JUMP TOOcrolus APIIntroductionHTTP status codesOcrolus status codesAPI Rate Limit PolicyAuthenticationGrant authentication tokenpostBook CommandsCreate a BookpostDelete a BookpostUpdate a BookpostBook QueriesBook informationgetBook listgetBook statusgetFile UploadsMultipart/form-data payloadsUpload PDF to BookpostUpload Mixed Document PDF to BookpostUpload Pay stub PDF to BookpostUpload Image to BookpostFinalize Image GrouppostUpload Plaid JSON to BookpostImport Plaid Asset ReportpostFile CommandsCancel Document verificationpostDelete a DocumentpostDownload a DocumentgetUpdate a DocumentpostUpdate a Mixed DocumentpostFile QueriesRetrieve Mixed Document statusgetClassifyBook classification summarygetMixed Doc classification summarygetCaptureBook form datagetBook pay stub datagetDoc form datagetDoc pay stub datagetForm datagetPay stub datagetTransactionsgetDetectBook-level Fraud SignalsgetDocument-Level Fraud SignalsgetSignal visualizationgetSuspicious Activity Flags (Legacy)getBusiness VerificationCreate business verificationpostRetrieve business verificationgetVendor authenticationputObject DefinitionsSignal analysisDocument analysisForm analysisSignalVisualizationVisualization regionSupporting dataSupporting data valuesAnalyzeBank Statement Income CalculatorgetBank Statement Income Calculator (Excel)getBook summarygetCash Flow FeaturesgetEnriched transactionsgetSMB Analytics (Excel)getRisk ScoregetAccount Level WebhooksConfigure webhookpostGet webhook configurationgetTest webhookgetOrg Level WebhooksAdd a webhookpostDelete a webhookdeleteList webhooksgetList events for a webhookgetRetrieve a webhookgetTest a webhookpostUpdate a webhookpostDate part rangeOverview Model Name: DatePartRange A range of dates within activity info. Properties start Type DateParts Required true No description available. end Type DateParts Required true No description available.