December 2023
Release notes
What's new?
Classify and Capture
New Classify and Capture supported Documents
The Classify and Capture supports are enabled for the following newly onboarded documents:
Mortgage specific forms
Other forms
To learn more, see the All Supported Documents page.
Customized transaction tagging
Earlier, the transaction tagging/enrichment was done only using an internal tagging algorithm and rules. Now, we've introduced a new customized transaction tagging feature in the Ocrolus Dashboard. You can create a specific customized tag for a set of transactions based on logic that is more relevant to your industry, business, and individual needs using term-matching logic on our platform. This includes your specified list of exact inclusion terms, exact exclusion terms, and optional amount thresholds.

You can create the tags using the Tag Management dropdown available under the profile icon. This list page will help you create, view, edit, and delete the tag as and when required.

When you click the ADD TAG button, a popup will appear where you need to enter the following details:
- Tag name (required)
- Tag description
- Tag Color
- Exact include terms (Required)
- Exact exclude terms
- Amount thresholds/ranges

Any modifications made to the existing tags will immediately reflect on all the related analytics calculations. This feature is available for all SMB customers.