invalid_year

23.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
field_namestrThe edited field's name.
captured_yearstrThe captured date within the field.

23.3 Example JSON

	"key": "field_name",
	"value": "field_name",
	"data_type": "str"
}, {
	"key": "captured_year",
	"value": "captured_year",
	"data_type": "str"

24.1 Signal identifier

  • suspicious_address

24.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
addressstrThe address that could not be validated.
address_typestrThe type of address within the document.
confidencestrThe confidence with which the address was found to be suspicious.

24.3 Example JSON

        "key": "address",
        "value": "{address}",
        "data_type": "str"
        "key": "address_type",
        "value": "{address_type}",
        "data_type": "str"
        "key": "confidence",
        "value": "{confidence}",
        "data_type": "str"

25.1 Signal identifier

  • suspected_template

25.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
confidencestrThe confidence with which a document was found to be derived from a template.

25.3 Example JSON

        "key": "confidence",
        "value": "{confidence}",
        "data_type": "str"

26.1 Signal identifier

  • fingerprint_match

26.2 Possible key values

KeyData TypeDescription
sourcestrThe document issuer that was matched against.

26.3 Example JSON

        "key": "source",
        "value": "{source}",
        "data_type": "str"