April 2024
Release notes
What's new?
Enterprise single sign-on (SSO)
We're excited to introduce an enhancement to your sign-in experience with the addition of Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. This new feature goes beyond the traditional email-password login, allowing your team to access our platform using the same credentials they already utilize for other applications and services within your organization. This integration is facilitated through your company's Identity Provider (IdP), streamlining the authentication process and bolstering security. This feature supports seamless integration with a wide array of identity providers via the SAML protocol, ensuring compatibility with IdPs like PingOne, Google, Azure, Okta, Salesforce, and more. With the capability to set up to five active SAML connections, you can cater to various departments or teams.
This is a premium feature and can be activated specifically for your organization upon request. To enable this feature, please speak with your Ocrolus Account Manager.
To learn more about enterprise SSO configuration, see our doc site's Single sign-on section.
Configure system transaction tags
Ocrolus’s ready-to-use system transaction tag categories targeted at lending use cases cover ~50 comprehensive tags for analytics. Managers can modify system tags to include or exclude specific transaction terms or dollar amount ranges. To learn more, see the Cash Flow Analytics section on the doc site.

Classify and Capture
New Classify and Capture supported Documents
The Classify and Capture supports are enabled for the following newly onboarded document:
Mortgage-specific forms
To learn more, see the All Supported Documents page.
New Classify-specific documents support
The Classify support is enabled for the following newly onboarded documents:
Click here to expand/collapse the list of newly onboarded documents
- Condominium Rider
- DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
- FHA Amendatory Clause and Real Estate Certification
- FHA Appraisal Logging
- FHA Case Query
- FHA Identity of Interest Certification
- For Your Protection Get a Home Inspection
- HUD-50112 Construction Loan Rider
- HUD-55014 Warranty for New Manufactured Home
- HUD-92051 Compliance Inspection Report
- HUD-92541 Builder's Certification of Plans Specifications & Site
- HUD-92544 Warranty of Completion of Construction
- HUD-92800.5B Conditional Commitment
- HUD-92900-A HUD Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application
- HUD-92900-B Important Notice to Homebuyers
- HUD-92900-LT FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary
- HUD Appraised Value Disclosure
- NPMA-33 Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report
- HUD-NPMA-99-A Subterranean Termite Protection Builder's Guarantee
- HUD-NPMA-99-B New Construction Subterranean Termite Service Record
- HUD/VA Addendum To Uniform Residential Loan Application (HUD-92900-A/VA 26-1802A)
- Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure Notice
- Notice To Homeowner Assumption of HUD/FHA Insured Loans
- Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rider
- Power Of Attorney (POA) Certification (Live and Well)
- Rehabilitation Loan Rider
- Termite Inspection Report
- RD 1980-18 Conditional Commitment for Single Family Housing Loan Guarantee
- RD 3555-11 Lender Record Change
- RD 3555-17 Loan Note Guarantee
- RD 3555-21 Request for Single Family Housing Loan Guarantee
- VA 26-0286 VA Loan Summary Sheet
- VA 26-0551 Debt Questionnaire
- VA 26-0592 Counseling Checklist for Military Homebuyers
- VA 26-1805 Request for Determination of Reasonable Value
- VA 26-1880 Request for a Certificate Of Eligibility
- VA 26-6393 Loan Analysis
- VA 26-6705B Credit Statement of Prospective Purchaser
- VA 26-8599 Manufactured Home Warranty
- VA Assumption Notice
- VA Child Care Statement
- VA Escape Clause
- VA Lender Certification
- VA Lender's Notice of Value
- VA Nearest Living Relative Statement
- VA Rate Reduction Certification
- Your Home Loan Toolkit
To know more, see the All Supported Documents page.
Ocrolus for Mortgage Lenders
Liquidity Ratio
Mortgage lenders utilizing the Analyze solution will now have access to liquidity ratios computed for self-employed borrowers based on their tax returns from Forms 1065, 1120S, or 1120 related to their businesses. Three distinct ratios are available for calculating a business's liquidity. Ocrolus utilizes the Quick Ratio derived from the last two years of business returns and presents this information on the Income screen for the lender's review.

To learn more about the Liquidity Ratio, see the Liquidity Ratio section of the guide.